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一、1~5 CCCBA 6~10 BACCC

二、11~15 TTFFT

三、16~20 CBCAC

四、21~25 ACBBC

五、26. In 1880.

27. The sadness will last forever.

28. No, he didn’t./No.

29. In the Pushkin Museum in Moscow, Russia.

30. $137.4 million.

六、31. Save Money

32. shopping list

33. run out of

34. put it down

35. never use

七、36. How many times have you read it?

37. Who is the writer?/Who wrote the book?

38. What do you think of the book?

39. Is it far from here?

40. You’re welcome.

八、41. 他和詹有共同的兴趣爱好,都喜欢摇滚音乐和现代舞蹈。

42. Of course, they wanted to know more about each other.

43. 他是一高大、英俊的带着幸福微笑的年轻男子。

44. they became good friends and often sent cards and small things to each other.

45. 詹要她的父亲带她一起去,以便在大卫生日时能给他一个惊喜。

九、One possible version:

Dear Mr. Green,

We have a plan, but we can’t be successful without your help. Can you give us a hand? Now, our classmates want to start an English magazine. We hope you can spare sometime to help us, and we’ll be very thankful. In this magazine, we plan to set up many different columns, such as News, Teacher’s Advice, Students’ Voice and so on. The reason why we do this is to improve our English skills and open our eyes to the outside world. Here I must say, thanks for your wonderful teaching, we are enjoying your lessons very much, and you’re one of our favorite teachers.

Hope to get your reply soon.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua






Text 1 Why was Paul so angry?

Text 2 Would you mind my opening the door?

Text 3 How do you like the TV play last night?

Text 4 How long is it going to take me to get there?

Text 5 Where does Jim want to go this summer vaca tion?




Text 6

M: How are you feeling today, Linda?

W: Much better, thanks. The doctor says I can go back home in one week.

Text 7

W: May I have a look at the menu, please?

M: Here you are, madam. I’ll be back for your order in a minute.

Text 8

W: Tom, could you pass the sugar to me?

M: Sugar? Ah, I forgot it. Mary will go to the shop for some.

Text 9

W: You are late again.

M: Sorry!There was so much traffic on the street.

Text 10

M: Alice, it’s already ten o’clock. When will our customers come?

W: We have to wait another ten minutes.

Text 11

W: Dad, would you like to go to the cinema with me?

M: I’d love to. But I am busy now. You can ask your mother to go with you.

Text 12

M: Mrs. Johnson, you must take the medicine every four hours. And don’t forget to finish the bottle.

W: Don’t worry. I want to get well as quickly as I can.





Text 13

M: Hello!Spring Restaurant. Can I help you?

W: Hello!Could I order a meal on the phone?

M: Sure. What would you like?

W: I’d like fried rice and beef.

M: OK. Anything else?

W: What kind of soup do you have?

M: We have tomato soup, chicken soup...

W: Oh, a bowl of tomato soup. My office is at No.18 Center street.

M: OK, rice and beef are 15 dollars. The soup is free. And your name, please?

W: I’m Sally. I will start work at 1:00 this afternoon. Please be quick.

M: No problem. It’s 12:00 now. We’ll send them to you in 20 minutes.

W: Thank you!


Text 14

W: Good morning, Mr. Smith. How can I help you?

M: Hello, doctor. I’m always tired, and I don’t sleep well.

W: OK. How long have you had this problem?

M: Since I started my new job.

W: What do you do?

M: I’m a computer programmer.

W: How many hours do you work?

M: I work about 80 hours a week.

W: 80 hours? That’s a lot. And how much exercise do you get?

M: Not much. I don’t have the time.

W: OK. It seems that you work too much. You need to work less and find time to get more exercise.


Text 15

W: Hi, Kevin. You know the USA. Can you give me some advice? I’m going to New York next Monday for my holiday with my friends.

M: Lucky you, Ann. How can I help you?

W: First, should I take some medicine?

M: Yes, of course. Hospitals and doctors are very expensive in the USA.

W: What about some clothes? What should I take?

80. 他想停下来,但是却没停住车,还险些撞到一位正在穿过街道的老妇人。

One possible version:

Many students have their own hobbies. But it’s very difficult to deal with the relationship between hobby and study. Some students pay more attention to their hobbies, as a result, they can’t get good grades and their parents get very worried. Some other students are afraid that their grades will fall behind others. Though they have hobbies, they can’t develop them and later they will feel sorry about it. I think it’s very important to deal with the relationship between hobby and study. I will have a hobby and I do have one. On weekdays I study very hard and I finish my schoolwork on time and well. But on weekends I spend some time on my hobbies. I think we won’t get bored while studying if we have hobbies.






Text 1 How do you like the journey?

Text 2 Don’t be late again, Tony.

Text 3 What are Joe and Sam talking about?

Text 4 How far is it from Helen’s home to school?

Text 5 Which kind of music do you like, traditional music or pop music?




