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Four Historic Tasks of China’s New Revolution

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I. Promoting scientific and technological renovation and prioritizing the major applicable technologies and high-tech so as to achieve major technological breakthrough.

The major breakthrough of high-tech items is the first factor of the new revolution of agricultural technology. Its powerful motivating functions lie in the merging of various subjects, especially that of agricultural science and biological science and the building of new scientific system composed of inter discipline subjects and boundary subjects. This will create basic conditions for the new agricultural revolution. The breakthrough in high-tech is based on the overall development of science and technology. China must strengthen the scientific work and, on this basis, make full use of China’s features and advantages in achieving major technological breakthrough amid the constant economic growth.

The focus and layout of development: Closely centering around the demand of agriculture towards science and technology at this new stage, we should stress high-quality, high-yield and high-efficiency agriculture on the basis of the original yield-raising technologies; increase farmers’ income; guarantee food security; protect ecological environment; and take part in international competition. We should establish a new system under which the breakthrough in a batch of major common technologies and high-techs would be achieved, a large number of talent be brought up, a large batch of internationally advanced scientific bases be established so as to realize a new leap forward for farming technologies. In the coming 5 to 20 years, we should place our emphasis on the following aspects:

We should focus our effort on the breeding of special and new high-quality animal and plant varieties to push forward the optimization of farm production and agricultural structure. We should intensify the research and development of high-efficiency husbandry and fishery, step up basic farmland construction and farming facility construction, especially in water conservancy, raising the fertility of soil, improving middle- and low- yield farmland and the comprehensive productivity of animals and plants. Food security should be top priority in development as the Chinese people’s nutrition and health is placed high on agenda. Water-saving irrigation technologies will be another focus for the sustainable development. The other important aspects are the research on the forest and farm ecological environment, desert and sand treatment, artificial control, disaster prevention and reduction and modern-equipped agriculture. The development of farm product processing will provide new points of growth for rural econom

y, especially food and fodder industries. We should improve the synergy, industrial upgrading and industrialized operation while extending the agriculture into a more in-depth area in order to rationalize the rural industrial structure. Great efforts should be made in developing the special farm, forest and aquatic products. With the help of bio-tech, information technology and other high-techs, the industrialization of agricultural s

cience and technology should also be advanced. Regional development, particularly of the western and central regions, should be stressed, and agricultural modernization should be first realized in the east. At present, transferring the technologies to the west brings a historic opportunity to western areas, which have great potentials to absorb these technologies. The schedule and layout of such projects should be arranged differently. Some items, such as the breeding of new varieties of animals and plants, may yield fast and major results due to China’s biological diversity and regional extensiveness.II. With the help of increasing national strength a revolutionary reform in the application of science and technology will be launched to make comprehensive use of science and technology and restructure the agricultural system centering on industrial upgrading.

The change of agricultural mechanism will help tap the huge potentials of the agriculture with the same amount of resources by playing the role of transferring and substituting science and technology in a bid to achieve the same result with half work. This is where the hope of our agriculture lies.

(1) Transferring the traditional extensive operation mechanism to intensive operation mechanism. The utility rate of chemical fertilizer is only 30-40% in China. About 30 million tons of fertilizer are wasted a year (equivalent to one-third of the production capability). The irrigation water use rate is only 30-40% a year. four times of the effective water supply from Yellow River are wasted each year. China’s high-yield fields only make up for a quarter of the total. There is a great gap among the levels of agricultural development in the east, middle and west. All these are the sources of potentials. If the “precise agriculture” is adopted to make our agriculture transfer towards knowledge-intensive, technology-intensive and resource-saving agriculture and realize fundamental change in mechanism, these items alone will meet the basic need of new agricultural science and technology revolution and new round of fast growth of agriculture.

(2) Transferring the traditional grain development mechanism to macro food development mechanism. Considering the fact that there is a rich variety of food resources and a large population, we can make use of the new food resources to create new food varieties. The massive role of revolution will be hard to estimate.

