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If you are a frequent flyer who could not sleep well and have to keep awake with coffee to meet your client, this flying lesson will tell you how to catch both time and sleep during a long flight.





Not every young lady could meet a handsome fellow passenger the scale of Cillian Murphy on a “red-eye” flight as in the namesake movie, so try not to book flights that depart at night and arrive in the morning. There are still many who book red-eye flights with the belief that they can catch both time and sleep as there is nothing else to do on a night flight. But the reality is, not everyone can easily fall asleep on board.

Some people may experience no difficulty in falling asleep, but many others could not sleep at all. That is because an overnight flight, especially a long flight, will upset your biological clock which controls your blood pressure, body temperature, and hormone level, leading to the so-called “time difference syndrome”. You might have experiences like this―you are drowsy before boarding, but when you get on board past your normal sleep time, you get too excited to enjoy any shuteye. You may kill your time watching movie or continue work with a cup of coffee, which could be helpful for the moment, but will take you days to recover.

If you don’t want to disturb your sleep routine, avoid red-eye flights, and forget about refreshing drinks such as coffee or tea, just stick to water.

It is also advised to refrain from a sumptuous meal before flying because you will very likely sit through the flight with eyes wide open. A full stomach will keep stimulating your brain, making you too excited to have a sound sleep.

But if you do have to take a night flight, below are some tips for you to get a better sleep.

Tips 1 红眼航班又称“跨零点航班”,通常指由航空公司安排的夜间定期航班。由于美国东西两岸有3个小时时差,对于崇尚工作第一的美国人来说,完全不影响工作效率的红眼航班就成为了商务人士上上之选。“红眼航班”通常是飞机在晚上9点以后从美国西岸起飞,第二天清晨抵达东岸城市。由于乘客下飞机时大多睡眼惺忪,“红眼航班”因此得名。 Red-eye flights are scheduled night flights that depart at PM and arrive at AM. For efficiency-conscious American businessmen, red-eye flights between the three hour time different east and west coast are perfect time-saving options, departing after 9pm from the west coast and arriving east coast in the early morning. The term red-eye derives from the fatigue symptom of passengers having red eyes upon arrival.

Tips 2 同名电影《红眼航班》是希里安・墨菲和瑞秋・麦克亚当斯主演的惊悚电影。故事讲述的是女主角丽莎搭乘她最不喜欢的红眼班机,遇到了英俊潇洒的杰克逊,原本以为一段美好的缘分就此展开,但温文尔雅的杰克逊实际上是绑架了丽莎父亲想要挟持她的。

Red-Eye is a thriller movie starring Cillian Murphy and Rachel McAdams. Lisa (Rachel McAdams) has to take a red-eye flight, which she dreaded, on which she meets Jackson (Cillian Murphy), a handsome man that normally would promise a romance, but turns out to be a terrorist who has kidnapped her father to coerce her to support his plot.




Tips 3 久坐是形成深静脉血栓形成的重要原因。长期久坐的白领工作者,喜好长时间玩麻将、上网者,外出坐车旅行尤其长时间乘飞机者,由于下肢保持屈曲位时间较长而易引起“经济舱综合症”,即下肢深静脉血栓。这也是健康人突发静脉血栓最为常见的原因之一,甚至可因静脉血栓导致肺栓塞而致死。The main cause of DVT is extended sitting. White collars, mahjong players, internet surfers, and long haul travelers who sit for an extended length of time are often found to have "economy class syndrome", or lower limb DVT, which can sometimes lead to life-threatening pulmonary embolism.

Want to dress professionally as Francis Underwood in the House of Cards? Of course you can. But when it comes to a long haul flight, it is better for you to put your fitting suits in a suitcase rather than on yourself.

If you are familiar with deep vein thrombosis (DVT), you would know sitting or wearing tight clothes for extended lengths of time will lead to superficial vein thrombosis or swelling of legs and ankles. If you remain stationary for too long during a flight, blood in your vein will pool and pressure will increase, your body fluids will seep into the interstitial fluid, causing swelling in any area of the leg or foot. Loose and comfortable cotton clothes can mitigate the discomfort. Formal dresses and un-breathable clothes - nylon, PU or waterproof clothes, are not recommended, as the tightness and accumulating sweat will affect the quality of your sleep.

A pair of comfortable slippers is also more valuable than a pair of leather shoes during a long flight, because it could relieve swelling of your feet without restricting your movement in the cabin.

Tips 4 如果不愿意携带拖鞋,也可以选择比平常大半号的鞋,因为即使下飞机后,脚肿仍可能会持续数小时之久。同时要注意及时排尿,千万别因厕所远,或怕打扰邻座乘客而憋尿,否则会加重四肢肿胀的程度。 If you do not want to bring slippers along, wear shoes that are 1/2 size bigger, because the swelling will last hours after arrival. Do not hold your bladder just because the lavatory is far away or you don’t want to disturb your neighboring passenger, it will exacerbate the swelling of your limbs.






With the popularity of business jet travel, more and more business travelers want to bring their lifestyles in the air. But what we have to be aware is that your favorite food and drink might be the direct reason for your poor sleep in the air.

