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新目标英语八年级(下)疑难解析(Units 5~6)

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Unit 5If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!

1. If you do, you’ll have a great time. (P34) 如果你那样做,你将玩得很愉快。

(1) 此句中的if意为“如果”,用来引导条件状语从句。这种从句可位于主句之前,也可位于主句之后,如果主句谓语动词为一般将来时,从句中的谓语动词要用一般现在时表示将来时间。例如:

We’ll go to visit Tian’anmen Square if it is fine tomorrow. (= If it is fine tomorrow, we’ll go to visit Tian’anmen Square.) 如果明天天晴的话,我们将去参观天安门广场。

If you play computer games too long, your father will be angry. (= Your father will be angry if you play computer games too long.) 如果你玩电脑游戏的时间太长,你爸爸会生气的。

We’ll fly kites if it is windy tomorrow. (= If it is windy tomorrow, we’ll fly kites.) 如果明天有风,我们就去放风筝。

(2) have a great time 意为“玩得愉快、玩得高兴”,还可以用have a good/nice/wonderful/pleasant time表达此意。例如:

They had a great time at the birthday party yesterday. 昨天,他们在生日聚会上玩得很开心。

2. If we have it today, half the class won’t come. (P35) 如果我们今天举行的话,将有一半学生不能来。


Half the doctors in the hospital come from Jiangsu. 医院里的一半医生来自江苏。

half还可用作名词,意为“半、一半”,其复数形式为halves. “half of ...” 意为“半数的……”,用其作主语时,谓语动词的形式应和of后面的名词或代词在数上保持一致。也就是说,如果half of后面的名词或代词是单数形式,谓语动词应为单数形式;如果是复数形式,谓语动词应为复数形式。例如:

Half of the students are from China. 半数学生来自中国。

Half of his life is spent in making inventions. 他的半生用来搞发明。

3. If you do, the teachers will take it away. (P36) 如果你那样做的话,老师会把它拿走。

take away意为“拿走、拿开”,是短语动词,其中的away为副词。如果名词作宾语,名词可置于take away之后,也可置于两者之间。如果代词作宾语,代词必须位于take与away之间。例如:

Who has taken away my dictionary? 谁拿走了我的词典?

Do you mind taking the books away from the desk? 把这些书从桌子上拿走,好吗?

The food tastes terrible. Take it away. 这食物味道不好,把它拿走吧。

4. For many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job. (P38) 对许多年轻人来说,成为一名职业运动员似乎是梦寐以求的工作。

(1) seem用作动词时,意为“似乎”,常有下列用法:

① seem + to do/be意为“似乎、好像”。例如:

The baby seems to be asleep. 婴儿似乎睡着了。

② seem + adj./n. 意为“看上去好像”。例如:

He seems quite happy. 他看上去很高兴。

③ It seems/seemed that ... 意为“看来好像……”。例如:

It seems to me that there is something strange about the case. 在我看来,这个案子有点奇怪。

(2) 【辨析】 seem, appear, look:

seem 是“似乎”、“好像”之意,表示对某事物作出判断时虽有一定的根据,但仍然有所怀疑。



Jack seems like his father. 杰克长得似乎像他父亲。(说话人的一种主观判断)

Jack looks like his father. 杰克看起来像他父亲。(指杰克的长相看起来像)

She appears unhappy today. 今天她看上去不高兴。

5. If you become a professional athlete, you’ll be able to make a living doing something you love. (P38) 如果你成了专业运动员,你就能靠做你喜欢做的事谋生。

(1) make a living (by) doing sth意为“靠做某事谋生/为生”,其中的介词by可省略。例如:

My father makes a living (by) playing soccer. 我的父亲以踢足球为生。

(2) be able to意为“能、会”。例如:

When I was young, I was able to run very fast. 我小时候能跑得很快。

Are you able to come tomorrow? 明天你能来吗?

