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If you needed one more reason to love Jennifer Lawrence1), get a load of2) this quote from her recent Vanity Fair3) interview: "Not to sound rude, but acting is stupid ... Everybody's like, 'How can you remain with a level head4)?' And I'm like, 'Why would I ever get cocky5)? I'm not saving anybody's life. There are doctors who save lives and firemen who run into burning buildings. I'm making movies. It's stupid.'"

That's the kind of sound bite6) that helps cultivate an always-sensible "down to earth" image, but there's more to it than that. Lawrence's comments fall within7) the grand tradition of no-nonsense8) actors not only refusing to romanticize what they do, but often coming right out and disparaging9) it.

Below, quotes from 10 famed actors who, like Lawrence, refused to buy into10) their own hype11).




Robert Downey Jr. 小罗伯特・唐尼

I know very little about acting. I'm just an incredibly gifted faker. 我对表演知之甚少。我只不过是个天赋异禀的伪装者。

小罗伯特・唐尼(1965~),美国演员,代表作有影片《钢铁侠》(Iron Man)三部曲、《大侦探福尔摩斯》(Sherlock Holmes)、《复仇者联盟》(The Avengers)等。

Rachel Weisz雷切尔・薇姿

I sometimes do worry that actors are people's role models, you know. And doctors and teachers and people doing really important things just get paid nothing. And they put us on the cover of magazines. They should be our heroes. I find it all a bit dubious12). 你知道,我有时确实会为人们以演员为榜样而感到忧虑。而医生、教师和其他做着真正重要之事的人们却得不到回报。他们让我们登上杂志封面,而他们本该是我们的偶像。我觉得这都有点儿问题。

雷切尔・薇姿(1970~),英国演员,代表作有影片《木乃伊》(The Mummy)、《木乃伊归来》(The Mummy Returns)、《不朽的园丁》(The Constant Gardener)等。

Katharine Hepburn 凯瑟琳・赫本

Acting is the most minor of gifts and not a very high-class way to earn a living. After all, Shirley Temple13) could do it at the age of four. 表演是最微不足道的才能,而且也不是什么很上等的谋生方式。毕竟,秀兰・邓波儿在四岁的时候就会表演了。

凯瑟琳・赫本(1907~2003),美国演员,被美国电影学会评为美国电影史百年最伟大的女演员第一名,代表作有影片《费城故事》(The Philadelphia Story)、《金色池塘》(On Golden Pond)等。

Marlon Brando马龙・白兰度

Acting is the expression of a neurotic14) impulse. It's a bum's15) life.... The principal benefit acting has afforded me is the money to pay for my psychoanalysis16). 表演就是一种神经冲动的表达方式,是流浪汉过的日子……表演带给我的主要好处就是让我有钱去看心理医生。

马龙・白兰度(1924~2004),美国演员,是20世纪最伟大、最具影响力的演员之一,代表作有影片《欲望号街车》(A Streetcar Named Desire)、《教父》(The Godfather)等。

George Clooney 乔治・克鲁尼

I cut tobacco for a living in Kentucky. That was hard work. I sold insurance door-to-door. That's hard work. Acting is not hard work. If you're lucky enough to be sitting at a table like this, you've been very lucky in your life. You caught the brass ring17) somewhere along the way. 我曾经在肯塔基靠收割烟草为生,那工作很辛苦。我也曾挨家挨户上门推销保险,那工作也很辛苦。表演不辛苦。如果你的运气足够好,能像我这样坐在桌旁谈论当演员的那些事儿,那你的人生就已经很幸运了。你在人生道路的某处抓住了成功的机遇。

乔治・克鲁尼(1961~),美国演员、导演、制片人和编剧,因主演美剧《急诊室的故事》(ER)成名,代表作有影片《辛瑞那》(Syriana)、《在云端》(Up in the Air)、《后裔》(The Descendants)等。

Gary Oldman加里・奥德曼

Any actor who tells you that they have become the people they play, unless they're clearly diagnosed as a schizophrenic18), is bullshitting19) you. 要是有哪个演员跟你说他已经变成了自己扮演的那个人,除非他明确地被诊断为精神分裂症,否则就是在蒙你。

