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摘 要 本文基于德国功能翻译学派学者克里斯蒂安・诺德的翻译失误定义和分类,分析遵义市人民政府网站外宣资料的英译问题,并探讨译员在外宣翻译中应具备的素质。

关键词 功能翻译 外宣资料 翻译失误 译员素质

中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A

On Government's Publicity Materials C-E Translation Errors:

――Take Zunyi Government's Official Website as an example

TANG Junli

(Foreign Languages College of Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025)

Abstract This paper aims to analysis C-E translation problems of publicity materials on Zunyi Government's official website by using the definition and classification of translation errors, which is made by Christiane Nord, a scholar of the German Functionalist Translation Theory. Then, it discusses what qualities translators should possess in C-E translation of publicity materials.

Key words functionalist translation; publicity materials; translation errors; qualities of translators

0 前言


1 网站英文版翻译失误问题

克里斯蒂安・诺德(Christiane Nord)把“翻译失误”(translation error)定义为:“如果翻译的目的是实现某种服务于译文预期读者的功能,那么任何妨碍实现该翻译目的的(翻译方法或结果)就是一种翻译失误。”(Nord, 2001: 74) 同时,对其进行了分类:功能性翻译失误(Pragmatic errors translation errors)、文化性翻译失误(cultural translation errors)、语言性翻译失误(linguistic translation errors)和特定文本翻译失误(text-specific translation errors)。(Nord, 2001:165)下面就对选取的资料进行剖析。

1.1 功能性翻译失误


例1 (from “zunyi in new centre”)

将译文回译为汉语:“遵义在新的中心”。而原文是“来源:遵义新闻中心”,那么译文的误译太明显。应改为:(Source:Zunyi News Center)

例2 Famous for Zunyi Meeting by the Red Army on the Long March,…

“Zunyi Meeting”因特指1935年遵义召开的会议,应在最前面加上“the”。从字面意思看,“Meeting”和“conference”都可表“会议”。但两词区别在于“Meeting”用于正式或非正式的聚会或会议;而“conference”用于正式会议。因此,“The Zunyi Conference”更准确。

例3 Welcome to concern on this Website.

译文显然受汉语思维的影响。应改为:Welcome to our website.或Thanks for visiting our website.

1.2 文化性翻译失误


例1 Zunyi is also a land of rich culture,which is based on the sedimentary accretion of ancient Bozhou Culture and Shatan Culture and converged with modern Long March Culture,the culture of zhejiang University (which once moved to Zunyi),liquor culture and various other advanced cultures.


例2 As an area belonging to great Yelang, in ZhanGuo period, a district in Qin & Han period and transformed into Bozhou, Zunyi enjoys a long history. In Ming Dynasty, it became a government in Sichuan and belonged to Guizhou in Qing Dynasty.

文中出现了朝代和地名,这属于中国文化特有词,正如曾任中国外文局局长的段连城所言:“我们不可低估外国读者或听众的智力,但也切勿高估一般外国人对我国的了解水平。”(段连城,2004:78)所以,为了避免英语人士对目标文本产生陌生感和文化距离感,需要加上时间和注释。另外, “ZhanGuo period”若改为 “The Warring States period”,更能便于英语人士理解。

例3 With the implementation of the national 10th Five-Year Plan and the western development strategy, Zunyi will seize the opportunity to vigorously promote development.

“10th Five-Year Plan”(第10个五年计划)和“the western development strategy”(西部大开发)是官方通用版本。但从文化层面来看,这样的政治表达会造成英语人士困惑,不如直接删除。

1.3 语言性翻译失误


以General Introduction(2)为例,列出错拼的单词(见表1):


(原文链接:http:///ch5031/ch5042/2006/ 09/21/content_14152.shtml)

例1 Central City population 918,700.

译文存在语法错误。应改为:Central City’s population is 918,700.

1.4 特定文本翻译失误


2 译员应具备的素质



[1] 段连城.对外传播学初探[M].北京:五洲传播出版社,2004.

[2] 国脉电子政务网.2013政府网站国际化评估:近50%政府网站外文版仍在建设阶段。[EB/OL](2013-12-09)http:///index.php?m=content&c=index&a=show&catid=39&id=35392.

[3] Nord, Christiane. Translation as a Purposeful Activity――Functionalist Approaches Explained [M]. Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.

[4] Nord, Christiane. Text Analysis in Translation: Theory, Methodology, and Didactic Application of a Model for Translation Oriented Text Analysis [M]. Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2006.