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The Rabbit's Long

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A long, very long time ago, rabbits had long, very long tails.

One day, a long-tailed rabbit came outside to play.



" Oh! There is a carrot patch across the river. I sure wish I could have some!Hmm, how can I get across the river?"


At that moment, an alligator lifted his head out of the water.


When the rabbit saw the alligator, she had an idea. 兔子一看见鳄鱼,就想出了一个主意。

"Oh, Mr. Alligator! Why are you playing by yourself? Don't you have any friends?" “哦!鳄鱼先生,你为什么自己出来玩呢?难道你没有朋友吗?”

"I have friends." “我有朋友。”

"Really? Then why don't you bring your friend here?" “真的?那为什么不带你朋友来这呢?”

"Okay. Wait here a moment."


The innocent alligator went and brought back his friend. 天真单纯的鳄鱼去把它的朋友带来了。

"Oh, only one? You only have one friend!" “哦,你只有一个朋友!”

"No, I have lots of friends."


The alligator was upset at the rabbits teasing. So this time he brought back lots of his friends.


"Let's count just how many friends you have. Please stand in one line!" “让我们来数数你有多少朋友。请大家站成一排!”

The rabbit pretended to count the alligators as she stepped on their backs to cross the river. 兔子一边假装数着鳄鱼,一边踩着他们的背过河。

"One, two, three, four, five, six...!" “一,二,三,四,五,六……”

"Heehee! Foolish alligators!I just needed to cross the river to eat those carrots! Thanks for helping." “呵呵!愚蠢的鳄鱼!我是要过河去吃那些胡萝卜的!谢谢你们的帮助哦!”

When the alligator heard this he was very angry. So he opened his mouth wide and bit off the tail of the rabbit. 鳄鱼听后非常生气。它就张开大嘴咬掉了兔子的尾巴。

"Ouch! Ouch! Help me!"At that the rabbits tail was cut short. “哎哟!哎哟!救救我!”就这样兔子的尾巴被咬断了。

"Ho, no, no!" “哦!不,不!”

As a punishment for teasing the poor innocent alligator, the rabbits tail never grew after that. 作为戏弄单纯天真鳄鱼的惩罚,兔子的尾巴从那以后再也没有长了。