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Implementing the CSILE/KB Program of University of Toronto in English Teaching i

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[a]Foreign Language Department, Changchun University of Sci

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From the above picture, we can see learners can develop the discourse based on 6 aspects of the frame of thinking. Given a topic, students are often at loss as where to start, these scaffolds serve as a map for discovering what they want to know.

CHEN Ying-ping (2008) summarized the features of the KF as language learning model, and how it works. The platform as language learning model constructed with KF has the properties as follows:

(a) Learner-centered environment;

(b) Interactive and cooperative communication;

(c) Rich in authentic comprehensible input;

(d) Rich in opportunities for language output and language skills training;

(e) Rich in ideas diversity, ideas improvement

Research clearly shows that students succeed when allowed to pose their own questions, test ideas, explain their theories, and collaborate on solutions. It is true in all subjects and it ideally applies to TEFL. Since students are active learners whose cognition and emotions have developed to certain degree, what they need is not mere language training and practice but real communication, discussion, knowledge building and unknown exploration and problem solving.

Knowledge Forum, designed and built on the basis of this research, helps classrooms become communities―academic communities whose purpose is the nurturing of ideas, the discipline of sustained inquiry, and the building of new knowledge, which can serve as a high level of communication. Scaffolds can be yoked to views, so different discourse forms can be encouraged in different views.

As for foreign language learners, they will certainly encounter language barriers; therefore combining linguistic scaffolds with cognitive scaffolds will greatly promote learning process and develop thinking ability in the Knowledge Building Community.

3.3 Acquiring Comprehensive English Competence in KB Practice

Knowledge Building originated from “knowledge-telling strategy” which intended to promote writing competence, one of the most advanced skills in foreign language learning. Then it developed into a stage of knowledge-transforming which involves a cycling between writing concerns and concerns about knowledge and belief. The findings make the study turned to improve students’ writing to supporting more active knowledge processes in writing to help children take charge of their own minds. (Scardamalia, Bereiter, & Steinbach, 1984).Effective writing is actually active pursuit of a mental life which leads more research to a new concept-knowledge building. Identifying problems of understanding, gathering information, theorizing, designing experiments, answering questions and improving theories and reporting all involve active use of language in authentic situation.

Foreign language learning involves reading, listening, speaking and writing. Activities in KF showed that language here is the tool of creating new information instead of some approaches of learning language for language sake. Knowledge Building, in a sense, could help developing language competence in a better way. It is evident that the best language learning is achieved in the collaborative community.

KF encourages learners to learn by reading, writing, listening, researching and publishing on the forum ability. Readers of KF can contribute their ideas, comments on the original material including text and video by using “build on”, “annotation”, “rise above’’ buttons; or enrich the original material by adding referencing source through “attachment”, “reference note or view” or “movie”. While writers can get fast feedback from readers, they can perceive the subject from different perspectives by reading feedback information. These meaningful interactive writing and reading activities not only strengthen learners’ vocabulary mastery and their communicative skills, but also help to build up their cognitive thinking.

KF serves as a platform for learners not only to obtain comprehensible real language input, but also to perform meaningful interactive communication. It leads learners to learn by using language in real life context, which is considered as the best way to master a language.

Furthermore, the design of KF encourages learners to express diverse ideas, which is helpful for learners to perceive the subject from different angles and to develop their critical thinking.


One of the dramatic changes technology brings to education in recent year is the rapid development of Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). MOOC is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. In addition to traditional course materials such as videos, readings, and problem sets, MOOCs provide interactive user fora that help build a community for students, professors, and teaching assistants. Many MOOCs use video lectures, employing the old form of teaching using a new technology. (/wiki/Massive _open_online_course)

In the field of TEFL, now the world is open for language learners. MOOC course can be a very good source of “comprehensible input” in a foreign language. Take a MOOC, you can learn a language in a global classroom. It is true that not all language contents and skills can be covered in a MOOC, but it cannot be denied that there’s a lot of work to be done. It would probably be very interesting to see what language contents and at what levels students can benefit more from MOOC-type teaching and learning.

There have been some efforts in this field. One typical example is LTMOOC , which is a collaborative course for language teachers of all levels to discuss and gain a deeper understanding of emerging trends in blended teaching and learning of world languages, including the methodology, best practices, and practical application of the blended and online classroom.

Another is Instreamia which is a new MOOC that focuses on learning languages. It offers free courses in Spanish, English, Italian, Japanese, and Portuguese, using some surprising, but abundant, course materials. Instreamia uses YouTube videos from recording artists, pop culture, TED lectures, and other entertainment resources created by native speakers in the language you would like to learn. These videos are supplemented with listening exercises and flashcards. During listening exercises, you can simultaneously view a translation, gradually building your vocabulary.

Online media, when used to distribute learning materials, to exchange ideas and links with blogs, micro-blogs, discussion forums, social bookmaking and social network services are powerful tools for learning. But these tools and services simply do not support very well systematic group collaboration in higher level ,so there is a lot of room for effective and efficient evaluations by far.

The latest development of csile/kb program is how to create increasingly powerful open and free resources to optimize Knowledge Building, bringing knowledge-building discourse to open and free educational resources and increasing the effectiveness of MOOCs, etc., through collaborative knowledge building by users. Meanwhile the high-profile projects and endeavors in the MOOCs-business are also looking for smart ways to make them more collaborative and participatory than classical distance learning courses or courses using automated checking of exercises. They are going to learn from each other and try to supplement with each other.

Therefore in the near future, online learning will adopt more knowledge building principles and KB pedology and technology may develop more characteristics of MOOCs. What educators and researchers need to do is reasonable detailed designs in different courses and improvement in implementation respectively.

The Integration TEFL with KB and MOOCS is far from easy. First of all, TEFL teachers need to understand the idea improvement as the essence of KB and its underlying principles and technology in English learning process and combining these with other traditionally effective ways of promoting English as a foreign language such as role play, acting, face-to-face discussion or debate, participating in real communicative activities and so on. Secondly, they need to catch up with the rapid development of technology-enhanced education and actively participate in it. Thirdly, teachers are supposed to bear in mind that all available courses in target languages can be used in language learning besides using MOOC videos and subtitles to learn languages and specially designed MOOC language learning programs. What they need to do is to help students to find an effective way to develop affectively, cognitively and linguistically.


TEFL as an independent discipline has its unique principles and approaches, meanwhile it is a part of education and therefore everything involved should be taken as a whole. Bloom’s taxonomy points out a holistic view for any courses including TELF. More specifically, the author of this paper holds the view that it will be rewarding for teachers to design the language teaching process with guidance from KB principles aiming at cultivating a whole person with affective and cognitive development along with the goal of developing communicative competence. Besides the traditional forms of class and foreign language activities, teachers need to make best use of flexible forms of online resources like MOOCs and other tools as live learning materials and effective approaches to combine learning and acquisition together, helping them develop cognitive, emotional and social qualities and skills necessary for 21 century to meet new challenges and to solve new problems. More systematic studies in theories and practice are required to advance the frontiers of integration of KB and MOOCS with TEFL in the Chinese educational and social context.


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