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[摘要] 目的 探讨rgs20基因表达与Luminal型乳腺癌临床病理特征的关系。 方法 利用癌症基因组图谱数据库(TCGA数据库)筛选出1023例乳腺癌病例和98例癌旁对照样本,收集RGS20基因表达谱资料和临床信息资料,分析RGS20基因表达与乳腺癌临床病理特征的相关性及对预后的影响。结果 RGS20基因在不同乳腺癌分子分型中存在明显的表达差异,其中在luminal乳腺癌为低表达,而在三阴性乳腺癌中为高表达。同时在Luminal型乳腺癌中,对RGS20基因表达水平与其临床病理特征进行分析,发现RGS20基因表达水平与人种存在相关性(P

[关键词] RGS20;乳腺癌;Luminal型乳腺癌;临床病理特征

[中图分类号] R737.9 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-9701(2016)36-0021-05

[Abstract] Objective To study the relationship between RGS20 gene expression and clinicopathological features of Luminal breast cancer, since the relationship between RGS20 and clinicopathological features of Luminal type breast cancer is not studied so far. Methods RGS20 gene expression and clinical information were collected by screening 1023 cases of breast cancer patients and 98 cases of paracancerous tissue samples in TCGA database. The correlation between RGS20 gene expression and clinicopathological features and prognosis of breast cancer was analyzed. Results The expression levels of RGS20 gene were significantly different in different molecular types of breast cancer, which was low in Luminal type breast cancer and high in triple negative breast cancer. the expression level of RGS20 gene and its clinicopathological features were analyzed in Luminal type breast cancer. The expression level of RGS20 gene was found statistically correlated with human race(P

[Key words] RGS20; Breast cancer; Luminal type breast cancer; Clinicopathological features



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