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On October 20-26, the International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action was held as scheduled. The year’s theme is “Lead-Free Kids for a Healthy Future”. At present, there are many events of lead poisoning in children around the world. It is reported that lead exposure leads to 143,000 deaths every year. For this reason, WHO and governments take relevant measures to prevent lead poisoning of children. For example, 30 countries in the world have already phased out the use of lead paint. The Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint, co-led by WHO and UNEP, has set a target for 70 countries to stop using lead paint by 2015. Is disusing lead paint the solution to the problem? The reporter’s interviews show that it is far from enough to protect the children from lead poisoning.


Prevention starts from details


There are many ways that children can be exposed to lead. As to lead in drinking water, experts suggest that faucets with low lead content or without lead should be used. At the beginning of every morning tap water from faucets has more lead, so water should be used after 3-5 minutes’ flow so that it can effectively prevent children from lead poisoning.

Experts suggest that children should not often wear silver ornaments. Children under 14 wearing bracelets containing lead for a long time will lead to skin allergy or even lead poisoning to affect their healthy growing. Geological Testing Center in Guangdong Province carried out a sampling inspection for the products of children’s ornaments in wholesale markets, and found that nearly half of the products had harmful elements like lead and stibium that exceed the national standard.

It is of the same importance to develop a good living habit. According to some statistics, washing hands once can eliminate 90% of lead on hands. Therefore, children should develop the good habit of washing hands before and after meals. Because most children like to scratch and touch anything casually on the ground, their fingernails will have lead dust easily and children should trim their nails frequently. Children should use less inferior crockery and stationery and infant food and tableware should have covers to prevent dust.




Besides, creating a lead-free environment for children should not be neglected. Zhu Changling, Director of China National Furniture Association, said that inferior oil paint and coating had the damage of excessive lead to children and floors and walls can’t be made without paint and coating. If lead paint is used, children’s health is seriously endangered. Baby cribs are the habitual residence of most three-year-old children. During the period of growing teeth, many children like to bite something at random. Therefore, the paint of baby crib cannot contain lead.

Nick Nuttall, the Communications Director and Spokesperson of UNEP and Director of Information Department, said, “In our modern times, parents paint their children's rooms in pleasant red, or give kids colorful toys. Frankly speaking, the parents themselves do not make any mistakes, but they put their children in the threat of dangerous and destructive chemical element -- lead. Therefore, we must choose lead-free paint for children’s rooms and toys must be regularly washed.”



Prevention is based on publicity


In addition to the details of prevention, the publicity of the damage of lead poisoning is also very important. On October 22nd, a report released by UNEP in International Lead Poisoning Awareness Week again suggested countries to take measure in three aspects to prevent lead poisoning. Raising awareness is one of the three actions. It is suggested to carry out activities all over the world and inform the public of the harms of lead exposure to human’s health, especially to children’s health.

During 1960s, the United States proposed that lead poisoning of children should be regarded as a public health problem and publicity education should be carried out. Japan also implemented the national “Lead-free Campaign” long time ago. The Chinese government has also begun to publicize the harms of lead poisoning and make corresponding measures. According to the media’s reports, the All-China Women’s Federation will pass the “publicizing the education on improving family drinking water for children” during the future 3 years. The activity will install water faucets without lead in 10,000 kindergartens for free in batches. Meanwhile, it will give out pamphlets of “family education on preventing children from lead harms” free of charge.



At present, the United Nations calls on every country to adopt practical actions to raise people’s awareness of lead poisoning. Because of the economic conditions and national policies, great differences exist in the publicity of lead poisoning. However, the trend of resisting lead worldwide can be expected soon.


Dietary therapy is not late


For those children with excessive lead, experts suggest that the dietary therapy is the ideal way. The combination of the food with plenty of vitamin C and lead can generate hydrophobic substance which can be excreted with feces.

Therefore, in diet, parents should retain their children from eating puffed food, chips, preserved eggs, popcorns and those food with plenty of lead. On the contrary, they should encourage their children to eat more acid fruits with plenty of vitamin C, such as oranges, lemons, pomegranates, hawthorns, apples, strawberries, cabbages, and tomatoes. A child must intake at least 150mg vitamin C every day. Those who are lead poisoned need 200mg.



In addition, parents should let their children eat more food with plenty of protein and iron, such as eggs, milk lean meat, green vegetables and fruits, because protein and iron can combine with the organic matter in the tissue in place of lead, which can accelerate the metabolism of the lead.




When the headlines of the media are full of lead poisoning of children, when extensive accidents of lead poisoning of children take place in marginal areas, when lead poisoning becomes the focus of attention and hot topics of all the people, we cannot help cursing with fear and grief those black-hearted merchants. Feeling pity, we can just pray for sounder laws, more formal quality standards, and stricter examination processes. In addition, we should pay more attention to the diets and daily lives of children, especially those poor children living in remote areas. We must nip in the bud and give them a happy and healthy living space.
