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摘 要 二层随机规划是由上、下层随机规划组成的,下层随机规划是以上层决策变量为参数的随机规划问题,而上层是以下层随机规划的最优值作为响应的随机规划问题,对于此类的二层随机规划问题,本文首先讨论了下层随机规划最优值的收敛性,然后将下层随机规划的最优值反馈到上层,得到了上层随机规划逼近ε-最优解集序列的hausdorff收敛性.

关键词 二层随机规划; ε-最优解集; 最优值; Hausdorff收敛性

中图分类号 O2215 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1000-2537(2016)03-0080-04

Abstract Bi-level stochastic programming is through upper and lower levels of stochastic programming. The lower level stochastic programming uses the upper decision variables as the parameters of stochastic programming problems. The upper level stochastic programming is a stochastic programming problem including a parametric optimal value of the lower level stochastic programming. For the bi-level stochastic programming problem, this article first discusses the optimal value convergence of lower stochastic programming, and then feedback the optimal value of lower level stochastic programming to the upper level, obtaining the Hausdorff convergence of the upper level stochastic programming approximation optimal solution sequence.

Key words Bi-level stochastic programming; optimal solution set; optimal value; Hausdorff convergence

二层规划问题是一种具有递阶结构的系统化问题,它包含上层问题和下层问题,其中上下层问题都有各自的目标函数和约束函数,二层规划在工程设计、经济计划、金融均衡和多层决策等许多领域的应用起着重要的作用. 以往研究的随机规划[1-7]都是单层的随机规划问题,而且所研究的二层规划模型[8-9]其目标函数和约束函数都是确定性的,如果二层规划模型中目标函数和约束函数都含有不确定的随机因素,则整个系统将更加复杂,且更具有实际应用价值,这也正是本文所要研究的一类二层随机规划问题.


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