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You’ve probably thought about what you’d love to do one day. But it feels so far away. Maybe you think you’re too young or you think something major couldn’t possibly happen to a regular person like you. Stop the negative[消极的] talk, because Lily Collins is proof that you can make your dreams come true―now!

Before Lily starred in movies like Abduction and Mirror Mirror, she was already a super-successful reporter. At 15 she was earning a regular paycheck[薪金] as a columnist[专栏作家] for a teen magazine in the UK. And while she attended the University of Southern California, she covered major events like the presidential[总统的] inauguration[就职典礼].

“I was getting paid to report while I was studying journalism,” she recalls. “It was amazing! I was an entrepreneur[企业家] and I didn’t even realize it!”

As much as she loved journalism, she had always dreamed of becoming an actress too but knew that to find true success, she had to pick one career. “I was interviewing people I wanted to work with,” she explains. “I had to make that conscious[有觉悟的] choice of which path to really focus on.”

Clearly, she made the right choice! Her latest movie is The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. It’s based on a popular book series―just like Twilight and The Hunger Games.

By focusing on what she really wants, the 24-year-old is one of the hottest stars in Hollywood.

The point is, you don’t need to wait to get an awesome life of your own―you just need a little determination and some helpful advice from someone who has been there. That’s where Lily comes in! She’s ready to share all her secrets so you can have the kind of full life that will make you totally happy.







“I always knew what I wanted to do professionally when I got out of high school. And I wanted to start that path earlier than a lot of my friends. Everyone has their own timing. But I was focused on what I wanted to do and I didn’t want to waste time not pursuing it.”


“I want to know what my role models were like when they were my age. Obviously, they got to where they are because of their drive or something that changed their life. I want to know what that is, because I’m trying to get to where they are now.”


“If you’re passionate[充满热情的] about something and not everyone understands it, you may

get a hard time from them. When I was in high school suggesting TV show ideas for people my age, I was told I was too young. When I was on assignment[任务] as a reporter, a lot of my friends didn’t understand why I couldn’t hang out. As long as you are doing something you love, one day those people are going to get it.”


“Teens helping teens is something that is super-important to me. In high school, I was a teen

therapist[治疗专家] in a program for peer[同辈] support. Every week you’d meet with a group of guys and girls to vent[发泄]. You got to see that you’re not alone in a lot of issues[问题] you’re having and that at the end of the day we’re all the same. You build such a strong support system out of people you never thought you would connect with.”


“If I was feeling blah[无聊乏味的], I used to let that define[作为主要特质] me, and I’d ruin my day by feeling gross[恶心的] and icky[讨厌的]. When you feel that way, you think that everyone sees it and you start to act less confident. But if you acted as if you didn’t feel that way, no one would know the difference. So now if I don’t feel great in the morning, I’ll say, ‘This is just today. Tomorrow may be different.’Everyone has bad days, but it doesn’t have to define the way you live your life!”


“I’m being more spontaneous[自然产生的]. I used to be more of a planner. I had to have things figured out ahead of time. Now I’m more carefree[无忧无虑的] and I love living in the moment. I’m starting to do a lot of the things that my friends did in their teens―taking more risks, whether it’s with fashion, hair, changing up my look. I keep thinking, I’m already 24. I know that’s young, but I feel like time is going a lot faster, and I really want to enjoy all these cool, crazy things I get to do now that I’ve got my stuff together. It’s a waste not to!”
