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Sharpening the axes

Cost optimization activities and cost awareness have to be high in the priority rank of the corporation. As the tale goes, to improve the efficiency at cutting down trees one has to take breaks to sharpen the axe.

Market maturity has been a recurring topic among industry experts in China for a long time now. It wasn’t unusual to read about how market saturation and growing customer demands would lead to brand consolidation and a different level of practice and professionalization on the OEMs side. Actually, maturity has arrived earlier than expected, and its effects are already to be seen. Why do I say that? because in this last quarter of 2013 the big headlines are not being made by new product launches or expansion plans. On the contrary, the new trending topic of the time is “Cutting costs”.

There is no clearer sign of market maturity than the fact that producers feel forced to reduce their operation costs. Most OEMs present in China, fully domestic or joint ventures, are addressing this question in one way or the other. Market saturation and competition from other OEMs is pushing managers to, for the first time, face cost reduction as a strategic activity crucial to the survival and success of their companies. On top of that, we might see an interesting ‘double internationalization’ of the cost battle: on one side Chinese products start to appeal to the growing middle classes of developing countries, offering basic performance at a very affordable price. They challenge higher-end products almost the same way notepads and tablets almost brought the traditional (and heavily overspecified) PC to extinction. Their arrival has shaken more established OEMs out of their comfort zone and the self-complacency that they were enjoying. But on the other side multinational OEMs are taking advantage of scale effects, corporate maturity and available platforms to compete for market share in lower price ranks of the Chinese market. While this is particularly true for light commercial vehicles, other market segments are also within target.

There is an unlimited number of approaches to reduce costs. One can focus on a particular step of the value chain, from product development to aftersales network, and explore new radical approaches. It comes to my mind the good example of JAC, who decided to skip traditional dealer networks and go straight to an internet-based sales model for its compact car division, with very good results. They succeeded to address a new type of (less emotional) buyer that faces car ownership at the same level as other household utilities: pragmatic, choosing out of the catalogue, not even requiring test drives. Other OEMs are outsourcing their R&D efforts to specialized engineering companies or trying to streamline the testing requirements and cut development budgets. Other obvious means of optimization are reducing production costs, downgrading product specifications or streamlining corporate structure. But which way is the most appropriate to implement each one of them?

As good as radical solutions might look like in the short term, I am of the opinion that true, sustainable cost reduction is a long-term activity. A really effective and long-lasting cost optimization requires two important characteristics to be present in the company: cost situation awareness and direct process ownership. Let’s start by the first.

As trivial as it might sound, managers of all industries tend to overlook the fact that one can’t effectively prioritize cost optimization strategies without being aware of the cost situation of the different steps in the value chain in the first place.

This is particularly important in the case of product design: a sound and exhaustive cost planning of all vehicles and parts is the best antidote against shrinking profit margins, portfolio flaps and hidden sinks. Moreover, cost planning activities normally bring cost reduction as a by-product: there is a lot of redundancy that can be directly smoothed out after a first examination.

Once the cost situation of the company is known, it is the right moment to start with the generation of ideas. For this purpose cross-functional work is essential, and the company needs to have a mature and dynamic management structure to run it successfully. But which kind of ideas are available to Chinese makers today?

Of course there is still room for one-hit-wonders like the mentioned case of JAC, and it is very necessary to do a lot of thinking outside the box. But in general, market maturity also means sharper customer demands, more expensive labor and higher quality requirements: cross-functional, overarching strategies are required.

Looking at product development, it is difficult to achieve durable effects without true technology ownership. Reverse-engineering efforts will always compromise quality; outsourced design leaves blank price negotiations as the only possible way for further optimization. Even worse, the company’s ability to react to unexpected market environment changes is seriously compromised. And even in a situation of internal development, design-to-point approaches might have a better cost result in a particular product, but the whole portfolio will require modularization to be competitive in the long term.

For purchasers, tough price negotiations with suppliers might cause supplier exhaustion as a side effect. The suggested alternative is to foster supplier development in the same cost awareness culture that one requires his own company to have.

In the case of production, China’s labor-cost advantage is shrinking in recent years, and commodity prices are also on the rise. More sophisticated approaches like modular production strategies offer the possibility to achieve deeper effects such as tool standardization and economies of scale. Even highly sophisticated activities such as virtual production simulation, once considered state-of-the-art, are becoming common practice for many industry agents abroad as cost pressure builds up.

But generating ideas is not enough: Successful implementation requires transparency and a performance-oriented (rather than status -oriented) management structure. In this sense, small, private OEMs can have an advantage over state-owned makers.

Therefore I am of the opinion that true cost advantages can come only through one’s mastery of his own art, which in the automotive industry translates into technology ownership and lean process design. Cost optimization activities and cost awareness have to be high in the priority rank of the corporation. As the tale goes, to improve the efficiency at cutting down trees one has to take breaks to sharpen the axe.