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A letter to my parents and teachers Dear teachers and parents,

I’m Wang Li. Now I’m writing you a letter.

First, please allow me to wish you a happynew year.

Dear parents, in the past year you have man-aged to provide enough clothes, food and money

I me in time. Besides, you often call me up or come to see me personally, 2 (care) for my life and study. Thank you!

Dear teachers. in the past year you have taught me much useful knowledge and 3 (edu-cate) me how to behave well. Thank you for your4 (kind)!

Dear parents, can I give you some advice? I wish you not to expect 5 much of me and in-terfere (干涉) in my activities too much. I also beg you not to limit 6 making friends too much.

Dear teachers, I also want to give you someadvice. I hope you can teach us a bit more7 (slow). At 8 same time, I hope you won’t give us too much homework 9 too many ex-ams.

Thank you for your understanding, dear par-ents and teachers. Dear parents, I wish you to pay attention to your own life and health. Dear teach- ers, I hope you can take good care of 10 (you)and stay young forever.

Your studerit/daughter

Wang Li

My plan

Everyone has his plans. I 1 have my plans. One of my important plans is to build a school 2 poor children.

As we all know, though our country is devel-oping fast, there are 3 many poor children in mountain villages and some faraway places. Their families are very poor. Some 4 (have) no mon-ey to go to school and some have to drop out. Theydon’t have normal education, 5 have a strong wish to learn knowledge like 6 (we).

How I wish to be able to help them! I don’t have very much money but I still want to help them. I am determined to study hard and try to learn all the subjects well. 7 so, I will be able to study in a good university and find a good job after 8 (graduate). When I have earned enough money, I will set up a school for poor chil-dren and let them 9 (study) in it for free.

Though the above is just 10 plan, I will do my best. Of course, to realize it, I must study hard now.

It is well-known that weather is very impor-tant. 1 weather in my hometown is very fine2 I like it.

In my hometown, winter is not very cold and summer is not very hot, 3 I like spring and autumn most.

In spring, 4 is very warm in my home-town. The average(平均的) temperature is about18℃. At this time, all kinds of plants 5 (be-gin) to grow fast. You can see green trees and red flowers everywhere. 6 warm sunshine andbeautiful view, I enjoy 7 (walk) everywhere,especially in trees and flowers. As you canimagine, I often touch flowers and smell them.8 sweet they arel

In autumn, it is 9 (sun) in my hometown and it is very proper 10 all kinds of fruit to grow. At this time, I will wander (徘徊) in the fruit trees and many farmers will offer me some fresh fruit such as pears and apples. They are so sweet!

The entertainment and sports in our school

The students in our school have all kinds ofentertainment and sports 1 they like them very much.

We have a class for entertainment every day.In this class, we can enjoy various 2 (act)such as singing, dancing and playing games. My favorite entertainment is playing chess. So far, Ihave played chess 3 many classmates. To my pride, I once competed with my English teach-er and 4 (defeat) him.

We have sports every day. We can play foot-ball, basketball and volleyball. We can also have5 sports like running and swimming. There are quite 6 few sports teams in our school.Because of the teachers’good 7 (teach) and students' hard training, many students can study in sports universities after 8 (graduate). Al-so, many students win medals in various sports meetings. I also have 9 favourite sports.They are playing football and swimming. I once won a few medals in the school sports meetings.

All the rich entertainment and sports benefitus students. We can refresh ourselves and study10(well) after a busy day. Of course, the best thing is that we always feel happy when we enjoy entertainment and sports.

How I learn English

English is my favorite subject 1 I’m good at English. I have my own ways to learn Eng-lish.

First, I always read the text in advance so that I can know what I must pay much attention to in class. To my delight, 2 this way when my teacher raises a question, I know how to answer more often. And whenever I answer a question3 (correct), I have a strong sense of achieve-ment(成就).

Besides, I always try to take notes in class.Important language points, grammar rules, useful4 (express) and key words are what I want to take down. After class, I organize(组织) the notes so that I can have a better 5 (understand) of them. Of course, I will certainly read aloud


notes in the morning.

To develop 7 (1) interest in English, af-ter class I widely read English materials, such as newspapers and magazines. By this means I can also develop my ability of reading.8 (chat) with my teachers and class-mates is also one of my ways to learn English. We often talk 9 English about different topics concerning(关于) friendship, sports, etc. Free ex-pression in English always 10 me a sense of pride, which in turn inspires me to learn English better.

