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教育拔穷根 职教先冲刺

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摘 要 贫困与发展是当代中国以及未来发展面临的一个重要课题。职业教育是精准扶贫、摆脱代际贫困的有效方式。贵州省委、省政

>> 教育拔穷根?职教冲刺 依靠教育“拔穷根” 突出“精准”保公平 合力拔“穷根” 弯下腰来拔穷根 挪出穷窝拔“穷根” 筑牢堡垒“拔穷根” 合力攻坚拔“穷根” 多业并举拔穷根 攻坚拔寨斩穷根 广西:“按需扶贫”拔穷根 “输血+造血”模式拔穷根 巴中:干群携手拔穷根 凝心聚力拔穷根 突泉:农牧民“抱团”拔穷根 “挪穷窝”与“拔穷根” 钟山区:精准扶贫“拔穷根” 网络扶贫为农民“拔穷根” 因人制宜拔穷根 士官任职教育应“先学后教” 摸清底数明方向 对症下药拔穷根 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.



[4]贵州省教育厅 贵州省财政厅关于2013年全省教育经费执行情况统计公告[Z].[2015-03-26]..

Abstract To eliminate poverty and realize balanced development is an important topic in future development of China. Vocational education is an effective way to get rid of poverty. The provincial government of Guizhou made great efforts to alleviate poverty by promoting the priority development of vocational education from the overall and strategic level. The province achieved remarkable results in poverty alleviation through the implementation of “9+3” education project, accelerating the construction of modern vocational education system, strengthening vocational education legal system and implementation of full coverage of high precise poverty alleviation projects of vocational education. The accurate poverty alleviation process of vocational education is also facing a large of difficult problems in the aspect of so many poverty-stricken population. In future, vocational education in Guizhou should take practical and pragmatic development in the layout of vocational education, professional structure and construction of teaching staff.

Key words vocational education; precisely eliminating poverty; Guizhou; education “9+3”; modern vocational education system

Author Meng Fanhua, research assistant of Jilin Teachers’ Institute of Engineering and Technology(Changchun 130052); Ren Jianan, lecturer of Educational Science College of Guangxi Teachers’ College