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By Katy[凯蒂]

河北衡水学院外语系 赵金东

1)In recent years, research had suggested more health value from Vitamin D than had once been thought. Vitamin D is produced naturally in the blood. Sun light is a major source. It is also found in some foods, these include eggs, liver and some fish. Vitamin D is also found in pills. Vitamin D helps to increase levels of calcium in the blood. It helps build strong bones and teeth. It also helps in muscle development.

2)And it appears to do more than just protect against rickets. That serious bone disease was the reason vitamin D was added to milk. Rickets is now rare in the western world, but it is still a common childhood disease in developing countries. Rickets can cause bone pain and weakness, teeth problems and muscle loss.

3)Now researches at the Harvard school of public health in Boston say vitamin D might protect against multiple sclerosis also called MS.

4)MS is progressive disease of the centre nerves system that affects about two million people around the world. There is no curers, MS cause problems with speech and movement. The level of severity and differ from person to person. But it is usually seriously disabling.

5)The study in Boston involved blood samples from seven million members of the American military. It found that people with higher levels of vitamin D had lower rates of MS. It found that the chance of developing MS were sixty-two percent lower among those with the highest level of vitamin D than among those with lower level.

6)Alberto Ascherio led the study, he said vitamin D may become a future treatment for MS. But he says, first, scientists must carry out a large control study in which some people get vitamin D and others do not.

7)This is not the first study to show a possible relationship between vitamin D and Multiple sclerosis but it has provided the clearest evidence of a direct link.

8)The National Institute of Health said some studies also suggest vitamin D may protect against some kinds of cancer, especially Colon cancer. But it says more human studies are needed to learn if a lack of vitamin D increases the risk of cancer, or if treatment with large amounts of vitamin D could protect against the disease.

1) 近年来,研究表明维生素D的健康价值要比以往人们想象得高得多。维他命是在血液里自然形成的。阳光是一个主要成因之一。在一些食物如蛋、肝脏和一些鱼类里可发现维生素D。维生素D还可制成药丸。它有利于提高血液中的钙含量,从而形成强壮的骨骼和牙齿,促进肌肉的发达。

2) 它不仅仅表现在防治佝偻病,将维生素D加到牛奶里饮用主要是为防治重度骨骼病。目前在西方国家佝偻病已不常见。但在发展中国家中它仍然是孩童期常见病。佝偻病会导致骨头疼痛疏松、牙齿问题和肌肉松弛。

3) 波士顿哈佛公共健康学院的研究表明,维生素D有助于防治多发性硬化疾病,该病也简称为MS。

4) MS是一种不断恶化的神经中枢疾病,它困扰着世界上大约200万名患者。目前这种疾病没什么根治疗法。MS会导致言语和运动障碍,其严重程度因人而异,但一般都算是重度残疾了。

5) 这项在波士顿开展的研究是在提取美国700万军人的血样后进行的。研究表明血样里维生素D含量高的人群得MS疾病的积率要低,具体讲,维生素D含量高的人群得MS疾病的要比维生素D含量低的人群几率低60%。


