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A Brief Comparison between English and Chinese Proverbs

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Abstract:Proverbs, in vivid and colorful languages, are the mirror and essence of a nation. They reflect the relations between language and culture. English and Chinese proverbs have similarities just because people’s social activities in many aspects are similar. Because of the cultural differences. This paper aims at analyzing proverbs’ commonness of folksiness, instructiveness, and also discussing their differences as they reflect different geographies.

Key Words:English and Chinese proverbs,similarities,differences

A brief comparison between english and chinese proverbs

Differences between English and Chinese Proverbs

Language is deeply influenced and shaped by culture. Language is the mirror of culture. It can reflect every aspect of culture. Proverbs are the essence of a national language and they reflect the relations between culture and language. As a result, English and Chinese proverbs are different in detailed contents.

Reflect Different Geographies

A nation’s geographical environment is a nation’s national background in which language and culture have been developing.

English is an island country with sea around it. English people live by seaside and their life cannot go on without sailing and fishing. So many English proverbs are related to sea and sailing. E.g.:

(1) There is a good fish in the sea as ever come out of it.

(2) No fishing like fishing in the sea.

(3) The best fish swims near the bottom.

The civilization of Chinese nation is originated from Yangtse and Yellow River Area, agriculture is the fundamental and crucial trade of this country, so there are many proverbs about farming culture. E.g.:

(4 ) 庄稼百样巧,地是无价宝。

(5) 人勤地不懒,勤奋谷满仓。

(6) 农夫不种田,地里断炊烟。

From above, we can find that English and Chinese proverbs reflect their different geographical environments. England is an island country, so many proverbs are about “sea”, “fish”,” sail” and so on; however many Chinese proverbs are about agriculture, such as “地”, “谷”, “田”, etc.

Reflect Different History Customs

Each nation has its own history. In the process of language development, proverbs are the products of history culture, and also they may reflect some characteristics of the national history.

Most proverbs are related to the history customs of English: In history, at B.C. 6, Roman conquered British nearly 400 years, during the 400 years, Roman culture affected British in many aspects, so in English proverbs, there are many proverbs about “Roman”, E.g.:

(6) Do in Rome as the Romans do.

(7) Roman was not built in a day.

(8) All roads lead to Rome.

From the proverbs , we can still see the past glory of Roman Empire.Chinese has a long history, during which feudal society is one of the most influential period. So there are many Chinese proverbs reflect feudal system and oppress. E.g.:

(9) 衙门口朝南开,有理无钱莫进来。

(10) 朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨。

(11) 只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。

Those people under the oppress wanted to express their voice through the language, proverb was one of the best tools for them to relieve their feelings. As the proverb “衙门口朝南开,有理无钱莫进来”says, Yamum is only belong to those governors, it’s not a place for the poor to argue, it is the tragedy of history society.

Reflect Different Religions

Religious belief is one of the most important parts of a nation’s culture, especially an important part for language constitution. Every aspects of man’s life are touched by his religion. What we can see in common are about “God”, “Devil”, “Hell”,“Church”, E.g.:

(12) God is above all.

(13) God help those who help themselves.

(14) The Devil always leaves a slink behind him.

By compares, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism play an important role in Chinese language. So there are many proverbs about them. E.g.:

(15) 道高一尺,魔高一丈。

(16) 一人得道,鸡犬升天。

(17) 不看僧面看佛面。

English and Chinese proverbs have different religious faith. Different religious lead to differences between English and Chinese proverbs. In English speaking countries, Christianity is the main religion; so many proverbs are about to “God”. While Chinese people believed in Buddhism and Taoism, so many proverbs are about “佛” and “道”.

Proverbs are the mirror and essence of a nation. They are closely related to a nation’s culture and enjoy great culture values. Proverbs reflect the relation between culture and language. Because of the cultural commonness and differences, English and Chinese proverbs have their similarities and differences in different aspects. So a brief comparison between them can help us to understand the culture of its nation.