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When 24-year-old Hannah Brencher moved to New York after college, she was hit by depression and overwhelming loneliness. One day she felt so alone, she wanted to reach out to someone. And so she put pen to paper andstartedwritingletters.Letterstocompletestrangers.

Buttheseweren’tsad lettersabouthow shewas feeling. They were happy letters, all about the other person, not her. She would write messages for people to have a“bright day”and tell strangers how brilliant they were, even if they thought no one else had noticed. Brencher began dropping the notes all over New York, in cafes, in library books, in parks and on the subway. It made her feel better, knowing that she might be making somebody’s day through just a few short, sweet words. It gave her something to focus on. And so, TheWorldNeedsMoreLoveLetterswasborn.

The World Needs More Love Letters is all about writing letters—not emails, but proper, handwritten letters. Not conventional love letters, written to a real beloved, but surprise letters for strangers. They don’t necessarily say“I love you”, but they are full of kindness—telling people they areremarkableandspecialandall-roundamazing.

Brencher’s initiative has now exploded. She has personally written hundreds, if not thousands of letters. Last year, she did a Ted talk. In it, she talked about a woman whose husband, a soldier, comes back from Afghanistan and they struggle to reconnect—“So she tucks love letters throughout the house as a way to say:‘Come back to me. Find me when you can.’”—and a university student who slips letters around her campus, only to suddenly find everyone is writing them and there are love letters hangingfromthetrees.

Now there are more than 10,000 people who join in all over the world. Sometimes, they write letters to order, to peoplewhoarelonelyanddownandjustwantsomeonetotell them that everything will be OK. Mostly, though, they scribble notes and leave them somewhere unlikely, for somebodytofind.

It’saverycuteidea.SoI decidetogiveitatryand seeif I might do the same for someone else. By the time I sit down later to write my letters, I feel stupidly self-conscious and also, I don’t want to make a spelling mistake, cross it out and ruin the whole thing. I browse Brencher’s website for inspiration.

I try again, and this time bumble my way through a few platitudes.“InacitylikeLondon wherepeoplegooutoftheir way not to smile or even catch your eye, I just felt like saying hello.”I end it with a sort of waves (though no smiley face) and tellthemI hope they had a good day and that even if they had a crappy day, that this random note might have made themfeelbetter.

My next letter is basically the same, except I address it to“the stranger sitting on the tube”. By letter number three, I figure less is more, so I simply say:“You are way better than you think you are.”Which, let’s face it, we’d all love to hear someone say. I mark the envelope:“Something to cheer you up if you’re having a bad day.”I like that one. I think I nailed it.

The next part is the letter-drop: where to leave them? I slip one in the sofa in the cafe that I’m in, poking out conspicuously between the cushions so the next person notices, and drop the other one oh-so-casually on the tube, as if it wasn’t me that left it on that seat at all. On my way homeInoticeanice-lookingbikewith abasket, soI drop the lastnoteinthere.

It’skindofexciting,oddlyexhilaratingand butterfly-inducing,leavingthesenotesbehindand wondering if the person who finds one will smile or screw it straight up. I’d like to think they would appreciate the gesture, although I can equally understand why they might think I am a lunatic. But I guess, as Brencher’s experiment shows, it’s really not that much weirder to take the time to write a random letter for someone with the aim of making their day that bit brighter than it is to, say, Tweet a whole bunchofpeopleyou’llnevermeetorneverreallyknow.