加里・奥德曼(1958~),英国演员、电影制作人和音乐人,代表作有影片《这个杀手不太冷》(Léon)、《第五元素》(The Fifth Element)等,并曾在《哈利・波特》(Harry Potter)系列影片中扮演“小天狼星”布莱克。

Liam Neeson利亚姆・尼森

Acting is invigorating20). But I don't analyze it too much. It's like a dog smelling where it's going to do its toilet in the morning. 表演让人充满干劲,不过我不会思考太多。这就像是一只狗在早上闻来闻去打算找撒尿的地方一样。

利亚姆・尼森(1952~),爱尔兰演员,代表作有影片《辛德勒的名单》(Schindler's List)、《星球大战前传:魅影危机》(Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace)等。

Malcolm McDowell马尔科姆・麦克道尔

It's really, basically, really easy. We're not curing cancer―wish to God we were―we're not. And it's not rocket science. We're just interpreting what somebody else who's much cleverer than me has written. 基本上,这真的很容易。我们又不是在攻克癌症――多希望我们是啊,但并非如此。这也不是火箭科学。我们只是在把比我聪明得多的人所写的东西演出来而已。

马尔科姆・麦克道尔(1943~),英国演员,代表作有影片《发条橙》(A Clockwork Orange)等。

Kevin Bacon 凯文・贝肯

There are two types of actors: those who say they want to be famous and those who are liars. 演员分为两类:一类是那些说自己想成名的人,另一类则是骗子。

凯文・贝肯(1958~),美国演员,代表作有影片《阿波罗13号》(Apollo 13)、《X战警:第一战》(X-Men: First Class)等。

Michael J. Fox迈克尔・J・福克斯

Only a few of us will admit it, but actors will sometimes read a script like this: bullshit ... bullshit ... my part ... blah, blah, blah ... 我们中只有少数人肯承认这点,不过演员们有时就是这样读剧本的:废话……废话……我的台词……无关的废话……(编注:此处意在讽刺有些演员在看剧本时根本不关心其他角色的台词)

迈克尔・J・福克斯(1961~),加拿大、美国双国籍演员,代表作有影片《回到未来》(Back to the Future)三部曲、《旋转城市》(Spin City)等。

1. Jennifer Lawrence: 詹妮弗・劳伦斯(1990~),美国演员,代表作有影片《饥饿游戏》(The Hunger Games)、《冬天的骨头》(Winter's Bone)等。2013年劳伦斯凭借《乌云背后的幸福线》(Silver Linings Playbook)获得奥斯卡最佳女主角金像奖。

2. get a load of: [常用于祈使句]注意,打量;仔细看(或听)

3. Vanity Fair:《名利场》,美国著名时尚杂志,于1983年创刊。

4. level head: 冷静的头脑,清醒的头脑

5. cocky [?k?ki] adj. 骄傲自大的,自以为是的,趾高气扬的

6. sound bite: (采访后经剪辑的)录音片段,通常是采访中最精辟的一小段内容。

7. fall within: 属于……范畴(或类别)

8. no-nonsense: 严肃的,不容胡闹的

9. disparage [d??sp?r?d?] vt. 贬低;轻视

10. buy into: 相信

11. hype [ha?p] n. 炒作;天花乱坠的广告宣传

12. dubious [?dju?bi?s] adj. 有问题的

13. Shirley Temple: 秀兰・邓波儿(1928~),美国演员,以其童年时的电影成就闻名于世,七岁时获得奥斯卡特别金像奖,被美国电影学会评为百年来最伟大的女演员之一。

14. neurotic [nj???r?t?k] adj. 神经过敏的,神经质的

15. bum [b?m] n. 懒汉;流浪汉

16. psychoanalysis [?sa?k????n?l?s?s] n. 精神分析

17. brass ring: 成功的机会

18. schizophrenic [?sk?ts??fren?k] n. 精神分裂症患者

19. bullshit [?b?l??t] vt. 对……胡说

20. invigorate [?n?v??re?t] vt. 使生气勃勃;使精力充沛