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中图分类号:G633.41 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-9324(2012)03-0255-03



1.His job is to sell the _______ carvings in the ________ department of the company.

A.wooden ; sales B.wood ; sales C.wood ; sale D.wooden ; sale

资料参考答案提示: 此处考查名词作定语。wood carving “木雕刻品”;sales 作定语常用复数。答案选B.实际上,sales是形容词“销售的”the sales department of the company 公司的销售部。至于wood carvings 可以理解为固定用法。

2.The World Wide Web is sometimes joking called the World Wide Wait because it _______ be very slow.

A.may B.must C.should D.can

参考答案提示: can 表示可能性,根据所提供的情景called the World Wide Wait 可判断出全球都在等待,可能非常慢。答案选D.然而,学生提出的问题是:may 也可以表示可能性。二者有什么区别?其实,此处选can (表示常有的行为和情形) “有时会、时而可能”如:He can be very tactless sometimes 他有时太鲁莽。(牛津高阶英汉双解词典,牛津大学出版社)


Are the years you spent at school best years of your life 1._______________

Personally,I found most lesson rather uninteresting.we had to 2._______________

sit at our desks in silence and paid attention to what the teachers 3._______________

were saying.They were used to write on the blackboard and ask 4.______________

us difficult questions.We also had to do plenty of home work,and 5._______________

hand it on time.We had to wear school uniforms and obey lots of rules 6._______________


参考答案提示: 第6行把on 改为in ,大部分学生甚至个别老师认为on time 与in time 表达的意思有区别,但是笔者认为此行应在it 后加上in,即:hand it in on time.指“把作业按时交上”。再如:hand in one’s homework on time 按时上交家庭作业。


1.――How would you like your beef?―― ___________.

A.Well -done B.It’s OK.Thank you C.The stronger ,the better D.That’s enough

答案为A.学生们看到A 选项的第一反应总以为是“好的,干得好”。实际上,此处Well -done 是形容词,意为“煮得熟透的,烧得老的”。

2.――Will $ 200 ___________.――I’m afraid not.We need at least 50 more dollars.

A.count B.satisfy C.fit D.do

答案为D.学生们看到do,总摆脱不了再熟悉不过的老意思:“做,干”。原因是学生不熟悉do 的另一词条:“够,足够;适合、行、可以”。


1.A boy rode his bicycle so carelessly that he ___________ a passing girl.

A.knocked off B.fell over C.knocked over D.fell down

解析:knock off “停工、收工”;fall over “被……绊倒”;knock off “使某人摔跟头或使某物底朝上翻过去。”fall down “不够好,不能令人满意”。答案选C.注意区别于fall over.

如:I rushed for the door and fell over the cat in the hallway.我冲向门口,在过道被猫绊了一跤。

2._________ 3000 years ,the traditional Chinese culture celebrates the passing of a peaceful year and to welcome a new one.

A.Dated back B.To date back C.Dating back D.Dating from

解析:答案选C.学生熟悉date back to 与date from ,date back to……“追溯到……”。主要强调back to (时间往回推)date from “开始于……”。强调from (从何时起)表示追溯时通用。

学生不熟悉date back跟一段时间,表示向前追溯多久

3.In such dry weather ,the flowers will have to be watered if they ______________

A.have survived B.are to survive C.would survive D.will survive

解析:条件状语从句中一般不用将来时态,但可以用be to do 来表示将来的动作。故答案选B.



Mount Merapi is seen pouring smoke from its crater in this photo taken from Bebeng village in Yogyakarta ,Indonesia ,Thursday ,April 27,2006.hundreds of people have escaped from areas closest to the volcano ,following days of pressure from officials who warned the volcano could erupt within the next two weeks.

Indonesia’s rumbling Mount Merapi is throwing volcanic ash ,magma has fully covered its crater ,and a powerful eruption could come any day ,a scientist said Thursday.

Authorities (权威人士)said ,however ,they were not ready to raise the alert to the hightest level ,which requires immediate evacuation (撤退) of villagers living on the slopes of the 9700-foot peak.

问题:It can be inferred from the passage that ____________________________.

A.the dangerous volcano might cause death of local people

B.the powerful volcano is sure to force the government to transfer the local people

C.the active volcano has been watched out carefully

D.all the local people have fled away from the area.

学生提出的问题是:为何选C不选B ?

解析:从文章第三段“……they were not ready to raise the alert to the hightest level ”可以看出:“警戒状态还未上升到最高程度,说明当地民众没有死亡的危险,因此也就没有必要马上撤退。”所以选C不选B.