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Travelling Around the World on Fiance's Shoulder站在未婚夫肩膀上环游世界

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Stunning Photos in Impressive Poses


A globe-trotting couple have put even the most ded-icated selfie takers to shame,with a selection of stunning photographs in impressive dance poses around the world.

Ashlee Montague,24,and her flance Richard Hanke,28,who live in New York,first met in 2007 while dancing together at the Rock School for Dance Education in Phila-delphia,and have spent most of the last two years training hand-to-hand and acrobatic3 ballet.

Ashlee explained:"We started dating the following summer and did long-distance for six months-Richard was dancing in Miami,and I in Seattle.Richard later moved to Seattle,and together we left for New York in 2009."

Tip: 一对情侣在环游世界过程中拍的高难度照片足以让那些“自拍狂人”们汗颜。24岁的阿什莉・蒙塔古和她的未婚夫――28岁的理查德・汉克现居纽约,他们相识于2007年。那时,他们都在费城的一家舞蹈学校学习舞蹈。迄今为止,这对情侣共同参与特技芭蕾培训已有两年时光。阿什莉解释说:“我们在夏天相恋,期间还经历了半年的远距离恋爱――理查德当时在迈阿密跳舞,而我在西雅图。随后,理查德搬到了西雅图,然后在2009年我们一起来到了纽约。”

Funny Things During travelling


She says:"When we ask someone to take a picture of us we like to surprise them and don't tell them we're about to do something acrobatic.lt's fun to see their reactions.

Some people try to walk in closer to us for a typical two person photo and we have to ask them to step back because they won't get both of us in the shot.

This is usually met with a confused"okay"and a few steps back.More often than not4 the surprise leads to a mediocres picture because they spend most of the time watching us instead of the screen,but to us that's a huge compliment."


Pursuing Their Career Together


The pair are both trained in classical ballet and have performed at numerous locations around the world,includ-ing the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

"It wasn't until we met some friends who are aerial-ists that we discovered the circus arts in 2011.

In 2013 we decided we really wanted to pursue hand-to-hand as a career,and that's when we found our coach Jerome in Montreal. Now we are doing things now that we never would have dreamed about four years ago."


The Common Dream


In spite of her passion for discovering new styles of dance,Miss Montague insists that twerking is not for her."Tried it once,it was embarrassing,"she says.

"For the immediate future we'd like to perform for a major circus company or production.

We have big dreams for a two-person show,but our ideas aren't fully together yet.A good production or touring contract now will give us the chance to gather our thoughts and ideas in our free time."


The Unforgettable Engagement


"Richard proposed on Christmas Eve,2013 in New York City.He read somewhere that something women regret most on their engagement is not having their nails done in the pictures of their hands.

He cleverly plotted for me to get my nails done with my friend while he set up roses,champagne,and little bags with letters for me to find.It was the most awesomely ro-mantic thing ever."