(3) 【辨析】 be able to, can:

can表示“能力”时,与be able to可以互换。例如:

I think I can/am able to go there on foot. 我想我能步行去那里。

can只可用于一般现在时,一般过去时用could, 而be able to则能用于多种时态,尤其适用于can所不能表示的将来或完成时态,还可以与情态动词(can除外)连用。例如:

I will soon be able to do so. 很快我就能这样做了。

She has been able to drive a car. 她已经能开小汽车了。

6. If you are famous, people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere. (P38) 如果你成名了,人们将一直看着你并处处跟着你。

【辨析】 always, all the time:

(1) always 是频度副词,意为“总是”、“永远”,表示动作重复,状态继续,中间没有间断,通常用来修饰动词的一般现在时态。例如:

His father is always at home on Sunday. 星期天他父亲总是在家。

I always work hard at English. 我始终努力学习英语

(2) always如果修饰动词进行时,则有“老是”、“再三地”的意思,带有厌烦、不、赞美等感彩。例如:

He is always asking questions. 他老是发问。

(3) all the time 是个副词性短语,意为“一直”、“始终”,表示某一个特定阶段由开始一直到结束,不表示频度,多置于句末。例如:

It rained all the time yesterday. 昨天天一直在下雨。

Our knowledge of the universe is growing all the time. 我们对宇宙方面的知识一直在增长。

The students listened to the report carefully all the time. 学生们一直在认真地听报告。

7. And if you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are. (P38) 如果你变得富有了,你将难于辨认谁是你真正的朋友。

have a difficult time (in) doing sth 意为“做某事有困难、难于做某事”。有时其中的in可以省略。例如:

He had a difficult time moving the table out of the room. 他费了很大劲才把桌子从房间里搬出去。

8. Reasons against becoming a professional athlete. (P38) 反对成为专业运动员的理由。


(1) 意为“对着、反对”。例如:

Everyone was against closing the factory. 人人都反对关闭这家工作。

We were playing football against No. 64 Middle Schoo1. 我们在和64中踢足球。

They were walking against the wind. 他们正顶着风行走。

(2) 意为“倚在、紧靠”。例如:

The policeman placed the ladder against the wall. 那位警察把梯子靠在墙上。

The teacher leaned against the blackboard. 老师斜靠在黑板上。

9. I’m going to spend time with my grandparents this vacation. (P39) 这个假期我打算和祖父母一起度过。

【辨析】 spend, take, cost, pay:


(1) spend的主语必须是表示人的名词或代词,常用于spend some time/money on sth或spend time/money in doing sth结构中,其中的介词in可以省去。例如:

Andy has spent a lot of money on books. (= Andy has spent a lot of money (in) buying books.) 安迪花了很多钱买书。

(2) take表示“花费”之意时,常用it作形式主语,真正的主语是句末的动词不定式。若表示进行某些活动时,可将“某人”放在take之后。例如:

It takes only ten minutes to walk from my home to the school. 从我家走到学校需要10分钟。

It took me ten yuan to buy the magazine. 我花了十元钱买这本杂志。


The work will take three weeks. 这项工作要花费三周的时间。

The journey took them two months. 路上花去了他们两个月的时间。

(3) pay的基本意思是“支付”,主语是表示人的名词或代词,通常用于sb pays some money for sth这一结构中。例如:

She paid fifty yuan for the coat. 她花了五十元钱买这件上衣。

I haven’t paid the doctor yet. 我还没付款给医生。

(4) cost的意思是“值(多少)钱、花费(时间、金钱、劳力)等”,它的宾语是(花钱的)人或钱。例如:

The house cost me 300,000 yuan. 我花了30万元买了这幢房子。

I like the camera, but it costs too much. 我喜欢这架照相机,但它太贵了。

Careless driving cost him his life. 粗心驾驶使他付出了生命的代价。

Unit 6How long have you been collecting shells?

1. How long have you been in class today? (P44) 今天你上了多长时间的课?

【辨析】 have gone to, have been to, have been in:

have gone to和have been to都有“到,去”的意思,后面都可以接表示地点的名词,但实际意义不同。

(1) “have gone to + 地点”意为“到某地去了”,说明现在某人已经不在这里了,主语常为第三人称。例如:

―Where is Miss Green? 格林小姐在哪里?