(3) Transferring the traditional dualistic structure of planting to threefold structure. The structure of “grain crops – economic crops’’ will be changed to “grain crops – fodder crops – economic crops”. This is an important way to tap the potentials of fodder and increase the output of high-quality fodder. There has been a great waste of fodder in China. Due to irrational makeup of nutrition elements, about a quarter of fodder for poultry will be lost. If the threefold structure will be adopted, the fodder industry will develop as a separate industry. Not more resource will be consumed, but several times more high-quality fodder will be pr

oduced. Fodder industry will be developed jointly with husbandry, processing and other sideline operations. This suggestion was put forward in China several years ago, but it developed slowly. This is not just a technical problem but a complex engineering project that involves millions of people. What is most important is the change of the quality of laborers and change of their ideas. It must be regarded as a technological revolution.(4) Transferring the traditional arable land development mechanism to the overall national land resource development mechanism. China’s vast hills, grassland, fresh water, sea and beaches can all be used to develop different types of agriculture, including grassland and sand industries. With the use of high and new technologies, we can also develop agricultural industries that are ever new to the human beings and have boundless prospects.

(5) Transferring the traditional simple farm product processing mechanism to multiple  value-adding modern processing mechanism. With this measure, the farm products will be utilized at various levels for the building of a massive modern agricultural industry. It then places higher demand on the farm production itself. As the agriculture is developing in depth and width, the rural laborers will have more channels for employment. A revived agriculture is where the hope of the countryside of China lies.

(6) Transferring the farm product processing mechanism to a unified mechanism involving trade, industry and agriculture. An integrated mechanism with the Chinese characteristics, involving trade, industry and agriculture, will adapt to the new situation of economic globalization. This integration will unite all the farm households who will then increase their operation scale. We should also develop the mechanism, laws and rules for the agriculture to merge with international production, processing and trade. We should standardize the farm production with international norms so as to move towards the “order agriculture” which should meet the domestic and international demands. The service trade should be vigorously developed, circulation market and competition order be standardized, and “regional blockade” and vicious competition be eliminated so that China’s agriculture would take the best road of specialization – scale – conglomeration – internationalization. The integration of trade, industry and agriculture is of far-reaching significance to promoting the industrialization and urbanization in the countryside.

Each transfer of major agricultural mechanism is a huge engineering project composed of various factors centering on science and technology. The projects should be designed item by item so that they can be completed successfully, and the new strategic adjustment of overall agriculture be made. From the major transfers listed here, we can see they are of far-reaching significance to the rural development from two perspectives. First, they create more and more employment opportunities for rural laborers in the countryside; and second, each mechanism transfer will be coupled with the increase

of business opportunities. They meet the demand of the country’s rural development and reflect the characteristics of China’s countryside. We must mobilize all the national strength and take new revolutionary measures to attain this goal. It should be pointed out that the potentials unleashed from the major mechanism transfer will create fundamental conditions for the sound circulation and sustainable development of resources, population and eco-system. This is a historic task bestowed by the times.III. Developing agriculture and rural education and fostering talent will guarantee the success of new revolution of agricultural science and technology and rejuvenate rural economy.

In this new revolution, education takes up an important position. Science and education should be developed in a co-ordinated way. Reviving the country with science and education is our strategy. The success of the revolution will be based on the training and use of sufficient talent including a large number of senior talent and the farmers with improved scientific and educational quality. In the five to twenty years ahead, the rural education should emphasize the following aspects:

Basic, vocational andeducation will be stressed. “Farmers’ training project in the 21st century” will be implemented to raise the quality of farmers. Development of higher agricultural education will be sped up to build a modern and advanced rural education system so as to be up to a par with the higher  agricultural education of the moderately developed countries. The agricultural scientific bases will be built up, and leading scientists be fostered, who will determine the success of knowledge renovation and scientific revolution. The projects of training “hundred, thousand and ten thousand talent”, “trans-century disciplinary leaders”, “middle-aged and young experts with outstanding contribution”, and “bio-agricultural talent” will be implemented while scientific research exchange projects will be increased to foster high-level talents. Agricultural science colleges must actively develop graduate education so as to extend its scale to the goal of the development strategy. The building of agricultural post-doctoral study stations will be accelerated.

