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2015年7月16日 世界卫生组织和儿基会今天发表的一份更新报告指出,自2000年以来,世界上达到和维持对90%的儿童实施旨在挽救生命的常规疫苗接种的国家数量增长一倍。但报告同时指出,有65个国家需要采取“改变游戏规则”的策略,以达到全球免疫的目标。




16 July 2015 The World Health Organization (WHO) and UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) published a report today, pointing out that the number of countries reaching and sustaining 90 per cent vaccination coverage for their children, which aims at saving life had doubled since 2000. However, the report also points out that 65 countries should adopt the strategy of “changing the game rule” to reach the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) targets.

The report published by WHO and UNICEF jointly shows that the current situation of the global vaccine rate is that 129 countries reaching and sustaining 90 per cent vaccination coverage for their children with the required three doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis containing vaccines (DTP3).

In 2012, all the member countries of WHO adopted the GVAP, promising that by 2015 all the countries will achieve 90 per cent vaccination coverage for their children with the required DTP3. However, earlier this year, WHO described the rate of immunization coverage as "worrying out of track". Statistics showed that the current vaccination coverage of six countries is only less than 50%. The six countries are: the Central African Republic, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Somalia, South Sultan and Syria.

However, the joint report also shows that in the past 15 years, the world has made significant progress in vaccination. In 2000, 21 million children did not even have the first dose of DTP3, but now the number has dropped to 12 million.


Edited by Hu Chao Translated by Li Lingzi