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体育运动 第8期

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1.你爱好什么运动?What sports do you go in for?

2.我打排球,也喜欢羽毛球。I play volley-ball,andI enioy badrminton,too.

3.我也很爱好棒球,可是打得不好。I'm also keenon baseball.but not very goodat it.

4.我只是个普通的业余球员,还算不上是个好的。I'm just an or-dinary amateur.and not a very good one at that.

5.你最喜欢什么运动项目?What sport do you like best?/What's your favourite sport?

6.我爱好游泳,参加了游泳俱乐部。I prefer swimming,and I be.long to a swimming club.

7.我对网球简直着了迷。I'm simply mad about tennis.

8.冬季项目中我最喜欢滑雪。My favourite winter sport is skiing.

9.我对跑步有兴趣,曾经是校田径队员。I'm interested in running.I used to be in the school track team.

10.我们国家最流行的运动项目是什么?What are the most popu.1ar games in our country?

11.我认为是乒乓球、篮球和游泳。I suppose they are table tennis,basket-ball and swimming.

12.溜冰呢?What about skating?

13.溜冰也可以说是最流行的运动项目之一。I should say that's one of the most popular sports too.

14.我们明天开运动会。We are going to have a sports meet to一morrow.

15.将要举行预赛(半决赛、决赛)。The preliminary contest/semm―nals/finals will take place.

16.下个月这里将要举行全同运动会(锦标赛)。The nationalgames/championships will be held here next month.

17.运动员也训练得很好。The prortsmen and sportswomen area11 well trained.

18.教练员和裁判员正在进行准备。The coaches and referees aregetting things ready.

19.我们将进行田径赛。we'll haye track and field events.

20.你参加哪项比赛?Which event are you going to take part in/toenter for?

21.当然是跳高。我能跳1.8米以上。High jump,of course.I canjump over 1.8 meters.

22.通常赛跑是最激动人心的项目。Races are usually the mostexciting events at a sports meet.

23.瞧,200米短跑要开始了。Look,the 200-metre dash is starting.

24.发令员发令了:“各就位!预备!”(砰!)Listen to the starter:"Onyour mark!Get set!"(Bang!)

25.加油!多紧张的赛跑啊!Come on!What a close race!

26.穿红衣服的跑在前面了。The boy in red is in the lead.

27.可是穿蓝衣的快赶上他了。But the one in blue is catching uDwith him.

28.那个高个子最先跑到终点。The tall one is at the winning postfirst.

29.今晚我们去看足球决赛好吗?Wouldyou go to watch the football final with me thisevening?

30.我愿意去。你能弄到球票真走运!I'd like to.How lucky you were to get thetickets!

31.裁判在叫队长到中场去挑边。The ref-eree is calling the captains to the centre―spot forthe toss.

32.向我方射门了。The ball is going out ofplay for a goal―kick to our team.

33.守门员跑上前接住了球。The goal―keeper is running up and placing the ball.


No.9 is taking the ball forward quickly and cut―ting in towards their goal.

35.对方中卫跑上来想截住他。Their cen―tre―half comes across and tries to intercept him.

36.5号跳起来用头顶球。No.5 jumps and gets his head to the ball.

37.多漂亮的射门!我方首开纪录。What a beautiful goal!We've opened the scoring.

38.裁判鸣笛,犯规了。There goes the referee's whistle for a foul.

39.对方右后卫对我们7号的动作太粗野了。The heave tackle bvtheir right back on our No.7.

40.裁判把球放好判罚任意球。The referee is placing the ball fora flee kick.

41.这一脚使我们领先一分。The kick puts us one point ahead.

42.裁判鸣哨比赛结束。There goes the referee's whistle for theend of the match.

43.上半时比分1比1,最后比分2比1.我队胜。The score was tied1 to 1 for the first half.The final score is 2 to 1 in our hour.

44.两队踢成平局。Both teams have the same score./The score istied.

45.两队都表现了良好的运动风格。Both teams have shown good sponsmanship.