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Activity 1:课前热身,活跃气氛

Step 1. Greetings.

Step 2. Sing a song: The more we get together.

Activity 2:自主交流,巩固提升

Step 1.请同学们在小组内用比较级和最高级说一说和同伴的身高体重等的对比。以下是你可以用到的句子,方框内的单词可以替换。Hello,XXX, I am taller than you. My hair is longer than yours. I am

faster than you.

Step 2.听一个小组的展示同学汇报,仔细听,如果他们说得对,就说Yes.如果他们说的不对,就说No,并订正他们的说法。

Activity 3:自主探究,合作生成

Step 1.在小组内讨论并回答以下问题。小组内一问一答。

(1)What is the longest river in China? That’s

(2)What is the highest mountain in the world? That’s

(3)What is the largest city in China? That’s

(4)What is the highest city in China? That’s

(5)What is the longest wall in the world? That’s

(6)What is the highest palace in the world? That’s

(7)What is the saltiest sea on earth? That’s

(8)What is the longest river in the world? That’s

Step 2. Play a guessing game.观看一个小组表演,然后回答以下问题。小组内一问一答。

(1)What is the fastest fish?

(2)What is the fastest runner?

(3)What is the biggest animal in the sea?

(4)What is the heaviest animal on land?

(5)What is the loudest animal?

(6)What is the tallest animal?

Step 3.在小组内安排三人合作表演以下对话。然后剩下的组员根据对话内容设计问题考大家。

组员1:Hello,I am the sun. I am a star. I am very hot. I am much bigger than the Earth. I am the biggest thing in our solar system.

组员2:Hello,I am the Earth. I am a planet. I am smaller than the sun. I am one of the hottest planets in our solar system.

组员3:Hello,I am the moon. I am very small. I am the smallest of the three. I am near to the Earth, I am far from the sun.

Step 4. 在小组里PK辩论,你喜欢在地球上生活,还是喜欢在太空上生活?正方:I think the Earth life is better, because 反方: I think the space life is better, because there is no gravity,

Activity 4:自主检测,及时反馈


(1)The sun is (near) to the earth than the other stars.

(2)The Earth is much (small) than the sun.

(3)She is one of the best (student)in our grade.

(4)My hair is longer than


(5)Cheetah is the (fast)animal.

(6)The sun is very