Text 6

W: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

M: Yes, I wonder if anyone has turned in a mobile phone. I lost it when I was watching the film here last night.

Text 7

W: How much are these bags?

M: Thirty dollars each, or fifty dollars for two.

Text 8

W: When did you come to Wuhan?

M: About ten years ago, when I was five years old.

Text 9

M: Your skirt is very nice. It must be very expensive.

W: Thank you. In fact, it only cost me ten dollars.

Text 10

M: Oh, my God. My flight left ten minutes ago.

W: I’m really sorry. Maybe you can take another flight.

Text 11

M: Miss Zhou, I’m sorry I’m late. I missed the early bus.

W: It’s nothing. Come a little earlier tomorrow, Jim.

Text 12

W: What are we going to do now?

M: Since there is no ticket for the movie, let’s go window shopping. It’s more interesting than going to the park.





Text 13

M: The summer vacation is coming. What’s your plan, Helen?

W: Well, I’m going to America for a summer camp. How about you, Jack?

M: I will go to Shanghai and I will stay there for a month.

W: Oh, really?

M: Yes. My uncle lives in Shanghai and I will stay with his family in July.

W: Will you go to the new Shanghai Disneyland Park?

M: Yes, I will.

W: That’s great!Will you go with your uncle?

M: Yes. And also my friends in Shanghai.

W: Have a good time!

M: You, too.


Text 14

W: Hi, Jim!Are you asleep?

M: No, I’m not, Mom.

W: What are you doing now?

M: I’m watching a football match on TV. It’s very exciting.

W: Turn off the TV. It’s your bed time. You can watch it tomorrow night. Go to bed!

M: Do I have to? I think it’s early.

W: Early? Look at your watch. It’s already eleven


M: But it is Friday night and there will be no school tomorrow.

W: Yes, but tomorrow you’ll have to get up early and go to visit the Children’s Palace.

M: I’m sorry I forgot about that.

W: Have you packed your camera yet?

M: No. This afternoon my father did. Do I have to take a shower tonight?

W: Of course you do. Don’t forget to brush your teeth.

M: OK, Mom.


Text 15

W: Hello, what can I do for you?

M: I’d like to have a look at some mobile phones.

W: Sure, I’ll show you our latest models. Are you buying a phone for yourself or someone else?

M: Just for myself.

W: I see. These models are all very popular at the moment.

M: I really like this white one. Can you show me how it works?

W: Yes, of course. Turn it on here. And it has a music player and a camera.

M: How much is it?

W: 3,800 yuan.

M: Wow!I don’t think my mom will let me spend that much. Shall I find some cheaper models?

W: No problem. I’ll just put this back in the box. Now, what about this red one?

M: Oh, I like this one.

W: Yeah, so do I. It has everything basic you need. And it’s a lot cheaper. This 2,000 yuan mobile phone is now on sale for 1,799 yuan. Look!I’ve got one, too.

M: OK, I’ll take it.


Text 16

M/W: Greg’s story began with failure. He set out to climb the world’s second highest mountain. But he never made it to the top. After five days, he got injured and hungry when he found a village in the mountain. The kind villagers there looked after him for several days.

Greg saw that the villagers were very poor and hungry, and some of them were ill. Also, the village school was terrible and the children wrote on the ground with sticks. Greg knew he wanted to do something to help. “I’ll build you a school,” he told the villagers, “I promise.”

Greg went back home to the USA to collect money for the school. He even lived in the car to save money!Finally he went back to the village and built the school. But this was just the beginning of something bigger!Since then, Greg and his friends have built around 80 schools in other countries.

He does many other things to help people in poor countries, too. He has got many prizes, but it’s the smiles of the children he has helped that make him happy!




1~5 AACBC 6~10 ACBCB 11~15 CABBC

16~20 ACBAC 21~25 BCACA 26~30 CDABD

31~35 DADCC 36~40 DCCCB 41~45 ADBCA 46~50 CBBBC 51~55 CBAAD 56~60 ABDCD

61~65 ABBCD 66~70 CDADB

71. increase 72. set out 73. similar

74. afford 75. behave 76. famous

77. cook 78. television 79. engineer

80. chooses 81. wins 82. newspaper

83. because 84. important 85. free

One possible version:

Alice is a friend of mine and she has been in Wuhan for two years. She is from America and majors in Chinese now.

Alice is a polite person and she is willing to help people. She has made a lot of Chinese friends. She loves collecting Chinese stamps. It not only opens up her eyes but also gives her chances to learn more Chinese culture and customs.

Her dream is to become a Chinese teacher when she goes back to America. But she feels it a little bit difficult to speak Chinese well and she needs some good advice for it.

In my opinion, she should find an interesting way to listen more and speak more. She can watch Chinese films or TV shows and discuss with her Chinese friends in Chinese. It will help a lot.

Wish her dream will be achieved soon.