My ideal work

My ideal work is to be a teacher of children. Why?

First, 1 my present teachers, I can see teaching is a very noble (高尚的) job. Because of their hard work they are often compared to be en-gineers and gardeners and they are 2 (deep) loved and respected. How I look forward to3 (be) one of them one day!

In addition, I am 4 easygoing and ac-tive girl 5 I love children. Being children’s teacher and teaching and educating them canbring me great 6 (happy) as well as a feelingof success.

Teaching is also a hard-working job and chil-dren’s growth 7 (call) for teachers’effortsand devotion(奉献). Therefore. I’m always readyto sacrifice(牺牲) some personal interests.

Of course, to be a teacher, I must have cer-tain knowledge and 8 kinds of abilities.Therefore, I must study hard and try to be good at9 subjects at present. Only in this way can I be admitted into a certain university and learn to be a good teacher.

Hard work always 10 (pay) off. As long as I make great efforts, I am sure to realize my dream. Please believe me and bless (为……祝福) me!

Years ago a farmer owned land along the At-lantic(大西洋) seacoast. He kept advertising (做广告 ) for hired hands. Most people were1 (willing) to work on his farms. They feared the terrible storms.

Finally, a short, thin man went t0 2 farm-er.“Are you a good farmhand?”the farmer askedhim.“Well, I can sleep when the wind 3(blow),”answered the little man.

Although unable to understand 4 (he)answer, the farmer, in great need of help, hired him. The little man worked well around the farm,busy from dawn to dusk, and the farmer felt satis- fied 5 the man’s work.

Then one night the wind blew hard.6 (jump) out of bed, the farmer took a lantern(灯笼) and rushed next door to the hired hand’s sleeping room. He shook the little man and cried,“Get upl A storm is coming! Tie things down7 they blow away !”

The little man rolled over in bed and said8 (firm), “No, sir. I told you, I can sleep hen the wind blows.”

Annoyed by the response, the farmer almost fired him on the spot. Instead, he hurried outside to prepare for the storm. 9 his amazement, hediscovered everything was tied down. 10could blow away.

The farmer then understood what his hired hand meant, so he returned to his bed to also sleep while the wind blew.

Tears went out of my eyes when I-talked to my parents on l phone. What were they do-ing when I called them? I had supper at five in the dining room. There is no need for me to cook and wash the dishes. However, now it is the2 (busy) time for my parents. Dad works from seven in the morning to nine in the evening. Therefore, all of the housework is 3 (leave)to my mum alone. She also has to work in the vineyard, 4 her own job.

Every day she gets up at 4 o’clock in the morning, and then works till dark. One day I called her at 7:30 in the evening. She told me she was still in the vineyard. Tears ran down 5 my cheeks.

Dear mum, I’ll study hard in the university,but I want you to tend 6(you) and dad.

Mum has ever said 7 the happiest time for Dad and her is when my sister and Icome home. We play cards in the room, watch TV or do8 else we like, with dad and mum 9(prepare) delicious food in the kitchen. It is also the happiest time for me. I could forget all the dif-ficulties and 10 (unhappy). The only thing to do is to enjoy the time with my parents.

Love, sometimes. doesn't need many words.Love your parents like they love you. Give them a call, and tell them you miss them.

Who gave me the ears?

The baby was born without ears, but his hear-ing was perfect. Only his appearance was hurt.

He grew up, and was good at literature(文学)and music,l he seldom stayed with other young people.2 (feel) very worried for their son, the parents went to a doctor 3 help. The doctor said he could graft(嫁接) on a pair of outer ears4 they could be got. But who would do such a thing for a young man?

Two years went 5. One day, the fathersaid to the son, “You’re going to the hospital,son. Someone will donate the ears you need. But it’s a secret.”

The 6 (operate) was a great success,and a new person appeared. He finished middle school and then college. Later he married and be-came 7 important official. One day, he asked his father, “Who gave 8 the ears?”

The father said, “You are not to know…notyet.”

The years kept their secret, but the day did come. Slowly, gently, the father 9 (reach) a hand and raised the mother’s thick, reddish brown hair to show she had no outer ears.

