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Buddhist culture of China furniture effect on the development of han period

Yang, oh ZhouYao shower

Shenyang construction university in shenyang liaoning

Abstract: the Buddhism culture input, not only to the Chinese soil social life, ideas, and literature, music, art, and so on with the fresh vitality, at the same time, the furniture of the buddhist tianzhu, then also came to the Chinese soil, the furniture of zhongyuan rich varieties, and promote the development of the central plains furniture. In this paper the development of ancient Chinese furniture change, from buddhist culture of input, through the comparative research, for example analysis and so on various argument, expounds its thousands of years of daily life for the Chinese way of reform and evolution, played a great role in promoting the point of view.

Keywords: buddhist culture; Ancient furniture; Furniture development

Thousands of years of buddhist culture of Chinese culture for many larger and far-reaching influence. Such as: Buddhism since the eastern han dynasty to the central plains of the northern and southern dynasties in early four hundred, through the buddhist statuary, Buddhism mural, brought into a group of buddhist high type furniture. Especially in the most flourishing tang period is even more so. Furniture as a human life, indispensable element, and the influence of natural are greatly.

Buddhist culture in China the development of the central plains, experienced a long long time. From the early han Buddhism into central China, to LiTang age in eight hundred, is the Buddhism culture in the central plains of the further development of eight hundred, is the Buddhism culture and culture in the central plain, by conflict, exclusive to infiltrate mutually absorb, and mutual confluence of eight hundred years. In the eight hundred years, Buddhism in the Chinese soil formed two climax. The two climax, for the development of China furniture, write a historic chapter.

Buddhism for great influences on the input furniture, mainly in the following aspects:

1. The Buddhism culture input to furniture style influence.

Buddhism into Chinese culture from the soil is flowing into a large number of foreign zone type high ZuoJu. Only that we see in the image of the material terms, have BeiZhou bodhisattva YaoGu form of cany chair, see figure 1;

Figure 1 figure 2 figure 3 figure 4

The northern wei dynasty double hu bed, see figure 2;

The back of XiWei monks armchairs, see figure 3;

Have XiWei the back of a bodhisattva armchairs, see chart 4;

Figure 5 figure 6 figure 7

DongWei stone carvings of single hu bed, see figure 5, and so on. These high ZuoJu type, is I zhongyuan unprecedented, and full of people.the traditional short ZuoJu completely different type. These high type ZuoJu, like a breeze, to the life with fresh air. In the Confucian scholar has been used in the quanbeiqiwen hu bed, see figure 6 quanbeiqiwen and school books figure. And in tang dynasty, when Buddhism has rooted in the Chinese soil district, and Buddhism and secular has moments of harmony, the mural of tang dynasty, Buddha picture, grave, grave fresco unearthed... Have confirmed: high ZuoJu type in the tang dynasty, especially the upper somebody else, has been widely used in the. Varieties from originally of chair, stool, hu bed, and produced a high type table and high type case, see figure 7. Its modelling also from originally of simple and development for the more complex form, see figure. The original straight legs straight foot. In tang dynasty and developed into a cut, the leg, hook, feet, left foot, the feet, and so on. Adornment also do all it XinQiao capabilities, the race to the colorful, fine beautiful.

2. Buddhism for furniture the effect of input scale:

The han, buddhist input to furniture of the scale of the influence mainly reflects in height, bring high for ZuoJu type, type in high ZuoJu drive, the other central high type furniture rise accordingly, this is our country furniture in the history of the key one page. Digging grottoes and mosque-building buddhist activities, and promoting the development of the buddhist art, grottoes statues, frescoes, and the temples of statues, frescoes more should sometimes had, this period of the statues and murals, are from lay outside the version, the character image, clothing, appliance and so on all is foreign style. At this time of day type furniture of buddhist high, and then into the Chinese soil, this to the life custom, especially full of people.the daily life style, and is a great impact, the high ZuoJu into the buddhist type the central China, Chinese ancient country full of people.the daily life way to begin to change, and with high ZuoJu type of pedal sit way, also naturally to enter the central plains life. This period in central plains. Daily life by XiDeErZuo way gradually to pedal and sit mode change. The second wave of the northern and southern dynasties is the age of the LiTang late in four hundred. This period due to wars end, sui unification, especially in the early tang dynasty "rosperity of zhenguan cure", social and political stability, economic prosperity, open national policy, the people's life and stability, and a prosperous society the situation up. The tang dynasty emperors mostly believe in Buddhism so at this moment, buddhist got the general belief, buddhist culture, the most popular, Buddhism of high type furniture brings the buddhist, secular by the common folk in the welcome and use.

Han soil life with Buddhism entering, showed the fresh life scene, first is Buddha and bodhisattvas sedentary, and I of the traditional sit-down on the ground are entirely different, not kneel to sit. Also is not JiJu, but pedal sit. The emergence of the font, like YiGuJin wind, and strongly shaking in China for thousands of years old and sedentary. The pedal font, with Buddhism also into the han's house. The wreckage of jin chair; FanXun quanbeiqiwen sitting in bed hu colonel books; High rooms in MuZhuRen $murals sitting in the chair; Xian the additional unearthed from the grave, as well as the tang dynasty the painter writing the tang dynasty in the life of the font, and so on, all have confirmed: in the jin dynasty () the patrician class, in the upper deck of the tang dynasty somebody else, use pedal font, this is the living history of the important.

3. Buddhism input to furniture adornment element influence.

Since the eastern han dynasty Buddhism into China, grottoes statue, build temple repairing tower activity abnormal prosperity. With buddhist art and buddhist architecture, 须弥座 form is also input middle-earth. 须弥座 buddhist images is of a Buddha, is the stupa Kentucky, its modelling is fluctuation two head is platform, middle contraction of the style. 须弥座 form of Buddhism into after central plains. Inspired craftsman central plains of inspiration, create a box structure of the furniture style. Therefore we can say, buddhist input, the emergence of the 须弥座, opens the zhongyuan artisan inspiration and creative, create box type furniture and waist furniture. Especially popular waist furniture range is very wide, spread time is very long, this is the Buddhism culture to the development of Chinese furniture and influence.

From the southern and northern dynasties to tang in four hundred, buddhist culture in the central plains in roots. In the tang dynasty, the buddhist culture and Chinese culture to achieve a high degree of integration. High type furniture into the datang social secular family, from the tang dynasty and the buddhist furniture to secular according to influence. The mutual blend promoted the development of the han period furniture. China furniture in a variety of culture, especially under the influence of buddhist culture, and constantly advance. Continuous development. Buddhist east gradually, for the development of Chinese furniture, played an important role.


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Yang drench, oh, female, shenyang construction university reading a graduate student.