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9A Unit 4 重点句型剖析

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1. There ia also a survey on the website about people’s favourite TV programmes. 网站上还有一份关于人们最喜欢的电视节目调查。


(1) on用作介词,意为“关于”,意味着具有严肃的学术性内容。如:

Have you read the article on France in the newspaper?你读过报上那篇关于法国的文章吗?

(2) about用作介词,意为“关于”,是一个普通用词,强调一般性和通俗性。如:

He likes watching a TV programme about school life. 他喜欢看有关学校生活的电视节目。


误:We’re going to listen to a lecture about African history his afternoon.

正:We’re going to listen to a lecture on African history this afternoon.


2. A weekly round-up of what is happening in sport, with lots of up-to-date information. 体育方面所发生的事件一周综述,且为你提供大量的最新的体坛信息。


Have you read the weekly newspaper?你看过周报了吗?


(1) sport做运动讲是不可数名词。

My brother is fond of sport, not music.我哥哥喜欢体育,不喜欢音乐。

(2) sports是表示多种运动项目,种类。也常作为形容词,意为 “运动的,有关运动的”。如:

Football and running are sports. 足球和跑步是体育运动。

【典题】―What____do you like? (2011•湖北荆州)

―I run every morning, and often play tennis at weekends.

A. sports B. music

C. art D. subjects

解析答案A。由run“跑步”和play tennis“打网球”可知所做之事均属sports 范畴。

3. The programme covers different sports, such as swimming, basketball, badminton and football. 本节目涵盖了不同的体育项目,诸如游泳、篮球、羽毛球和足球。


The lectures covered a lot of subjects.这些讲座涉及的内容极为广泛。


Flood water covers our fields.洪水淹没了我们的田地。

He is covering the sports meeting.他正在报道运动会的情况。

【典题】 of the land is covered with trees and grass in Pingjiang, Yueyang. (2011•湖南岳阳)

A. Three fives

B. Three fifths

C. Three fifth


4. However, if you are not a football fan, you might find this week’s programme a bit boring. 然而,如果你不是一个足球迷,那么你可能会觉得本周的节目有点乏味。

【剖析】原句中的a bit boring是谓语动find的宾语补足语。find可接多种形式的宾语补足语。如:

You will find it a difficult book.你会发现这是本很难的书。(名词)

I find the story very interesting. 我觉得这个故事很有趣。(形容词)

注意:当find的宾语是一个动词不定式短语时,这种结构常写作“find it + 形容词 + to do sth.”的形式,意思是“发现做某事很……”。如:

I find it useful to learn English well. 我发现学好英语很有用。

【典题】All of us find____necessary to take exercise every day. (2011•乌鲁木齐)

A. this B. that

C. them D. it

解析 答案D。考查“find it + 形容词 + to do sth.” 短语。此处用it做形式宾语,而把真正宾语to take exercise every day放在后面,避免句子结构头重脚轻。

5. There are also a number of interviews with some famous football players. 也有许多对一些有名的足球运动员的采访。


Millie is telling Sandy about her interview with Mr. Chen. 米莉正在给桑迪讲述她对陈先生的采访。

The interviewer is interviewing our headmaster. 那个采访者正在采访我们的校长。

【典题】An official____by some reporters on food problems in Shanghai yesterday. (2011•上海)

A. is interviewing

B. is interviewed

C. was interviewing

D. was interviewed


6. This year’s Beijing Music Awards will be covered live. 本年度的北京音乐大奖赛将现场直播。


Some television and radio programs are live.有些电视和广播节目是实况播送的。

【辨析】alive, living与lively区别在哪里?

(1) alive意为“活着的”“在世的”,既可以修饰人也可以修饰物。alive作后置修饰语,有种“大难不死的感觉”。如:

There are still some fish alive in the tank. 鱼缸里还有一些鱼活着。

(2) living是形容词,意思是“活着的”。如:

Are there any living things on one of those stars?那些星球中,有没有一个上面有生物的?

