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>> 理工类院校大学生科技创新教育的现状分析与理性思考 基于CareerEDGE模型的理工类大学生就业能力分析与对策 理工类院校大学生创新能力现状分析及对策研究 理工类大学生英语听说能力现状调查与对策 浅析大学英语教学中跨文化教育的问题与对策 理工类大学生的思想政治教育资源供给探析 跨文化教育背景下的少数民族大学生教育管理对策探析 理工类高校思政理论课的教育现状及对策 理工类高校大学生素质教育基地的建设与实践 信息时代90后理工类大学生文化素质现状分析及解决策略 大学英语教学中的跨文化教育探析 大学英语文化教育的跨文化比较 理工类院校大学英语听力教学现状及对策 新媒体时代的理工类高职学生思想政治教育现状及对策研究 在艺术类大学生中开展传统文化教育的现状与途径研究 文化教育在大学英语教学中的现状分析与优化策略 浅谈大学英语跨文化教育 “互联网+”环境下理工类大学人文素质教育的缺失与重构 厦门乡土文化教育的现状与对策 浅谈西部理工类大学宿舍文化与学风建设 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.

[2] 刘正良.发达国家国际化人才培养模式的改革与启示[J].现代教育科学,2009(1):1822.

An analysis and probe into intercultural education in science and

technology universities

Zhang Huijing

(School of Law and Politics,Tianjin University of Technology,Tianjin 300384,China)

AbstractWith the comprehensive implementation of the "One Belt, One Road" strategy in the thirteenth fiveyear period, economic globalization is extending to various industries in China day by day. It becomes a realistic demand for university students of all majors to have certain intercultural qualities. It is also the urgent need to push forward the connection between the university education in China with the worldclass universities. By carrying out case study of Science and Technology universities in Tianjin, this paper analyzes the current status of and problems with the intercultural education practices for the university students, and give suggestions for the reform and development of the intercultural education in universities from the aspects of globalization of teacher resources, campus culture building and courses of humanistic quality, etc.

Key wordsintercultural education;intercultural qualities;science and technology universities;the university students