―She has gone to England. 她到英国去了。

(2) “have been to + 地点”意为“曾去过某地”,表示一种经历,含“现在人已离开那儿”之意,可用于各种人称,后面可以接次数,如: once, twice, three times等,表示去过某地几次,也可和just, never, ever等连用。例如:

She has been to England twice. 她到英国去过两次。

(3) “have been in + 地点”意为“在某地多长时间了”,常与表示“一段时间”的状语连用。例如:

The French teacher has been in China for about a month. 这位法国老师在中国已经大约一个月了。

2. When did you get your first pair of skates? (P45) 你是什么时候买的第一双溜冰鞋?

pair 用作名词时,有以下两种意思。

(1) 意为“一对、一双”。例如:

These socks do not make a pair. 这些袜子不成对。

You’d better buy a new pair of shoes. 你最好买一双新鞋。

(2) 意为“夫妇、(动物或关系密切的人)一对”。例如:

Many happy pairs on their honeymoon are in this ship. 这条船上有许多度蜜月的夫妇。

These birds fly in pairs. 这些鸟成双成对地飞。

Read this dialogue in pairs. 两人一对朗读对话。

3. I’ve been skating since I was seven years old. (P45) 我从7岁以来就一直滑冰。

(1) since用作连词,意为“自……以来”,引导时间状语从句。例如:

I’ve lived here since I came to Nanjing. 来南京后我一直住在这儿。

He has been ill since I saw him last. 从上次见到他以来,他一直在生病。


Since he says so, it must be true. 他既然这么说,那就一定是真的。

Since you have finished the work, let’s go to the park. 既然你已经把工作做完了,我们去公园吧。

(2) since可用作介词,意为“自从、从……以来”。例如:

I’ve lived here since 1990. 从1990年以来我一直住在这儿。

I haven’t heard from her since last year. 自去年以来,我再没收到过她的来信。

(3) since还可用作副词,意为“自那时以来”。例如:

I saw him last year, but we haven’t met since. 去年我见过他,但从那以后我们就没再见过面。

4. Here, students are skating to raise money for charity. (P46) 在这儿,学生们为了给慈善机构捐款正在滑冰。

(1) 句中的raise用作动词,意为“募捐”。例如:

I want to raise some money for Project Hope. 我想为希望工程捐些款。

(2) 【辨析】 lift, raise, rise:


① lift是指用体力或机械力把某物从地面举到一定的高度。例如:

He lifted the box up. 他拎起了这个箱子。

② raise强调抬高动作的姿势,有时可与lift通用。例如:

This is too heavy for me to raise/lift. 这个东西太重我举不起来。

③ rise是不及物动词,表示“升起、上升;起立;起床”之意,它说明主语自身由低而高的变化过程。例如:

She rose from her seat. 她从座位上站了起来。

The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。

5. Three and a half years. (P46) 三年半。

three and a half years意为“三年半”,与three years and a half同义。表达“几个半”,常用“数词 + and + a half + 名词复数”或“数词 + 名词复数 + and + a half”。 例如: five and a half hours (= five hours and a half)五个半小时; two and a half days (= two days and a half)两天半; three and a half weeks (= three weeks and a half)三周半

6. My mom says I have to stop, because we’ve run out of room to store them. (P48) 妈妈说我得停了,因为我们已经没地方存放这些东西了。

(1) run out of意为“用完、用尽;从……跑出”。例如:

I have already run out of my ink. 我的墨水早已用完了。

She ran out (of the house) to see what was happening. 她(从房子里)跑出去,看看出了什么事。

(2) 【辨析】 room, place, space:

① room 有两种含义,一为“房间”,是可数名词;二为“空间、场所”或“余地”,是不可数名词,其前可用little, much, no, plenty of等词语修饰。 make room for意为“给……让出地方”, take up room意为“占地方”, leave room for意为“留出空间/余地给……”。例如:

There is much room for improvement in your work. 你的工作大有改进的余地。

② place指 “地方、场所、位置”,是可数名词。 take one’s place意为 “就座、入席”,in place意为“在适当的位置”。例如:

Nanjing is a hot place in summer. 夏天,南京是一个炎热的地方。

③ space意为“空间”,是不可数名词;作“空隙、空白”讲时, space是可数名词。例如:

There isn’t spare/room here for you to stay. 这儿没有你们呆的地方。

7. If you know anyone else who collects them, please tell me. (P48) 如果你还知道别的人收集它们,请告诉我。

(1) anyone 是不定代词,意为“某人”,用于疑问句、条件句和否定句中。例如:

Does anyone live on this island? 有人住在这个岛上吗?