(3) lively是形容词,意思是“生动的”“活泼的”“充满生机的”。如:

He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting. 他有一种奇特的方法使他教的课生动又有趣。

【典题】Mr. Brown always makes his class ____and keeps his students____in class. (2011•江苏镇江)

A. alive; interesting

B. lively; interesting

C. alive; interested

D. lively; interested


7. The presentation will be held in Beijing this coming Saturday. 本周六颁奖仪式将在北京举行。

【剖析】hold在句中作动词,意为“举行,进行”,be held与take place意思相当。如:

The 30th Olympic Games will be held in London in 2012. 第三十届奥运会将于2012年在伦敦举行。

【典题】We’re very glad to know that a great sports meeting ____in Guiyang this September. (2011•贵州贵阳)

A. will hold

B. will be held

C. will be hold

解析答案B。这里考查的是hold将来时的被动语态的结构:will be + 动词的过去分词。


The meeting room can hold 50 people.这个会议室能容纳50人。

注意:hold on是电话用语,即“别挂了(电话)”。

【典题】― Hello! May I speak to Mary, please?

― . I’ll go and get her. (2011•贵州铜仁)

A. Speaking

B. Hold on, please

C. I don’t think so

D. Hurry up, pleas

解析答案B。电话交际。对方要求与Mary对话,但Mary不在电话旁边,需要叫她过来接听电话,故要求对方不要挂断。选项Hold on, please.(请不要挂机)符合题意。

8. The film is excellent and full of horror and mystery. 影片非常精彩,而且充满了恐怖和神秘色彩。


We can’t go into the theatre because it is full. 电影院我们进不去了,已经客满了。

Please write down your full name and address.请写下你的全名和详细地址。

【典题】I can’t eat any more food, I am____.(2011•江西)

A.busy B. hungry

C. full D. serious

解析答案C。句意:我不能再吃了,我饱了。busy忙;hungry饥饿的;full满的,饱的; serious严重的”。

【拓展】be full of意为“充满……”,相当于be filled with。如:

The bottle is full of wine. =The bottle is filled with wine.这瓶子装满了酒。

9. If you get scared easily, do not watch it! The actors are all new, yet they all did very well. 如果你容易被吓坏,千万别看它!片中男演员都是新手,但他们的表演都很出色。


I have slept for eight hours, yet I’m still sleepy. 我已睡了八小时,可我还想睡。

【拓展】(1) yet用作副词,意为“还没有”,用于否定句,一般位于句末。如:

They haven’t started yet. 他们还没有开始。

(2) yet用作副词,意为“已经”,用在一般疑问句,already一般用在肯定句中。如:

Is the post office closed yet?邮局已经关门了吗?

【典题】―____you____the movie Gongfu Panda II? (2011•四川内江)

― Not yet. I’ll see it this Sunday.

A. Did; see

B. Do; see

C. Have; seen

解析答案C。答语not yet,是现在完成时的标志。根据句意,“你看过《功夫熊猫Ⅱ》吗?”“还没有。我这个周日将去看”。故选C。

10. You can see scenes of India, one of the few places on Earth where tigers still live. 你可以领略到印度的风光,这里是世界上老虎仍然生存的几个地方之一。

【剖析】on earth意为“世界上”,相当于in the world。有时Earth大写是为了加强语气,以烘托珍稀的含义。如:

You are the happiest man on earth.你是世界上最幸福的人。

【典题】We have only one Earth. It’s our common . (2011•宁夏)

A. family B. house

C. home D. room



1.We must____using plastic bags in order to protect our earth.(2011•广西贺州)

A. give out B. give up

C. give away D. give in

2. There will be____interview between the manager and his assistants this afternoon.(2011•山东宁阳三模)

A. an B. a

C. the D. /

3. ―Miss Zhou is very popular with the students.

―Yes. Her classes are____lively and interesting.(2011•福建莆田)

A. always

B. sometimes

C. hardly

4. ―How can I____well with my lessons, Dad?

― Practice makes perfect. (2010•安徽)

A. work on B. hold on

C. get on D. keep on

5. When will the birthday party , on Monday evening or Tuesday evening? (2011•江苏徐州)

A. hold B. be held

C. held D. be holding

6. ―What’s your____name, please?

―Robert Thomas Brown. You can call me Robert.(2011•浙江金华)

A. family B. given

C. first D. full

7. He promised to pick me up at the school gate. However, he____yet. (2011•安徽)

A. didn’t arrive

B. doesn’t arrive

C. isn’t arriving

D. hasn’t arrived

8. Have you finished your project?

____It’ll take me another two days.

A. Not yet. B. Yes, I have.

C. Why not? D. No problem.

Keys:1. B2. A3. A4. C5. B6. D

7. D8. A