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>> 京津冀生态环境治理:从“碎片化”到整体性 公共危机治理:从碎片化到整体性 政府组织功能碎片化与整体性治理 从官僚制到整体性治理中的政府责任研究 从“抓亮点”到“补短板”:整体性城市治理的障碍与路径 整体性治理:社区权责碎片化的根源与超越 差序格局、碎片化与农村公共产品供给的整体性治理 从碎片化到网络化:治理何以转向? 从“碎片化”到“整体治理”:处于危机中的大学英语改革探究 碎片化与整体性:综合行政执法改革路径创新研究お 基于整体性治理的城市 生态环境治理策略研究 京津冀生态环境治理策略 片断化和整体性 整体性治理的对比研究 基于生态功能的京津冀山区一体化治理研究 京津冀协同打造立体化治理生态 城镇绿化遵循整体性、系统化 多样化表达 整体性理解 整体性思考 结构化实施 整体性治理:政府治理的新趋向 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:






{11}冀丰渊:《京津冀协同发展介绍 对接京津――解题京津冀一体化与推动区域经济协同发展(对接京津与环首都沿渤海第13次论坛(论文集)》,2016年版。




Governance of Ecological Environment in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei:

from "fragmentation" to the Holistic

Lin Fengqi1, Wu Zhuoran2

(Collaborative Innovation Center for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Integrated Development,,Hebei University of

Economics and Business, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, 050061;

2. School of Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, 100081)

Abstract: The haze pollution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is an integral problem, the control of which requires the joint efforts of all the cities in the region, and only with the joint defense can we achieve the desired effect. At present, the main cause of poor haze pollution control in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei is the "fragmentation" of regional administrative restraint and governance model.Facing with the increasingly serious ecological environment in the region, governments around the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region should be fully aware of each other′s great common interests in environmental protection issues. The parties should abandon their respective "small abacus", focus on the overall situation and strive to break the original organizational barriers, and work together to completely solve the problem of environmental pollution in the region.

Key words: Integrated Development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province; Environmental Pollution; Ecological Governance; Holistic Governance; Grange Causality Test; Environmental Governance Network; Resource Sharing Mechanism