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Study on the Feasibility of English Education for the Preschool Children

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Abstract. With the acceleration of the process of globalization, english has become a bridge for communication. Preschool children English education aimed at children's exposure to English in the critical period for language learning, cultivate good heard habits to seize sensitive period of language, to improve child's interest in learning English. English education of pre-school children is a hot topic, and its feasibility has been widely discussed, some people think that pre-school children age advantage, the best stage to learn the language; opponents that should not have to pre-school children increased burden is too early learning English may lead to confusion of English and the mother tongue. This paper attempts to analyse the advantages of English education in pre-school children demonstrate the feasibility of the English education of pre-school children and pre-school English education to make a few suggestions.

Key words: preschool children, English education, Feasibility


With the development of society, English has become the lingua Franca in the world, which is the bridge of international exchange. China should also be bound to the starting point of English learning to advance to the primary school level, but now there are a lot of people advocate starting point for learning English ahead with the pre-school stage. But there has been disagreement on this starting point, this article is a summary of the main point of view and to explore the feasibility of the English education of pre-school children from the age advantage, the psychological advantage and social needs points.

2. Debate about the English Learning Starting Point

The starting point on the issue of learning English has been controversial. There are some people that should not be too early to start learning English, as the English and their mother tongue will mix phenomenon; another part of that learning English should be as soon as possible, so as to grasp source of motivation to learn and reap good results.

Support for pre-school children at the starting point of learning English mainly the following points to be discussed. First, the pre-school children age advantage, the age of pre-school children just in the sensitive period of language learning, especially in the area of voice intonation, sensitive period can be faster and better to master a language. In addition, from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, the younger kids have not things or language form very stable mode of thinking and language framework, so that would be easier to accept the new information, to build a new framework. From the age point of view, than adults learning English in terms of pre-school children's English learning will be more effective. Secondly, the purpose of high school students and adults learn English, mostly in order to pass the exam or the use of English as quickly as possible, and this study will be heavier psychological burden, excessive pressure can also cause reverse psychology, then, the greater the age, in learning English more difficult to overcome when, for example, more homework, academic requirements, busy with work, household chores, etc. Pre-school children is nothing psychological pressure, because even if the pre-school children learning English, courses are also very simple, do not usually their exams, but also in order to adapt to the needs of the child's age, most of the teachers will take a rich and interesting teaching and with pictures, games and other teaching methods for teaching, which will cause the great interest of the children, and to achieve good learning outcomes. Again, early learning English is the demand of social development, language is a bridge of communication childhood began to build and consolidate, so solid and reliable, can be handy to use in the future. And scholars to study language-learning theory, to prove bilingual learning do not result in the mother tongue and foreign language confusion. Therefore, many scholars support for pre-school children as a starting point for learning English.

People who are opposed to taking pre-school at the starting point of learning English have the following considerations. First of all, they think premature to learn a foreign language will result in the mother tongue and a foreign language mix, is not conducive to the child's language learning. If the child is frustrated early language learning, it will cause the child to lose self-confidence; will affect the future of learning in other subjects. Secondly, in order to let the children learn a lot of knowledge to perform before parents, kindergarten mostly primary school in the country is to stop this from happening. Because too premature to learn too much knowledge, not only can not achieve the desired results, but also to the children to bring enormous psychological pressure, is not conducive to the child's health, and happiness. Again, against the early learning of English people raised an important issue is that of teacher. The current situation of our country, not to mention the kindergarten, even the English in primary schools has not fully pay attention to it, many primary school English classes just for the needs of the teaching program, usually part-time teachers of other subjects to teach English, professional English teachers. The main purpose of the primary school or pre-school children to learn English is young good pronunciation and sense of language, from the current situation, the nursery and primary schools also can not completely do excellent English enlightenment teachers to provide children. Therefore, many people opposed to pre-school children as a starting point for learning English.

