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Mobile Social Net work--Research and Implementation of Mobile Twitter System

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Wang Haishuai,WANG Sen

(Beijing jiaotong University,Beijing 100044)

Abstract:This paper researched and analyzedweb2.0 technology and mobile social network.Then researched and implemented the mobile twitter system. This paper introduces the function and modules of mobile client and PC server respectively. We also had the user experience and system test which are wrote in this paper.

Keywords:Web2.0;Mobile social network;Mobile twitter system

中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-9599 (2012) 13-0000-02


In today''s society, Web 2.0 is hot topic mentioned by more and more people currently, and Mobile device not only becomes a personal information-processing interface but also turns into the best medium of accessing social network[1]. Along with the advancement of mobile network technology, Online social network service provides more perfect platform of communication for human interaction, knowledge sharing and information transmission, involved in political, economic, military, entertainment, sports, health, science and technology, individual life, and other fields. Blog popular in the world has began to develop for mobile and concise, so generating twitter, more health platform for information release and share, found in the references [2] and [3].

With the progress of science and rising of daily life quality, ordinary mobile phones can not meet the requirement of people, so generating smart phones. Because it is a real sense of open mobile equipment comprehensive platform with development and free characteristics, found in the references [4].

This article is in view of the above trend, put forward a miniature social network design and realize the basic design function, including Web server and the server and the client of mobile platform. Miniature social network is simple to implement the miniature blog, This design scheme, not only do make users free to follow one''s inclinations to select their required information, but also do play an active role for expanding each domain knowledge and spreading scope of personal communication.

二、Structure of system

Mobile twitter system mainly provide a platform of sharing and releasing information for users, users access servers by android mobile phone, Mainly including the following several points.

User registration, registration service for users who use this system in first time.

User log in, let registered users log in platform.

Update the mood information, the user can update own mood, the information is visible to other friends.