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Learn to Meet Challenges

My classmates called me“the alien”, and they avoided me like the plague(瘟疫). As a young boy, I 1 from a serious skin disease, which filled my arms with scars. The true 2 of my condition, however, was social: I lived a life of loneliness.

Doctors predicted(预言)that I would never fully recover, but my parents encouraged me to hope for the future, teaching me that my difficulty could be overcome. I therefore took a/an 3 role in fighting against my disease, trying many medications and herbs, and my health 4 greatly before I graduated(毕业). I realized that my personal 5 had led to this improvement. I regained selfconfidence and made many friends at school.

Years later, 6 my personal battle against disease, I learned a great deal about 7 by overcoming difficulties.

I joined the Culture Club as a Special Event Director. I 8 a group of six students in organizing various activities. I was the most advanced ESL student among the group. So I considered myself the most capable. But I quickly learned my 9 . While preparing for our first presentation, I was 10 with my team members and often rejected(拒绝)their 11 . I performed most of their tasks myself, allowing them to 12 me only with small details. As a result, the presentation was not very successful. The setback 13 me, and I spoke of it to the clubs director. She responded that she 14 my ability to succeed in the future. This comment filled me with 15 , for I realized that I had never trusted my own team members. 16 they were weak in English, they had many valuable talents. I immediately 17 my policy, allowing my team members to choose the tasks they desired and to complete them on their own. For our program, we had many meetings, which gave 18 to many good ideas. Most importantly, the atmosphere among us improved dramatically. We were 19 and eager to devote time to the program, and I learned what true leadership is.

My experiences 20 improved my ability to handle challenging situations.

【文章大意】 严重的皮肤病给作者的身心造成了难以形容的伤害。后来,在母亲的鼓励下,作者勇敢地与病魔作斗争,在健康状况好转的同时,也赢得了友情。然而,过度的激情和自负让他自食其果,他最终明白了集体的力量。

1. A. judgedB. suffered

C. preventedD. separated

2. A. painB. sign

C. valueD. meaning

3. A. importantB. different

C. leadingD. active

4. A. developedB. improved

C. increasedD. removed

5. A. joyB. goal

C. willD. life

6. A. overB. like

C. forD. in

7. A. abilityB. quality

C. leadershipD. friendship

8. A. taughtB. found

C. managedD. followed

9. A. mistakeB. method

C. effortD. right

10. A. satisfiedB. familiar

C. patientD. strict

11. A. desiresB. talents

C. ideasD. tasks

12. A. remindB. guide

C. showD. help

13. A. discouragedB. disturbed

C. encouragedD. educated

14. A. adoptedB. admired

C. trustedD. tested

15. A. surpriseB. delight

C. prideD. hope

16. A. AsB. If

C. BecauseD. Although

17. A. deletedB. changed

C. regrettedD. considered

18. A. birthB. hand

C. giftD. rise

19. A. crazyB. happy

C. successfulD. independent

20. A. instantlyB. indirectly

C. unusuallyD. undoubtedly