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趣味问答 第1期

开篇:润墨网以专业的文秘视角,为您筛选了一篇趣味问答 第1期范文,如需获取更多写作素材,在线客服老师一对一协助。欢迎您的阅读与分享!

1.Why do we all go to bed?

Because the bed won’t come to us.(注意go to和come to相对。)

2.Who goes around all day in a bus and always has his pocket full of money?

A bus conductor.

3.What is the longest word in the English language?

Smiles. There is a mile between the beginning and the end of it.

4.Why shouldn’t you lose your temper?

Because no one else wants it.(lose one’s temper意为“发脾气”。)

5.What’s always behind time?

The back of a clock.(behind time意为“落后”。)

6.Why need you never go hungry on beach(沙滩)?

Because of the sand which is there.(注意sandwhiches意为“三明治”,和句中sand which is 读音相同。)

7.If you can buy eight apples for twenty-six cents,how many can you put for a cent and a quarter?


8.What is yours,but is used more by others than by yourself?

You name.

9.What has neither flesh(肉)nor bone(骨),but four fingers and a thumb(拇指)?

A glove.

10.Use me well and I am everybody. Scratch(刮)my back and I am nobody.What am I?

A mirror.

11.Why does a cat,when it enters the room,looks first to one side and then to the other?

Because it can’t look to both sides at the same time.

12.A woman has five children. Half of them are boys. How can that be?

The other half are boys too.

13.What is quiet when alive and noisy when dead?

A leaf.

14.What is highest building in town?

The library. It has the most stories.(注意story“故事”和storey“楼层”的读音相同。)

15.Which is heavier,a half moon or a full moon?

A half moon,because a full moon is lighter.(注意lighter有两个含义:“更明亮”和“更轻”。)

16.What part of a clock is always old?

The second hand.(注意second hand有两个含义:“秒针”和“旧货”。)

17.What does the ground say to the rain?

If you keep that up my name will be nud.(keep that up表示雨继续下下去。)

18.What always has one eye open but cannot see?

A needle.

19.Who earns a living(谋生)without doing a day’s work?

A night watchman(看守人).

20.The greater it is,the less it can be seen.What is it?


21.What word can be pronounced faster by adding another syllable(音节)to it?


22.When can you have on empty pocket and still have something in it?

When you have a hole in your pocket.

23.How can you spell “hard water” in three letters?


24.What is it that we often return but never borrow?

Thanks.(retrn thanks可表示“答谢”,但不能说borrow thanks。)

25.A box is filled with water and weighs a ton.What can you put in the box to make it weigh less?

Put holes.

26.I am something that is known all over the world,and I have a name of three letters. Strangely enough,when two of my letters are taken away,I still have the same name.What am I?