3. Advantage of the Former English Education

Faced with the above two points of view, I believe that despite the pre-school English education drawbacks, we should not over-exaggerate its negative effects, but should make good use of its advantages, and efforts to avoid or improve the unfavourable factors, good pre-school English education. But this is not to say there conditions should carry out a pre-school English education in backward areas. If you cannot provide good conditions for the teachers, the pre-school English education emergency will not carry out a pre-school English education. Preschool English education activities in areas where conditions permit, you can carry out the timely use of its advantages.

As I mentioned before, to carry out pre-school children age, psychology and adapt to the needs of the community advantages In addition, the pre-school English education can make learning English primary school to the successful integration of. Till the age of the pupils, the children had to have a certain ability to learn and mindset began Pinyin and English learning at this stage, both of which are represented by the same letter, in part, distress cause students also have the possibility of confusion, both the learning time is best to stagger. The primary stage of phonetic learning is a system of learning, the learning time is after a long practice test, and is not free to adjust. Therefore, I suggest the early English learning just to let the children learn simple vocabulary and expressions, without the need for systematic study of the main purpose of learning is to train the voice intonation and interest in learning English, and English elementary education in advance does not lie in the grammar, syntax and system knowledge. Currently, most of the primary school stage in the second grade or third grade English classes, homework is not onerous, but because many children attended English classes outside the curriculum is accelerated when the graduation of the sixth grade students can learn part of the grammar and tense, this is not a very easy task for the teenager, extracurricular assisted learning class slightest carelessness is difficult to keep up with the course schedule.

Based on the views of the opponents mentioned before, an increase of children learning two points, I believe that the former can be resolved to carry out the process of pre-school English education, as long as the teachers able to combine the process of pre-school English teaching children the burden and the lack of qualified teachers the psychological characteristics preparation, combines learning entertainment, games, and usually will not bring the child psychological burden. On the one hand, in the early childhood education courses can join English courses, especially spoken intensive; professor of English at the object younger, the higher the tone of voice of teachers. Early in the study, there will be a lot of kids have a great interest in English will a positive and memory, and if this time remembers the pronunciation errors or inaccurate systematic study of future be a negative impact. On the other hand, it is also possible to the existing preschool English language training, so teachers have to learn to take turns, both to improve teaching quality, and also encourage teachers to compete to a certain extent, the potential to inspire teachers.

4. The Method Proposed in the Pre-School

English Education

Preschool English education should do a good job, is very important, we have to choose a suitable teaching method of the child's age and psychological characteristics. Systemic reaction is very popular in the field of early childhood teaching. The Total Physical Response method proposed by psychologist, to emphasize the first children's language input, accept, digest and filter by children and then output. It is also consistent with the pattern of children to learn their mother tongue is to listen to the children before the age of usually do not speak or will say a few words, but you can understand the big people talk, and a certain amount of information stored in the brain, oral developmental completely after the stored information to express. This is why some adults are always surprised that do not specialize in teaching children at some stage, suddenly a lot of talking, In fact, children in opening a very long time before you speak, are carrying out the activities of language input. Systemic reaction method is to take a first input, output mode, the knowledge of actions to express, let the children according to imitate, until the Society, which is very popular in kindergarten education and a variety of early childhood institutions. In the Preschool English education, the teachers can use this method, the English vocabulary body language, or the form of game to teach children. But in the process of learning to pay attention to the roles were reversed and repeatability, after all, younger children, learning new words every day for fresh game, I am afraid that the memory effect is not good; contrary, if a child per day only plays an animal, I am afraid that in addition to the animal they play, the name of the other animals remembers inaccurate.

