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"Jump!" commanded our instructor, pointingtowards the two meter end of the swimming pool.

"Jump!" Peering over the edge of the pool,I felt as helpless as a newborn duckling at its firstswim. The aqua blue ripples of the pool glidedacross the water and dared me to leave the safetyof solid land and follow them tO their mysterious,yet enchanting realm. But, I feared, at the momentI'd give in and take the leap of faith, it wouldopen up and swallow me whole.

"Jump!" I took a ragged breath, squeezed myeyes shut, and took a meager step off the edge ofthe pool. I was met with a burning sensation inmy nose and throat. Kicking fiercely, I broke outof the water, gulping for precious air.

Crouching by the side of the pool, myyounger sister and cousin began to cry.

Scary, isn't it? Believe it or not, that was myfirst day of swimming class and also my first timetaking a class in China. That summer, my sister,cousin and I had enrolled in a two week beginnerswimming class.

When I first saw our coach, I was surprisedto see such an emotionless face. She was builtlike a swimmer, with broad, muscular shouldersand narrow hips. I was even more surprised byher teaching method. After herding us all intothe pool, she made sure that we stayed there.Fortunately, I had some previous experience so Iwas able stay afloat without too much difficulty.But, my poor sister and cousin struggled.Desperately, they doggy-paddled towards theedge of the pool. But the teacher, seeing theirattempt, prodded them with a long bamboo stickand steered them to the center of the lane. Bothgirls were scared to tears.

Every morning after that first day, my sisterwould not get up from bed. She would cowerunder her covers with the excuse that her' stomachhurt. After much coaxing (and a promise to buyher ice cream afterwards) she would reluctantlyclimb out. Our grandmother would then forceus to eat a large breakfast, but the flutteringof butterflies in our stomachs made us loseour appetites quickly. The two week sessionfinally ended. And I did, however, successfullylearn how to swim. But that experience will beforever imprinted in my mind. How can anyone,especially a child, learn under such conditions?

I'm not saying that all teachers in China arelike my swimming instructor. I'm sure that thereare also many great teachers in China who lovethai- job and students. But even so, there is stilla najor difference between the two countries'education system.

Throughout my life, I have had manyteachers. 'lust recently, we had a class discussionin my level four Chinese class at my high schoolabout education in China and America. It mademe think of one of my teachers here, in the UnitedStates.

When I first met Mrs. C, my SAT tutor, Iwas drawn to her serene nature. She has a smallbuild and is extremely thin. Her doe-like eyesreflect her peacefulness and patience. Every lesson, she teaches me using a gentle voice. Ihave never once heard her raise her voice toanyone, even to students that misbehave. Shehas a charismatic air to her and can easily gainthe respect of her students. I bet even if shehad a class of monkeys, she would still be ableto teach them arithmetic. I think her greatesttalent, though, is flexibility. She can teach awide range of students because she flexibleenough to change her teaching method whenneeded. She understands that every person isdifferent and has different learning abilitiesand preferences.

At the beginning of each lesson, shegreets me warmly and asks me about my week.Then, she would update me on her week. Thisconversation is her way to allow me to relax andbecome comfortable with her. Then, we begin thelesson. Problem after problem, she explains whya certain answer is correct and why my originalanswer is incorrect. Never once does she loseher patience or make me feel stupid. After theselessons, I feel rejuvenated and in high spirits. Ifeel as if my time is not wasted and that I havegained something from it.

Just today, Mrs. C told me a story of how sheonce taught a little Chinese boy. He went to heronce a week. On one particular day, he arrived andanxiously asked her to help him study Chinesebecause he had a test the next day. Mrs. C wassurprised by his proposal because she didn't know any Chinese. Yet, Mrs. C smiled andagreed to help. Looking over his study guide,she found out that it was a spelling test. Notknowing how to read or write Chinese, Mrs. Ctold the boy to read the first word out to her.While he read, she created her own charactersfor each word. When the boy noticed, hehastily put down the paper and exclaimed,"That's not how you write that word! This ishow to do it." So, for the rest of the lesson, hewas the teacher and she was the student. Thenext day, the boy received the highest scorein his class. At this point in the story, Mrs.C smiled and told me that her goal wasn't tolearn Chinese. Instead she was helping the boybuild confidence by being the teacher and alsopracticing the characters.

She is just that kind of person. Her sincerityallows her students to become comfortable withtheir environment and regain their confidence inlearning. Rather than pushing her students to learnsomething, Mrs. C helps him or her learn to like (oreven love) what he or she is learning. Of course,initially, everyone views learning as a burden. Itis our nature. So if a teacher can develop theirstudents' interest in a subject, then that is a greatfeat.

A teacher by definition is someone whodelivers instruction. And according to thatdefinition, both my swim instructor and my SATtutor are both teachers. I can't say whose methodis better, because both accomplish the same inthe end. But I like the latter better. Which do youprefer?















(指导老师:Mrs.Lin 林余乃宁)