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The history of our exploration of space goes back to October 4,1957,when the USSR launched the first ever man-made object into space. The USSR went on to launch the first dog into space,the first man into space,and then in 1963 the first woman. The space race would ultimately① end with the U.S. landing of Apollo 11 on the Moon in July 1969.

The history of human space flight has been led by the U.S. and Russia. Even now, they play a leading role in the area of human space flight. NASA② has hundreds of astronauts③,and at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonauts Training Centre in Russia cosmonauts are in active training(when they are not in space). Other countries are less involved in human exploration of space. ESA(European Space Agency)has a human space flight group with 16 astronauts. Japan and Canada are also involved;each has had at least one astronaut fly with NASA. China joined the list of nations which have independently launched people into space on October 15,2003 when they successfully launched their first taikonaut(from the Chinese word taikong,meaning space).

Here is a list of some of the famous human space programmes.

Vostok:the Russian space craft that put the first person into space.

Mercury:the first American programme to put men into space.

Gemini:the second U.S. manned space flight programme.

Apollo:the programme which put Americans onto the Moon.

Mir:the Russian space station that orbited Earth for 11 years!“Mir” is the word for “peace” in Russian.

Shenzhou:the series of missions which saw China become the third nation into space.

The explosion of the Columbia orbiter on its return to Earth on February 1,2003 was a terrible accident no one was expecting. It has thrown the Shuttle programme into review and caused all Shuttle flights to be put off. What other results this accident will have on human space flight as a whole remain to be seen. On January 14,2004,U.S. President George W. Bush called for the Shuttle programme to be ended by 2010 and replaced by Crew Exploration Vehicle, which would return astronauts to the Moon by 2020 and finally lead to the construction of a lunar④ base and a manned mission to Mars. On July 21,2011 the space shuttle Atlantis landed at Kennedy Space Center,ending the era of the space Shuttle programme.


① ultimately adv. 最后

② NASA abbr. 美国国家航空航天局

③ astronaut n. 宇航员

④ lunar adj. 月亮的,月球的


1.When did human beings begin to explore the space?


2.Which countries or areas are mentioned as having programmes of human space flights?


3.What might be the results of the explosion off the Columbia orbiter?


4.What’s the U.S.’s next plan on the Moon?



1. 答案为“On October 4,1957”。由第一段的第一句可知答案。

2. 答案为“The U.S.,Russia,Europe,Japan,Canada and China”。综合第二段可知答案。

3. 答案为“It has thrown the Shuttle programme into review and caused all Shuttle flights to be put off”。由最后一段的第二句可知答案。

4. 答案为“It will return astronauts to the Moon by 2020 and finally lead to the construction of a lunar base”。由最后一段的倒数第二句可知答案。


1. A. citizen B. student

C. teacher D. worker

2. A. consisted B. consisting of

C. consisting D. consisted of

3. A. ability B. technique

C. technology D. skills

4. A. dreaming of B. dream of

C. dreamed of D. dreaming

5. A. as B. on C. in D. of

6. A. candidates B. students

C. astronauts D. farmers

7. A. dealing B. treating

C. skills D. training

8. A. living B. survival

C. lived D. survived

9. A. in case B. in case of

C. in case about D. in casing

10. A. identify B. identified

C. identifying D. to identify

11. A. man B. the man

C. manned D. men

12. A. press B. pressing

C. pressure D. journal


1~ 4 ABAC 5~8 AADB 9~12 ABCA