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Michael Jackson was my first love.

It was the most intense and utterly unrequited[得不到回应的] affair of the heart. He came into my life at just the right moment. It was the early ’80s and I was about 10 years old. My family had fled a military coup[] in Liberia, and we had sought refuge[庇护] in America. We moved to a suburban enclave[飞地] near Baltimore.

As we worked to pull the pieces together, we lived in a house on a cul-de-sac[死胡同] with nearly 30 extended family members. With everything else that was going on, I was also dealing with the dawning[变得明白] reality that my father’s absence in our home was permanent[永久的].

And with my heavily accented English, schoolyard bullies[欺凌弱小者] taunted[嘲弄] me. It’s no wonder that I fell mute[沉默的] for my entire fifth-grade year.

So, what’s a girl to do when her world is dislocated, overcrowded and somewhat tortured? Hang out in her room, of course, which I did for hours on end, reading Harlequin[丑角] romance novels and dreaming of the arrival of my own Prince Charming.

When Michael and I first met, he was literally wrapped in a bow and left on my doorstep. It was my birthday and my big brother gave me my first album. I think he knew that it would be love at first listen, and that I would have to rejoin society since the only record player was in the living

room. It was Thriller, and it was thrilling.

Michael was brown and beautiful, gentle and genius. I loved his softness, I filled in the blanks of his sadness, and at night when we were alone in my room I promised to heal his heart. I would kiss my pillow and Michael would sing “Lady in My Life” to me and only me.

It won’t surprise you that I cried when I learned that Michael was gone. To me, he wasn’t the King of Pop; he was my sweet prince. He gave me my voice back as I sang along with his melodies. He taught me about love, and ultimately[最终] gave me back to my family, as we sat for hours watching each other try to moonwalk. He helped me move past the bitter to savor[尝到] the sweet.

Michael may have died of a broken heart, but even all these years later, the mended heart of this “Liberian Girl”注 still beats for him.