“Mother said she was glad she never let her hair be cut”his father whispered 10 (gen-tle), “and nobody ever thought Mother was less beautiful, did they?”

She always wore a flower in her hair. Always.Mostly I thought it looked strange. A flower towork? But no one questioned the young woman1 a flower accompanied (陪伴) her to work each day.

She did not wear 2 (she) flower one day when she took a project to my office. “I notice there is no flower in your hair today, ”I said free-ly.“I’m so used t0 3 (see) you wear one that it almost seems as if something is missing.”“Oh, yes,”she replied quietly, in 4 rather sad voice.

“Today is 5 tenth anniversary (周年纪念) of my mother's death. I miss her so much that I'm very sad. When I was a little girl, my mother would often put flowers in my hair. But when was 15 she 6 (die) of cancer. Ive just always worn a flower in my hair since then and it made me feel as though she stayed with me. Today, how- ever, I think she would like a sign that I am be-coming self-dependent, after ten years of her death. And 7 seems that the flower has to go.

She met my eyes then smiled 8 (sad).“I needn’t wear a flower to be reminded of her. It was just an outward sign of my treasured(被珍藏的)memories…Oh, here’s the project. I hope9 it meets with your 10 (agree).”


After 21 years of marriage, I discovered a new way of keeping love alive. I started to go outwith another woman. 1 was really my wife’s idea.

The other woman was my mother, 2 hasbeen a widow (寡妇) for 19 years. My work and my three children made it impossible for me to visit her often. That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie. She 3 (agree).

That Friday after work, as I drove over to pick up my mother I was a bit nervous. When I ar-rived at her house, I noticed that she, too, seemed to be nervous. She waited in the door, 4(smile). She wore the dress made for her last wed-ding anniversary(周纪念).

During the dinner we had a happy conversa-tion 5 each other’s life. We talked so muchthat we missed 6 movie. As we arrived at herhouse later, she said, “I’ll go out with you again,but only if you let me invite you.”Of course, I agreed.

A few days later my mother died of heart at-tack. It happened so 7 (sudden) that I didn’thave a chance to d0 8 for her. At that mo-ment I understood the 9 (important) of saying in time:“I love you. ”

Nothing in life is more important than yourfamily. See them in time, 1O don’t put it off until another day.


I teach biology at UNLIV three times1 week. Last Monday, I cheerfully asked my students how their weekend had been. A young man said his weekend had not been so good. Then he asked me why I always seemed so 2(cheer).

His question reminded me of something I’dread:“ Every morning you get up, you have a3 (choose) about how you want to deal withlife, ”I said.“I choose to be cheerful.”

“Let me give you an example,”I continued.4 teaching here, I also teach at a college in Henderson. A few weeks ago I drove to Hender-son. I exited the highway and turned onto College Drive. 5 just then my car broke down. So I walked down the road to the college6 (immediate) I got there, I called and arranged for a tow truck to meet me at my car af-ter class. The secretary there asked me what had happened.“This is my lucky day,”I replied,7 (smile).

She was puzzled.“What do you mean?”

“My car could have broken down anywhere along the highway. But 8 didn't.”I replied.“Instead, it broke down in the perfect place: off the highway, 9 walking distance of here. I’m still able to teach my class, and I’ve been able to arrange for the tow truck to meet me after class. If my car 10 (mean) to break down today, it couldn’t have been arranged in a more convenient(便利的) way.”

I ended my story. Everyone was touched.


Pass Your Love On

Waiting for the airplane to take off, I was happy to get a seat. Just then, l air hostess came to me and asked,“ Would you mind2 (change) your seat? A couple would like to sit together.”The only possible seat was next to a girl with her arms in casts (石膏绷带). She had ablack-and-blue face and a sad 3 (express).“No way am I going to sit there,”I thought4 (immediate). But a soft voice spoke,“She needs help.”Finally, I decided to move to that seat.

The girl was named Kathy. She had been in a car accident and now was 5 her way for treatment.

When the snack and juice arrived, it did not take me long to realize 6 Kathy would not be able to feed herself.I 7 (consider) offering to feed her but hesitated (犹豫), as it seemed too impolite to offer a service to a stranger. But then Irealized that Kathy’s need was more important than my discomfort. I offered to help her eat, and8 she was uncomfortable to accept, she did as 9 expected. We became closer and closer in a short period of time. By the end of the five-hour trip, my heart had warmed, and the time was really better spent than if I had just sat by myself.