IV. Creating a new agricultural science renovation system and rural life-time education system

(1) Speeding up the reform of agricultural science system, building a new agricultural science renovation system.

China’s agricultural science renovation system is composed of five parts: renovation institutions, renovation bases, renovation system, renovation resources and renovation environment.

We should change the repeated, overlapping and diversified management pattern and build a well-coordinated and efficient agricultural science management system under which the scientific research institutions will be reorganized in new categories. These institutions will fall into the categories of technological development, scientific service and basic public welfare, which will adopt different support means. The agro-tech service system which mainly offers technical s

ervices will be reformed. A new service system with diversified forms and teams will be set up. Scientific renovation ability of the rural enterprises will be raised, the private agro-science enterprises will be encouraged, so that an agro-science system which combines the state, the regions and private sectors will be established. The enterprises will gradually be the mainstay of technological renovation. A number of research bases with advanced international level will be set up to foster world-famous agricultural scientists and entrepreneurs, thus creating conditions for the breakthrough in high and new technologies.In this system, the enterprises with high scientific and technological contents should play an important role. This is the characteristic of new agricultural revolution. The new system is an inevitable outcome of the new development of society, economy and science and technology. It contains some important mechanisms. Academically, it combines research, experiments, promotion with education, successfully removes the main obstacles to transferring scientific findings, strongly demands for constant technological renovation, instinctively regards science and talents as its lifeline. The economic support mechanism will be introduced for the scientific development to speed up the industrialization of science and technology and advance the science in practice. Economically, it will be conducive to multiple value-adding, expanding the fields of farm production, bringing along the agriculture development in depth and width, promoting rural industrial upgrading and adjustment, and exploring channels for employment. It is obvious that developing scientific enterprises will be necessary for the new agricultural revolution and rejuvenation of rural economy.

(2) Speeding up the reform of education system and building new agricultural and life-time education systems.

We should effectively reallocate scientific and educational resources by integrating basic education, vocational education,education and higher education and combining scientific research, education and popularization. During the 10th Five-Year Plan period, the diploma  education will be gradually transferring to quality education. A rural life-time education system will be built and improved with optimized structure, vertical linking and horizontal communication. This system will be led by universities and scientific research institutions, based on rural basic education,education and vocational education, and supported by network education (distant education) and further education. The backbones of the system will be the secondary vocational schools at the prefectural and county levels and township farmers’ schools, and the kernel of the system will be the agricultural and rural education training system at the levels of province, prefecture, county, township and village. It will make full use

of the re-integrated scientific and educational resources. We should try to make great efforts to improve the mechanism of network education and launch the historic reform of life-time education.

Network education

is characterized by its large amount of information, extensive coverage and no time and geographical limitation. Network education, which can meet the various demands of life-time education for people in different social strata, is the most effective way to reorganize the country’s scientific and educational resources and realize quality education. The state should dramatically increase various facilities of network education, such as special satellites, hardware and software for computer networks. With the projects to “link all the schools with computers”, “offer distant training on scientific and educational knowledge”, and “provide distant education to farmers in the western regions”, we will basically popularize information technology education.With the help of the new education system, we will bring up a large number of senior, mid-level and primary-level talents, and develop extensive training of practical technologies centering on new technologies and techniques and the “green certificate” education. We will also offer farmers technical training in industry and commerce, including the service trade, to create conditions to raise the overall quality of farmers and transfer rural laborers to cities. We will develop, introduce and popularize advanced and applied technologies, increase the utility of science and technology in the farm production, thus contributing actively to rejuvenating, agriculture and rural economy.

These four tasks are not all about the new agricultural revolution of science and technology. Much needs to be done in further development of the socialist market economy. As a result of mutual integration of sciences and technologies, the substitution of science and technology for resources, and the economic development, brought along by the full playing of these roles, we can predict that when these four tasks are fulfilled, the basic elements of agriculture (such as agricultural sustainable development, science and technology-based farming, agricultural operation system, structure &nb