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短文二则 第10期

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One day in 1965, when I was a librarian at View Bidge School in Seattle a four-grade teacher came up to me. She had a student who finished his work before all the other students and needed a challenge. “Could he help in the library?”she asked. I said, “ 1 him along.”

Soon a slight, sandy-haired boy in jeans and a T-shirt stood in front of me. “Do you have job for me?”he asked. I told him about the Dewey Decimal System(杜威十进制方法)for shelving books. He 2 the idea at once. Then I showed him a pile of cards for long-overdued (过期的)books that had actually been returned but were shelved 3 the wrong cards in them. He said, “Is it kind of detective(侦探的)job?”I answered “yes”. And he became a tireless detective.He had found three books with wrong cards by the time his teacher opened the door and said “Time for 4 !” However, he still went on working.

The next morning , he arrived early and finished the work. At the end of the day, when he asked to be a regular librarian, I said yes

5 . He worked untiringly. After a few weeks, I found a 6 on my desk, inviting me to dinner at the boy’s home. At the end of a 7 evening, his mother said that the family would move to a neighbour school district very soon. Her son’s first concern(担心的)was leaving the 8 .

When the time came , I said an unwilling

9 . Although at first he had seemed an ordinary boy, his zeal(热情)had made him

10 .

I 11 him, but not for long. A few days later he came and said to me joyfully , “The librarian over there doesn’t let boys

12 in the library. My mother got me transferred(转学)back to View Ridge. My dad will drop me off on his way to work, if he

13 , I’ll walk!”

I should have an idea that the boy was so determined(有决心的) 14 his dream must come true. What I could not have guessed,

15 , was that he became a talent of the information age: Bill Grates,tycoon(巨头)of Microsoft and America’s richest man.

1. A. Give B. Send

C. Get D. Walk

2. A. put up B. went up

C. set up D. picked up

3. A. with B. in

C. from D. at

4. A. school B. class

C. rest D. watchingTV

5. A. easily B. seriously

C. angrily D. hardly

6. A. pen B. book

C. note D. cake

7. A. worried B. pleasant

C. surprizing D. interesting

8. A. library B. school

C. mother D. cards

9. A. OK B. hello

C. goodbye D. sorry

10. A. glad B. proud

C. happy D. different

11. A. liked B. missed

C. needed D. taught

12. A. work B. worked

C. working D. to work

13. A. mustn’t B. won’t

C. needn’t D. can’t

14. A. that B. unless

C. until D. if

15. A. but B. however

C. instead D. besides


1. 选B项。本句意为“送他过来吧”。

2. 选D项。考查动词短语辨析。put up意为“张贴;举起”;go up意为“上升”;set up意为“建立;搭起”;pick up意为“拾起;领会”。这里句意为:他很快就“领会”了。

3. 选A项。根据下文“He had found three books with wrong cards by the time his teacher opened the door …”可知。

4. 选C项。根据句意“老师宣布:到‘休息’的时间了。”选C项。

5. 选A项。小男孩提出要做一名正式的图书管理员,我“轻而易举地”就答应了。easily意为“无疑地,容易地”符合语境。

6. 选C项。 我发现一个“便条”在桌子上。故选C项。

7. 选B项。worried意为“担心的”;pleasant意为“令人愉快的”;surprizing意为“令人惊奇的”;interesting意为“有趣的”。根据上下文,B项符合语境。句意为“在一个令人愉快的夜晚……”。

8. 选A项。妈妈说要搬到邻近的学区去,她儿子最担心的是要离开“图书馆”。故选A项。

9. 选C项。分别时我极不情愿地向他“道别”。故选C项。

10. 选D 项。glad意为“高兴的”;proud意为“骄傲的”;happy意为“幸福的”;different意为“不同的”。虽然他最初看起来好像只是个普通孩子,但他的热情使他与众“不同”。故D项正确。

11. 选B项。我很“思念”他。

12. 选A项。本句考查非谓语动词的用法。作复合宾语的不定式跟在动词let后面时,必须省略不定式符号to,故选A项。

13. 选D项。父亲上班时顺道送小男孩上学,如果“不能够”送时,小男孩就走着来。故选D项。

14. 选A项。so… that …是固定句型,意为“如此……以致于……”,本句表达的是:小男孩是如此有决心,以致于他的梦想一定会实现。

15. 选B项。but和however都表示转折,但but不用逗号隔开, however则需用逗号隔开。这里句意为:但我怎么也料不到的是,他会成为信息时代的天才。


If you sail between Hawaii and California, you’ll find a big part of the ocean. It’s as big as Africa, covered 1 trash(垃圾).Most of the trash comes from the land, by water or by

2 . And some 3 straight into the sea. Most of the trash is plastic: plastic bags, plastic cups, plastic cans, plastic bottles, and a lot more.

4 does the trash go? Some just

5 in the sea, some is washed onto the beaches, and, 6 , some enters seabirds and seaanimals’ stomachs. Many seabirds and seaanimals 7 eat the trash in the sea die. Those that are 8 enough to live on may someday arrive our dinner plate. What we throw away will all come back to us one way or 9 .

Keep in mind what happens to trash, and you may think twice before you throw 10 away.

1. A. in B. through

C. about D. with

2. A. wind B. rain

C. seabirds D. seaanimals

3. A. throws B. is thrown

C. are thrown D. are throwing

4. A. When B. Where

C. How D. What

5. A. grows B. throws

C. stays D. disappears

6. A. after all B. what’s more

C. worst of all D. all the same

7. A. what B. when

C. that D. they

8. A. strong B. old

C. lucky D. smart

9. A. other B. the other

C. others D. another

10. A. something B. anything

C. nothing D. everything


1. 选D项。(be)covered with是固定短语,意为“被……覆盖着”。故选D项。

2. 选A项。本句意为“大部分垃圾来自陆地,通过水流或风吹的方式来到这里”。答案为A项。

3. 选B项。根据句意:“有些垃圾是直接(被)


4. 选B项。根据下文可知,这里指的是“这些垃圾何去何从呢?”,故答案选B项。

5. 选C项。grow意为“生长”;throw意为“投掷”;stay意为“逗留;停止”;disappear意为“消失”。本句意为:有些垃圾继续“停留”在海里,有些则被冲上海岸。

6. 选C项。after all意为“毕竟;终究”;what’s more意为“并且”;worst of all意为“最糟糕的是”;all the same意为“仍然”。句意为:最糟糕的是,有些垃圾被海鸟和海洋动物吃进了肚子里。

7. 选C项。这里that用来引导定语从句并作从句的主语。

8. 选C项。那些“幸运”活下来的动物,可能会在未来某一天成为我们餐桌上的食物。答案为C项。

9. 选D项。one way or another意为“以这样或那样的方式”。答案为D项。

10.选B项。考查不定代词的用法。something 意为“某事;某物”;anything意为“任何东西”;nothing意为“什么都没有”;everything意为“一切事物”。本句意为:记住这些垃圾发生的状况,你也许就会在扔东西之前做到三思而后行。