Love sometimes flows beyond everything and removes the fears that keep us separate. When we offer to serve another, we grow to live in a 10(large) and more rewarding world.


Happiness is a journey

We always believe life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then l Then wethink the kids aren’t old enough and we’ll be more content when 2 are. After that we think we have teenagers to deal with. We will 3(certain) be happy when they are out of that period.

We always tell ourselves our life will be complete when we get 4 nice car, and are able to go on a nice vacation when we retire(退休). The 5 (true) is there’s no better time than right now. If not now, when? Our life will al- ways be filled with challenges(挑战). It’s best to admit this 6 0urselves and try to be happy.

There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So treasure (珍惜) every moment7 you have.

And remember time 8 (wait) for no one. So stop waiting until you finish school; until you get 9 (marry); until you have kids; until you retire; until you get a new car; until spring.

Happiness is a joumey, not a destination (目的地). So, work like you don't need money, love like you’ve 10 been hurt. And dance like no one’s watching.


At present many teenagers consider sports stars, music stars, film or TV stars as modem he- roes. They worship(崇拜) these stars and always do 1 (they) best to follow them. In order to be like their heroes, they 2 (change) their hair-style and lifestyle. About this different people have different opinions.

Some think stars are famous, 3 (suc-cess) and fashionable, so they are worth following.Besides, young people can leam much from4 stars succeeded.

However, other people don’t think so. They think many stars are not very honest and some even pay too much attention to money. So they shouldn’t be 5 (follow) by young people.What’s more, many young people form bad habits6 following stars. Some teenagers even miss lessons to see stars, 7 does great harm to their study.

8 the eyes of me, some stars are suc-cessful as well as lovingly, so we can consider them 9 modern heroes. But we have other modern heroes such as teachers, scientists and model workers. They set us a good example by working hard and contributing 10 (great) to our country. We should learn from them.


My name is Wang Fang. 1 the way to school I witnessed(目睹) a traffic accident. It hap- pened at 8:00 o’clock in the morning. At that time, it was raining 2 (heavy). Two boys were riding a bike, talking with each other. They were holding 3 umbrella in one hand, and the han-dle in the 4. Soon they began to turn right. Suddenly a car came out at a high speed and turned left on the corner. Though both the boys and the driver acted quickly, it was 5 late.One of the boys was 6 (hit) by the car and badly hurt.

In the eyes of me, there are several reasons for this accident. First, the boy was absent-mind-ed. He was talking all the way, 7 (hold) an umbrella while riding. Second, the bad weather and the slippery(滑的) road made 8 hard for the driver to bring the car to a full stop suddenly. Last, the big tree 9 (make) the road condi-tions invisible(看不见的)10 they were go- ing to make a turn.


Dear leaders,

I’m writing a letter to you to introduce1 about some students’surfing the Internet in an Internet bar near our school.

At the beginning of this year, an Intemet bar2 (appear) near our school. Since then, a large number of students have been attracted by it. To surf the Internet some students often give up 3 (attend) lessons and even stay up all the night.

4 does the Internet bar have such adeep effect on the students? There are several rea- sons 5 it. As you can imagine, students can play games, chat with others and read 6(health) information on the Internet. As a result,unhealthy information causes some students to break the rules of 7 (we) school and even the law. Chatting with others on the Internet causes some students to make opposite sex friends.What’s worse, some students miss many lessons,8 makes their grade drop 9 (sharp).Meanwhile, many students have poor eyesight and health.

Children are still not grown-ups, and need tobe protected. I hope our government will take measures to close 10 Internet bar.

Yours sincerely,Wangdong


It is well-known 1 water is very impor-tant. All the animals and plants live on water.And of course man can’t live 2 water. Howev-er, about 97% of the water on earth 3 (be) sea water or salty water which can't be drunk. Man can only drink 4 0ther 3% 0f the fresh water from rivers, lakes and underground.

Our country is 5 short of water, and we only have a quarter of the world's average.6 (fortunate), many people don't save water and much water has been wasted. What’s worse,more than seventy percent of the rivers and lakes have been 7 (pollute) to a different degree(程度). As a result, underground water has been over-used. Now, more than two-thirds of the large cities in 8 (we) country are lack of water.

