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From mineral water to water slides1), things that are free in some countries often cost in others, sometimes much to the surprise of travellers venturing2) out of their homeland. To find out what bargains3) can be had abroad, we looked to question-and-answer community to ask, "What are some things free in your country that you have to buy when visiting other countries?" The answers not only revealed good deals, but a fascinating4) insight5) into the local culture.

Northern India

and Pakistan

Pretty much every grocery shop in this part of the world offers a free and generous side of fresh coriander6) and green chillies, common local ingredients in curries7) and chutneys8).

"In most of northern India, coriander and chillies is synonymous with groceries," said Khusrau Gurganvi from Varanasi.

An anonymous answerer echoed the perk9) within Pakistan. "Whenever you go to buy vegetables, the shopkeeper will give you a handful of free coriander and green chilli," the person said. "If they don't, then all you have to do is ask."


Not every free thing mentioned was a physical object. It seems that in India, people enjoy an unlimited supply of advice.

"In other countries, there are wedding planners. Here, we have aunts, uncles, uncle's uncles to give us advice for free," said Mehul Manot from Calcutta. "In other countries, there are counsellors. Here, we have neighbours: 'You shouldn't take up Arts, it's for girls. Do engineering, you'll earn lakhs10) per month.'" He added that travel agents are replaced by jet-setting11) cousins, and trendy12) friends step in for fashion consultants. Advice doesn't always have to come from just friends and family, either. "In other countries, you need to pay for consultations, but in India you can get it free of cost at tea stalls13), [on] trains, buses by almost anyone," said Kanchan Saxena, who currently lives in the United States. "We love giving advice."

United States

Fast food may have originated in the US, but the free condiments14) that generously accompany meals haven't always translated to their counterparts15) overseas. American Jon Baldwin experienced this first hand when visiting a McDonald's drive-through16) in the United Kingdom and noticed his bag of food was conspicuously17) missing the typical sauce packets.

"Excuse me, you forgot the ketchup," he told the server. "Instead of reaching for ketchup packets, she starts typing away on the cash register: 50 p," he said.

To make matters worse, the 50 p went toward just a single ketchup packet. "In the US, not only do they not charge for ketchup, they hand you like 10 packets when you ask. Literally a fist full of ketchup," he said.










To accompany Australia's great outdoors, the country offers plenty of free things to enjoy outside."Many public parks and national parks have free barbeque hot plates18)," said Christopher Mardell from Adelaide. "You bring meat and whatever else you want to cook, push a button to start it up and away you go. After 20 minutes or so, they turn off automatically, so you push the button again." All visitors have to do is keep it clean, and Mardell said most people follow this etiquette19).

In the Northern Territory20), residents can enjoy a unique respite21) from the heat. "As the waters are croc22) infested23), residents can cool down by using free water slides," said Jane M, originally from England. Leanyer Recreation Park in Darwin is just one example, with three large water slides (including a 124m-long raft24) ride) and a water playground and pool―all completely free.










Tap water25) might be free in some countries, but true mineral water usually comes at a premium26). Not so in Slovakia, where mineral springs are everywhere. "Every region has a number of mineral water sources that are open to the public and free to drink," said Juraj Spisak, who currently lives in Brussels. "Mineral springs in Slovakia each have a particular taste. Some are more sulphuric27), others are rich in manganese28) or iron." While it's still possible to buy water in shops, it's common for residents to refill their own bottles at the local springs.


In this Scandinavian country, very specific laws keep nature―and the enjoyment of it―free for all. "We have a set of laws known as the 'Freedom to roam', or actually in a more literal translation as 'Everyman's right'," said Eivind Kj?rstad. These allow residents to have free movement on roads, rivers and lakes; to search for berries, mushrooms and wildflowers; and to camp overnight―as long as it's 150 m from the nearest building.

"We divide land into infield and outfield," explained Kj?rstad. "The distinction is that infield is cultivated and actively used land such as gardens, fields, parks and roads. Outfield is everything else; mountains, forests, moorland29), tundra30), swamps, beaches, lakes and rivers." The nature laws apply to anyone anywhere in the outfield, even if the land is privately owned.




