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雪瑞・孟德森(Cheryl Mendelson),美国作家,出生于宾夕法尼亚州格林县农家,先后获得罗切斯特大学哲学博士学位和哈佛大学法学院法学博士学位。曾在纽约从事律师工作,并在普渡大学和哥伦比亚大学巴纳德学院教授哲学。1999年,她出版了《家事抚慰:食物、衣物,以及合理的家事计划》(Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House),后出版小说三部曲《晨边高地》(Morningside Heights)、《爱,工作,孩子》(Love, Work, Children)、《一切为了简》(Anything for Jane)。目前雪瑞与丈夫和儿子一起生活。


I am a working woman with a secret life: I keep house. An off-and-on2) lawyer and professor in public, in private I launder3) and clean, cook from the hip, and devote serious time and energy to a domestic routine not so different from the one that defined my grandmothers as “housewives.” When I want a good read, I reach for my collection of old housekeeping manuals. The part of me that enjoys housekeeping and the comforts it provides is central to my character.

Until now, I have almost entirely concealed this passion for domesticity. No one meeting me for the first time would suspect that I squander my time knitting or my mental reserves remembering household facts such as the date when the carpets and mattresses were last rotated. Without thinking much about it, I knew I would not want this information about me to get around. After all, I belong to the first generation of women who worked more than they stayed home. We knew that no judge would credit the legal briefs of a housewife, no university would give tenure to one, no corporation would promote one, and no one who mattered would talk to one at a party.

Being perceived as excessively domestic can get you socially ostracized4). When I made hand-rolled pasta for a dinner, I learned the hard way that some guests will find this annoying, as they do not feel comfortable eating a meal that they regard as the product of too much trouble. When my son was in nursery school, I made the mistake of spending a few hours sewing for him a Halloween astronaut costume of metallic cloth, earning the disgust, suspicion, and hard stares of many a fellow parent who had bought a Batman or Esmeralda costume. When I finally had to begin disclosing to friends and acquaintances just what the long book was about that I had been working on for so many years, I got a lot of those stares. Many times my courage failed me when painful silences followed my confession, “No, not a history of housework, an explanation of it―a practical book on how you make the bed and make a comfortable home,” or “No, nothing about recipes, bouquets, gardening, monogramming, decorating, or crafts. It’s about how a home works, not how it looks―what different fabrics are for, pantry and refrigeration storage, laundering and ironing, tuning the piano, cleaning and dusting, household records, books, laws, germs, allergies, and safety.” I managed to persevere partly because not everyone responded with that stare; there was enthusiasm as well. And I was struck that no one responded with bored indifference. The topic was clearly hot―too hot for some people to handle, heartwarming to others.