9 (face) with so many problems. we have to save water and use water properly. At the same time, we must try to protect water and pre-vent it 10 being polluted.









8.the。at the same time为固定搭配,因此空档应填the。


10. yourselves。空档表示“你们自己”,因此应填yourselves。











1.The。weather后面有后置定语in my hometown修饰,因此空档表示特指,应填定冠词The。


3.but。空档含转折性逻辑关系,因此应填 but。







10. for。空档表示“对于”,因此应填for,构成it is +adj.+for…to do sth.句型。





5.other。空档表示“其他的”,因此应填oth- er。

6.a。quite a few为习惯表达法,因此空档应填a。




10. better。空档表示“更好”,因此应填well的比较级形式better。


2.in。in this way为固定搭配,因此空档应填in。








10.gives。空档表示“给”,且主语为Free ex-pression,因此应填gives。



3.being。look forward to中的to为介词,后面接动词时应用v-ing形式,因此空档应填be-lng。





8.all。all kinds of为固定搭配,因此空档应填all。


10. pays。空档表达任何时候均具有的动作,又因主语为不可数名词Hard work,因此应填一般现在时的动词形式pays。

1.unwilling。由下文“They feared the terri-ble storms.”可以推出空档表示“不愿意”,因此应填unwilling。








9.To。to one’s amazement为习惯表达,因此空档应填To。

10. Nothing。由上文everything was tied down可以推出空档表示“没有什么东西”,因此应填Nothing。



3. left。空档表示“被留下”,因此应填过去分词left。




7. thato“the happiest time for Dad and her iswhen my sister and I come home”所表述的内容和意义已经完整,因此空档应填无意连词that引导宾语从句。



10. unhappiness。空档作forget的宾语,因此应填unhappy的名词形式unhappiness。

l but。空档表示转折,因此应填连词but。




5.by。go by(时间过去)为固定搭配,因此空档应填by。



8.meo由上文“Someone will donate the ears you need.,’可以推出空档表示“我”,且作宾语,因此应填me。


10. gently;whispered为行为动词,应用副词修饰,所以空档应填gently。



3.seeing。be used to中的to为介词,因此空档应填v-ing形式seemg。



6.died。“when l was 15”暗示空档应用一般过去时,因此应填died。




10. agreement。your为形容词性物主代词,应修饰名词,因此空档应填agreement。


1. It。该空指代上一句所提之事,因此应填It。

2.who。句中my mother为先行词,指人,在非限制性定语从句中作主语,因此空档应填who。

3.agreed。That night暗示空档应为一般过去时,因此应填agreed。



6.the。空档特指第3空前面的a movie,因此应填定冠词the。


8.anything。由上文so suddenly可以推出空档表示“任何东西”,因此应填anything。


10. and。空档表示递进式并列关系,因此应填and。 ‘









8.it。空档指代上文My car,因此应填it。

9.within。由上文in the perfect place可以推出空档表示“在……之内”,因此应填within。

10. meant。由today可以推出空档表示对现在情况的假设,因此应填meant。






5.on。on one's way为固定搭配,因此空档应填on。





10. larger。由句意及下文more可以推出空档表示“更大的”,因此应填larger。



2.they。空档指代上文的the kids,因此应填they。

3.certainly。空档修饰be happy,因此应填副词certainly。




7.that/which。句中every moment为先行词,指物,且在定语从句中作宾语,因此空档应填that或which。


9.married。get married为习惯表达,因此空档应填married。

10. never。空档表示“从来没有”,因此应填nevero









8.In。In the eyes of为固定搭配,因此空档应填In。


10. greatly。contribute为行为动词,应用副词修饰,因此空档应填greatly。


1.On。on the way to为固定搭配,因此空档应填On。









10. when。空档表示“当……的时候”,因此应填when引导时间状语从句。



2. appeared。由At the beginning of this year可以推出空档为一般过去时,因此应填ap-peared。

3.attending。give up后面接动词时应用v-lng形式,因此空档应填attending。


5.for。“……的原因”应表达为reason for。

6.unhealthy。由下文unhealthy information可以推出空档表示“不健康的”,因此应填un-healthy。




10. the。空档指代上文所提网吧,因此应填定冠词the。










9.Faced。faced with为习惯表达,因此空档应填Faced。

10. from。空档用于prevent…from doing sth.结构,因此应填from。