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A. Didn't she ask you to the party?

B. What present did you give Meimei?

C. Did you enjoy the party?

D. Did the twins go to the party?

E. Could you please tell me something about the party?

F. I didn't want to go there.

G. Can you help me?

A: I went to see you yesterday afternoon, but you were out. Where did you go?

B: I went to Meimei's birthday party?____ 1____

A: Oh, yes, she did, but I couldn't go, bec-ause I was ill.____2____

B: Yes. We really had a good time.


B: We sang and danced. We told stories. We also had a big birthday cake.

A:____ 4____

B: Of course. They brought Meimei a very nice present.


B: A blue hat.

A: I think it's very beautiful.

A. Something English? What about fish and chips?

B. I've no idea. C. Mum, Zhang Tao's coming tonight.

D. Certainly, Mum!What shall we cook?

E. Oh, yes!I know she often has chicken at home. They're good at making A-merican fried chicken.

F. What kind of food do you like?

G. Can you help me do something?


B: I know. You must help me cook the sup-per.


B: Does she like American food or English food?


B: What about chicken?


B: Let's give her something different to eat,then something English.


B: Good idea!

A. Nothing much.

B. Great!

C. I'm fine. Thank you.

D. How is your sister?

E. See you here at two.

F. I like you to come, too.

G. Where are we going to meet?

A: Hi, Jim!How are you today?

B: Oh, hello, Jack!____1____And you?

A: I’m OK. Jim, what are you going to do tomorrow?


A: We are going to play football.

B:______3____Can I come?

A: Sure! Sam is coming, too.

B:____ 4______

A: We are going to meet here, outside the school gate, at two o'clock.

B: OK.____5____

A: Goodbye!

A. I hope so.

B. But where is yours?

C. That's all right.

D. I think so.

E. Is your name written on it?

F. Here it is.

G. Don't be afraid.

A: Will you lend me your dictionary?

B: Certainly.____1____

A: I lost mine just yesterday.

B: I'm sorry to hear that.____2____

A: Yes. My name and the name of our school are written on it.

B: Then you'll find it soon.

A:____3______But your dictionary?


A: Thank you very much.


A. How long have you learnt it?

B. Then why do you like studying English?

C. How do you like English?

D. Do you think it is a difficult subject?

E. Do you like English?

F. Thank you.

G. I think English is very easy.

A: May I ask you some questions?

B: Certainly.

A:____ 1____

B: It’s very interesting. It is the most useful language in the world. It is widely used all over the world.

A: I think you speak English very well.____2____

B:____3____But I have studied English for only three years.

A: Do you often speak English?

B: Yes. I try my best to speak more English with my friends.


B: Yes. But I think if you put your heart into it, it will be easy.


B: I tell you the truth ―― I like English just because I like my English teacher.

A. Happy birthday to you!

B. I've no idea.

C. What time will the party begin?

D. I'll have a party at home.

E. It doesn't matter.

F. I'll be there on time.

G. What about coming to my party?

A: Hi, Wu Ming!How are you going to spend this Sunday?

B:____1____ And you, Li Feng?

A: Nothing much.


A: What kind of party?

B: It'll be my birthday this Sunday.

A: That's great.____3____

B: Thanks a lot.


B: At half past twelve.

A: OK.____ 5____See you later.

B: See you later.

A. Really? Do you like these lessons?

B. How is everything going on?

C. I lost my work two weeks ago.

D. Fine, thank you. And you?

E. I hope you can find a new job soon!

F. How are you?

G. How about coming to my house this Sunday?

A: Hello, Mary!I haven't seen you for a few weeks.____ 1____


A: I’m fine, too, thanks. How are you getting on with your work in the factory?


A: Oh, did you? What do you do now?

B: I’m learning computer language lessons.


B: Yes. I like them very much. I think I can learn something useful to develop software.

A: I'm glad to hear that.____ 5____

B: Thank you.

A. Please ask the policeman.

B. Which bus shall I take?

C. I don't know.

D. Is it far from here?

E. Can I take a bus to get there?

F. My pleasure.

G. Thank goodness.

A: Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me how to get to the park?

B: Sorry, ____1______I am new here.____2____

A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the park?

C: OK. Go along this street until you reach the third traffic lights. Turn right. At the end ofthe street you'll see the park.


C: Yes, you can.


C: You can take a No. 3 bus.

A: Thank you very much.



A) 1-5 ACEDB B) 1-5 CDBEA C) 1-5 CABGE D) 1-5 BEAFC E) 1-5 CAFD