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摘 要: 由于传统的单片机开关电源节能控制系统设计不完善,可靠性和抗干扰能力均偏低。因此,构建可靠性和抗干扰能力较高的单片机开关电源节能控制系统,该系统由节能控制模块和单片机监控模块组成。节能控制模块由滤波器、脉冲宽度调制电路和变压器组成。滤波器将单片机开关电源中初始直流电的不正常波形除去,再经由脉冲宽度调制电路将其转换成方型波,并输出到变压器中进行单片机开关电源的节能控制,最终使其以低能耗直流电的形式输出到单片机监控模块。单片机监控模块为低能耗直流电提供数据显示功能,并对单片机开关电源进行实时监控。软件给出系统对节能控制模块的控制流程图,以及检测单片机开关电源是否需要进行节能控制的代码。实验结果表明,所设计的系统具有较高的可靠性和抗干扰能力。

关键词: 单片机; 开关电源; 节能控制; 单片机监控模块

中图分类号: TN86?34; TP277 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2017)02?0141?04

Abstract: Since the design of the traditional switching power supply energy?saving control system based on single chip microcomputer (SCM) is imperfect, and its reliability and anti?interference ability are poor, an SCM?based switching power supply energy?saving control system with high reliability and anti?interference ability was constructed. The system is composed of the energy?saving control module and SCM monitoring module. The energy?saving control module is composed of the filter, pulse width modulation circuit and transformer. The filter is used to remove the initial DC′s abnormal waveform from SCM?based switching power supply, convert it into the square waveform through the pulse width modulation circuit, and then output it to the transformer for energy?saving control of SCM?based switching power supply. Finally, the current is output to the SCM monitoring module in the form of low energy consumption DC. The SCM monitoring module provides the data display function for the low?energy consumption DC and monitors the SCM?based switching power supply in real time. The control flow chart of the system′s energy?saving control module, and the codes to detect whether the SCM?based switching power supply needs energy?saving control are given in software part. The experimental result shows that the designed system has high reliability and anti?interference ability.

Keywords: single chip microcomputer; switching power supply; energy?saving control; SCM monitoring module

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