Spicy food for example can bring a stimulating and lasting sensation. But no matter how much you love chili, you will have to control your appetite during the flight. The spicy flavor will stimulate your brain through your tongue and mouth, putting your body on alert, and leading to accelerated heartbeat, over secretion of saliva and sweat, overworking of your stomach, and the release of endorphin. The more spicy food you eat, the more endorphin will be generated, making you too excited to fall asleep.

It is believed by many that alcohol is good for sleep, but experts advised the opposite. It is true that alcohol can help you into sleep, but it will exert a negative effect on you during the sleep. Your brain will not rest as well as in a natural sleep and you will likely wake up many times during the sleep and get up earlier than usual in the following morning due to less deep sleep.

Apart from the above, excises could also be helpful. Even on business jets, passengers tend to sit most of the time, which stresses ankles and legs, especially for taller ones. So before sleep, you can stand up, go to the lavatory, walk around the cabin, and stretch your body to help blood circulation and prevent clotting in the veins.


A sleeping pill or a double espresso before the flight may be too much for you to get or skip a sleep. In fact, some simple gears can be very effective in getting you a better sleep.

主动降噪耳机/ Noise Canceling Headphones


商务人士长期飞行同时想保持听力正常,还想在空中酣睡如常,选择一款合适的降噪耳机就可以替你解决噪音的干扰。选择降噪耳机时要注意选择具有主动降噪功能的耳机。这种耳机带有与外界噪声抗衡的降噪电路,它们大部分采用体积较大的头戴式设计,可利用耳塞棉和耳机外壳等构造阻挡外界噪声,进行第一轮隔音,同时也有充足空间容纳主动降噪电路以及电源。目前市面上的主要耳机品牌都推出了自己的降噪耳机,综合来看,Bose在主动消噪技术领域有着领导地位,消噪耳机更由Bose的首创,其推出的顶级主动降噪耳机QuietComfort 15可以隔绝掉90%的环境噪音,在同级别产品中绝对处于领先地位。德国品牌森海塞尔是世界公认领先的耳机制造商,其推出的PXC450降噪耳机采用了森海塞尔的NoiseGard 2.0主动噪音阻抑系统。它能够降低最多90%的背景噪音,使你获得清晰的通话质量的同时还能在音乐中获得放松。日本大厂AKG推出的K495NC也能在飞机上为乘客获得极佳的降噪效果。

With a 30 decibel noise, we can live and rest as usual. At 50, we will find it difficult to fall asleep. The noise in the cabin of an operating aircraft is 65-85 decibels. Long exposure in such an environment, be it work or rest, would impair our neural cells.

Noise canceling headphone is the best option for business travelers who want to have a nice sleep while not missing important information. Buy ones that can actively cancel noise through built-in circuit. Often come in bigger sizes, noise canceling headphones look like normal headphones from the outside, but have power system and noise canceling circuits inside. Major headphone makers have all launched their respective noise-canceling products, of which, Bose is the pioneer and market leader. Its top offer, the QuietComfort 15, can cancel 90% ambient noise. The PXC450 headphone, made by German producer Sennheiser, with its proprietary NoiseGard 2.0 noise canceling system, can also cancel as much as 90% noise. The K495NC headphone made by Japanese company AKG is also widely used by frequent fliers.

Tips 5 降噪耳机,采用主动噪音控制,不同于一般耳机的被动隔音。其原理为:

1. 先由安置于耳机内的讯号麦克风侦测耳朵能听到的环境中低频噪音 (100 ? 1000Hz)。

2. 再将噪声讯号传至控制电路,控制电路进行实时运算。

3. 通过 Hi-Fi 喇叭发射与噪音向位相反、振幅相同的声波来抵消噪音。

4. 因此噪音就消失听不见。

Unlike normal headphones that passively keep noise out, Noise Canceling Headphones actively cancel noise in the following process:

1.Build-in microphones pick up the signal of low frequency ambient noise that could be heard by humans (100~1000Hz)

2.The signals are then transmitted to the control circuit for real time calculation.

3.A counteractive wave at the same frequency is emitted by the Hi-Fi loudspeaker to cancel the noise.

4.And the noise is gone

超柔绒布眼罩/ Super Soft Fluffy Blindfold


Blindfold is the most widely used gear for frequent travelers. Buy blindfolds made of natural cotton, preferably super soft fluffy fabric. Blindfolds should be in dark color to effectively keep out light, breathable, and fits snugly above the nose―if too loose, it will slip away, and if too tight, it will put pressure and affect blood circulation around the eyes.

U形枕/ Neck Pillow



Your neck will be stiff and swollen if you remain in one position for a long time, especially when there is no support to lean on. A neck pillow can relieve your fatigue and ease you into a sound sleep.

A neck pillow, often in U-shape, fits around your neck and rests on your shoulder, providing a soft and comfortable support for your neck. You will be as comfortable as sleeping on bed and will never have to worry about fatigue of your neck. Neck pillows are often made of heat sensitive memory foam. By placing your neck and head in a relaxed position, neck pillows can accelerate blood circulation and prevent stiff neck or shoulder pain.