In addition to the TPR, teachers can also learn English in kindergarten day-to-day life of learning, such as day-to-day to say hello, eat, sleep, wash your hands, you can use the English expression. For example, the teacher upon children every day to say "Good morning", to bid farewell to the children, said "Goodbye" or "See you." Teachers can use English meal about the meals, introduced a few days later, you can try to make the children themselves say the name of the eat meals; so that learning is a gradual process, children can unconsciously learn some English words. There are the many kindergartens will start manually lessons, do some teaching aids, toys, or experimentation, production and experimental process, teachers can use English to express the entire process, but want the children to master English words should be appropriate to repeat. Preschool children learn English first principles is blending entertainment in teaching, in many kindergarten teachers put the kids often play kids games adapted into English, for example, by "wolf, wolf, what time is it?" Teachers can also find some English cartoons for kids, teaching materials, combined with animation and a particular scene, children are more likely to understand the English vocabulary. In addition, English children's songs, nursery rhymes also can be used to practice pronunciation. It should be noted that the pre-school age children to learn, can not blindly more emphasis on content, speed, and to emphasize repeated, repeated several times to ensure that the kids have learned to start a new course.

5. Teaching Research Quality Training for the Preschool English Teachers

Its cultivation, early childhood education should focus on preschool and primary school teachers not to engage in research to try to change the status quo, rising only teachers' professional quality, and can be combined with the actual better teaching activities. New Curriculum of English education in primary and secondary schools and requirements of the requirements of the different levels, visible, primary school English teachers' ability to cultivate the requirements of the English curriculum standards. To get the English in pre-school stage to promote open, we must improve the overall quality of pre-school English teacher, teaching and research capacity, in the face of the facts of pre-school teachers of English are weak, I propose the following to improve their teaching and research capacity.

Firstly, to change their thinking and understanding of the importance of scientific research, it starts from the school and teachers. Schools should pay attention to the importance of teaching and research, the teaching and research activities into the work schedule for pre-school teachers of English teaching and research requirements, set goals and appropriate incentive systems to stimulate the enthusiasm of the teachers engaged in teaching and research; itself as a teacher, but also recognize increasingly updated information era not progress means retrogression, let the subjects own teaching to keep up with the social processes, especially in English and social development needs students. In addition, relevant government departments should increase policy support and financial support for pre-school English education.

Secondly, enrich the learning resources for pre-school teachers. The school should provide a wide range of information for teachers teaching and research activities, strengthen efforts to the use of network resources. Government and schools should be given to pre-school English teaching funded, teachers should actively cooperate with the use of existing information, cooperation, collective classes, joint research, carried out some similar basic skills competition can improve the ability of the teaching and research activities, and more lectures, more Summary, more exchanges.

Again, pre-school English teachers should be more exchanges with the primary school, secondary school teachers to learn, especially English courses, secondary schools are usually more emphasis on English teaching, English teaching time for a long, rich experience, a wide variety of organizations students learning pathways. In addition to the exchange of learning, pre-school English teachers should take part in training, mainly including psychological training and professional training; both psychologically and truly recognize the importance of English, and from the intensive professional. Schools should regularly so that pre-school English teachers take turns to attend the training, including short-term English training courses, seminars, and the basic skills of poor or reorientation teachers need to participate in basic skills training, long-term basic training or qualifications postgraduate.

Finally, the power problem is also the key to actively participate in the teaching and research activities. Although the teaching profession has always been known as a sacred profession, but it also has a common feature of the ordinary occupations, teachers also need to return. Therefore, the optimization of the pre-school environment, improve the treatment of teachers, to reduce the teacher's burden, improve their working and living conditions is also a pre-school English teachers can devote to the premise of teaching and research, only let the teachers do not have the academic burden and worries, it can better guide them to all aspects of Expand the teaching and research activities.

6. Conclusions

To sum up, we cannot absolutely support or opposition to pre-school children as a starting point for learning English. Different regions have different situation, it is best to examine the actual situation of the local pre-school English learning activities carried out in areas where conditions permit. The conditions are not yet ripe for the region may suspend the pre-school children learning English, and then began to try to create the ideal environment to learn the former English learning activities; the goal is to get the kids really effective English learning.


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