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I have always believed in myself, even as a young child growing up in Louisville, Kentucky. My parents instilled[慢慢地灌输] a sense of pride and confidence in me, and taught me and my brother that we could be the best at anything. I must have believed them, because I remember being the neighborhood marble[弹珠,玻璃珠子] champion, and challenging my neighborhood buddies to see who could jump the tallest hedges[树篱], or run a foot race the length of the block. Of course I knew when I made the challenge that I would win. I never even thought of losing.

In high school, I boasted[自夸] weekly if not daily that one day I was going to be the heavyweight champion of the world. As part of my boxing training, I would run down Fourth Street in downtown Louisville, darting[飞奔] in and out of local shops, taking just enough time to tell them I was training for the Olympics, and I was going to win a gold medal. And when I came back home, I was going to turn pro and become the world heavyweight champion in boxing. I never thought of the possibility of failing only of the fame and glory I was going to get when I won. I could see it. I could almost feel it. When I proclaimed that I was the “Greatest of All Time,” I

believed in myself. And I still do.

Throughout my entire boxing career, my belief in my abilities triumphed over the skill of an opponent[对手]. My will was stronger than their skills. What I didn’t know was that my will would be tested even more when I retired.

In 1984, I was conclusively[结论性地] diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Since that diagnosis, my symptoms[症状] have increased and my ability to speak in audible tones[可听音] has diminished[(使)减少]. If there was anything that would strike at the core of my confidence in myself, it would be this insidious[潜伏的] disease. But my confidence and will to continue to live life as I choose won’t be compromised[妥协].

Early in 1996, I was asked to light the caldron[大锅] at the Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia. Of course my immediate answer was yes. I never even thought of having Parkinson’s or what physical challenges that would present for me.

When the moment came for me to walk out on the 140-foot-high scaffolding[脚手架,台架] and take the torch from Janet Evans, I realized I had the eyes of the world on me. I also realized that as I held the Olympic torch high above my head, my tremors[颤动] had taken over. Just at that moment, I heard a rumble in the stadium that became a pounding roar and then turned into a deafening[震耳欲聋的] applause. I was reminded of my 1960 Olympic experience in Rome, when I won the gold medal. Those 36 years between Rome and Atlanta flashed before me, and I realized that I had come

full circle.

Nothing in life has defeated me. I am still the “Greatest.” This I believe.

Muhammad Ali: I am still the Greatest of all time. This I believe.







