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一、Princes chooses wife

Long long ago, there was a small country in an island called Hawaii. The king had twin sons. One day, the king felt that he was so old that he wanted to accompany her wife to travel around the world. Therefore, he would like the elder prince to marry a girl, he asked the elder prince what kind of girls he liked. His answer was slim girls. Quickly, the news spread out throughout the entire island, young girls were desperate to lose weight, because they all meant to fly on the branches to become phoenixes. Imperceptibly, the island was not only no obese girl, but also girls started comparing their thin, some girls starved to death because they were too thin.

Soon, the elder prince died because of a serious illness. As a result, the king decided to let the little prince heir to the throne. Also he asked the little prince the same question. The little prince said he liked plump girl. What changed quickly was that the island girls were crazy about eating until no thin girls in the island. At the same time, the food preventing famine was almost eaten. Finally the prince married a girl who was neither too fat nor not thin. The prince’s reason was that if his wife was neither too fat and nor too thin, he wasn’t worried that she would starve to death and healthy forever.”

(Suzhou Blue Tassel School Class 9,Senior 3 Zi Jiajia)

二、An old gentleman and a waiter

An old gentleman often buys newspapers in a shop, the waiter here always shows an appearance of arrogant, he is not polite at all. It is important for him to pursuit efficiency, but because a lack of courtesy must lose the guests, what will fast service matter if they do not have any guests?

One friend asks the old gentleman:“why don’t you go to another place to buy?” The old gentleman answers :”Do you think I must not only circle more, waste time , but also cause more troubles in order to be anger with him? Besides, bad manners is his problem, why I change my habit because of him?

(Suzhou Blue Tassel School Class 9,Senior 3 Cao Zhipeng)

三、Alexander's treasure

The emperor Alexander brought the cultural mixture to the ancient Greek and the East and the Far East world, opening up a rich world which had a deep effect on the Silk Road all along. It was said that he had put all his enthusiastic and energy into it. When they set off for expedition to Persia, he had given out all his fortune to his ministers.

To carry out an endless expedition to Persia, Alexander should have bought a variety of military supplies and food. For that reason, he had a great demand for fund. Nevertheless he distributed all his fortune to the ministers.

One of the ministers Peel Jiasi deeply felt it’s too strange, so he asked the Emperor Alexander: "What did your Majesty take for setting out? "

For that matter Alexander answered: "I only have a treasure, which is hope."

It was said that Peel Jiasi answered after hearing that: "In that case please allow us to share it as well."

As a result, he refused to accept the fortune which had distributed to him, and many of the ministers followed the way of him too.

The story tells a major principle that all of people live with hope, hope is a literally of positive attitude. Where there’s a hope and a positive heart, nothing is impossible!

(Suzhou Blue Tassel School Class 9,Senior 3 Yang Xinhan)
