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Like the Sunset

That she had to wait at the airport in Cabo注1 for hours was not as painstaking[艰苦的] to Sasha as was standing there, alone, in the midst of[在……之中] a crowd that was moving past her with mountains of luggage―men with unbuttoned[纽扣解开的] shirts, beautiful women in colorful dresses, pearls clinking[发出叮当声] with every movement. She could recall each night she had spent in front of her computer, searching and hunting, for every little piece of information that would bring him closer to her―for a moment, at least. She felt him near, always.

He was a celebrity, without doubt. It seemed impossible that she would get to meet an A-list star[一线明星] like him. She remembered the many nights she spent shedding[流出] tears on her pillow, holding photographs of him walking down the red carpet.

And then she remembered the day she received an E-mail from him. She remembered the feeling of unearthly[可怕的] joy, her heart skipping a beat at the thought of times past and those that were to come. He had replied to her E-mail. A year ago she had sent him a poem she had written for him and about him. He liked poetry, recognised truthfulness in it, and replied.

But that he would invite her to meet him, in Cabo, did never ever cross her desperately[极度地] love-sick mind. She had an awful argument with her parents, and it was no wonder, really. For regardless of how many times she read them the email he had sent her, inviting her on a fan-meets-celebrity “getaway注2”, the old, middle-class couple that were her parents was still hesitant, suspicious, and at the most, unbelieving. They believed she had fallen in with a bad crowd[坏蛋] and was possibly taking drugs.

But the truth was, she was madly in love with a Hollywood star. And as much as she pinched[掐] herself every day, she could still not fully believe the fact that she was to finally meet him.

She was sitting on a high stool[凳子]. From behind her beamed[发光] an enormous, expensive villa[别墅] accessorized[装饰] with huge dark-green palms[棕榈] and skyscraper fountains that resembled[像] real waterfalls. She sat there, facing the sky and the ocean in front of her―and the sunset.

“Beautiful sundown, isn’it?” he whispered, as he sat down next to her. They both stared at the orange canvas[画布] that seemed to transform into a work of finest art. She dared not look at him, for her heart went ecstatic[狂喜的].

“I never really knew the true purpose of life, if this is what I truly want,” he stated absent-mindedly[心不在焉地]. She blinked half-franticly[狂热地], half-emphatically[强调地].

“But,” he went on, “I found trueness in your poem.”

“Purpose,” he added. “Like the sunset.”

They looked infinitely[无限地] at it, the orange canvas that promised to give them purpose, to make them art.














注1:指卡布圣卢卡斯(Cabo San Lucas),墨西哥南部的一个海港城市,是一个著名旅游景点。
