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>> 读题时代网络新闻标题的传播价值与语言策略 读题时代网络新闻标题的语言策略 刍议“读题时代”网络新闻标题的制作 “读题时代”看新闻标题的用语规范 “读题时代”的报纸新闻标题编写技巧 网络新闻标题失范与写作 网络时代新闻标题失范现象及对策研究 浅谈“读题时代”的标题制作 “读题时代”的标题制作 论新媒体时代网络新闻标题的新趋势 互联网时代网络新闻标题的重要性研究 网络新闻标题制作失范及对策 网络新闻标题失范现象分析 论“读题时代”报纸新闻的标题 读题时代:“2012年欧洲杯”专题报纸新闻标题特点分析 读题时代下网络新闻受众的社会安全感知 “读题时代”标题制作应把握的要点 “读题时代”标题制作需把握的要点分析 网络新闻标题的规范化 网络新闻标题的现象和规范探讨 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:,2016-08-03.






Abstract: With the arrival of the "Reading Title Era",online news headlines gradually evolve into the basic reference for readers to choose and browse information,even turn into the main source of getting information. However,because of the fierce competition,the anomie of news headlines occurs in some commercial web portals. This paper analyzes the anomie of online news headlines from a comprehensive perspective. It also points out some ways to standardize online news headlines and achieve effective dissemination of online news---toimprove thepolicies and regulations on online news,to improve the media literacy of journalists,to strengthen the self-discipline of online news media,to improve the supervision mechanism of the public media and to strengthen the cultivation of talents of journalism and communication in universities etc.

Key words: online news headline,anomie,standard,"Reading Title Era",information overload,media credibility