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>> 关于构建我国老年长期护理保险制度的研究 浅析我国老年长期护理保险制度的建立 国外长期护理保险制度对我国的启示 公私合作ppp)模式在我国实践中的问题及其对策研究 社会性别视角下的我国生育保险制度研究 我国存款保险制度的模式选择 利率市场化下我国存款保险制度的问题探索 医养结合模式下构建社会长期护理保险制度的探讨 德国长期照护保险制度概述及对我国的启示 论我国建立长期护理社会保险制度的障碍因素 我国养老保险制度模式选择 对我国存款保险制度的分析:基于博弈论的视角 老龄化背景下我国可持续的养老保险制度模式探究 我国PPP公私合营模式基础设施建设的应用前景 对我国新型农村合作医疗保险制度的思考 对我国构建巨灾保险制度的探索 日本老年护理保险制度对我国的启示 我国农村开展长期护理保险探索 美日德存款保险制度模式及对我国的启示 论我国存款保险制度的建立 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

2 http:///gn/2011/02-28/2872480.shtml.

3 http:///politics/2016-01/22/c_128656651.htm.


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Abstract: As the aging population of our country is becoming more and more serious and the scale of the traditional family in our country has become smaller and smaller, the per capita support ratio of the family is decreasing, which leads to the higher cost of nursing care for the elderly in our country. The elderly are overwhelmed. Theoretical and practical circles are also increasingly concerned about the elderly long-term care insurance, long-term care insurance has also become a cause of multi-concern social problems. How to build a long-term care insurance model that conforms to Chinese characteristics and draws on the mature practice of foreign developed countries in the long-term care insurance, and the actual adaptation of China's population aging has become an urgent task. China's long-term care insurance must be based on our national conditions, adhere to the national, social and individual tripartite participation in the development model.

Keywords:Public-private partnership; Long-term care insurance; System; Model