Anyone will tell you where the bus stop is. 任何人都会告诉你公共汽车站在哪儿。

He is taller than anyone else in this class. 他比班上任何人都高。

[注意] anyone用作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:

Has anyone been to Nanjing? 有人去过南京吗?

(2) 【辨析】 anybody, anyone, any one:

anybody/anyone通常指人,表示泛指,后面不可接of短语; any one可指人或物,后面可以接of短语。例如:

Anybody/Anyone can do it. 任何人都能做这件事。

I don’t like any one of the boys. 这些男孩子中哪一个我都不喜欢。

You may take any one of the books. 你可以拿这些书中的任何一本。

(3) who collects them是定语从句,修饰先行词anyone。


The teacher who spoke at the meeting just now is having a rest in his office. 刚才在会上讲话的那位教师正在办公室休息。 (who作主语,不可省略)

He knows the writer (who) we met yesterday. 他认识昨天我们见到的那位作家。 (who作宾语时,可省略)

8. I am interested in the job as a writer. (P49) 我对写作这项工作感兴趣。

be/become interested in意为“对……感兴趣”。例如:

(1) “Are you interested in Chinese, Jim?” “Yes, I became interested in it before I came to China.” “杰姆,你对汉语感兴趣吗?”“是的,来中国之前,我就对它感兴趣了。’’

(2) 【辨析】 interesting, interested:

① interesting意为“令人感兴趣的”,可用作表语,其主语通常是物;也可以用作定语,既可修饰人也可修饰物。例如:

The book is quite interesting. 这本书十分有趣。

② interested意为“感兴趣的”,常用于“be/become interested in”这一结构,其主语应该是人,不能修饰物。例如:

I’m interested in English. 我对英语感兴趣。

(3) 【辨析】 be interested in, become interested in:

be interested in和become interested in都有“对……感兴趣” 的意思。但be是延续性动词,而become是瞬间动词。因此当状语是“一段时间”时,要用be interested in。 例如:

I have been interested in football for a few years. 我对足球感兴趣已有好几年了。

表示状态时,一般用be interested in。 例如:

Are you interested in pop songs? 你对流行歌曲感兴趣吗?

I am no longer interested in dancing. 我对跳舞不再感兴趣了。

9. For a foreigner like me, the more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China. (P50) 对于像我这样的外国人,我了解的中国历史越多,我就越喜欢住在中国。

“the + 比较级 ..., the + 比较级 ...”是英语中一个重要的句式,意为“越……就越……”。例如:

The busier he is, the happier he feels. 他越忙就越高兴。

The more the speaker talked, the less I understood. 演讲者讲得越多,我懂得反而越少。

10. And although I live quite far from Beijing, ... (P50) 虽然我住得离北京十分遥远,……

【辨析】 quite, very, much, rather:

quite, very, much与rather都可用作副词,表示”很”、”非常”等意。

(1) quite用法较广,可修饰动词、形容词、副词、分词、介词短语以及名词等。例如:

I don’t quite understand you. 我不十分明白你的意思。

You are quite right. 你说得完全正确。

He is quite out of money. 他很缺钱。

It’s quite another thing. 那是另一回事。

You are quite a doctor. 你简直是个医生。

(2) very通常修饰形容词、副词或现在分词。例如:

The work is very easy. 这工作很容易。

He is a very good teacher. (= He is quite a good teacher.) 他是一位很好的老师。

He came very quickly. 他很快就来了。

The story is very interesting. 这故事很有趣。

(3) much通常修饰动词、过去分词、形容词或副词的比较级和最高级。例如:

I don’t like it much. 我不十分喜欢它。

She wasn’t much surprised. 她并不感到多么惊讶。

He’s getting much fatter these days. 近来他变得胖多了。

This is much the best. 这是最最好的。

(4) rather通常修饰形容词、副词,亦可和比较级或too连用。例如:

It is rather cold today. 今天有点冷。

This question is rather easy to answer. 这个问题相当容易回答。

My brother is rather better today. 我兄弟的病今天好多了。

He is rather too busy. 他太忙了。