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1990年,方文光进入了马来西亚著名的香格里拉酒店集团工作。20岁出头的方文光从酒店销售代表开始做起,到宴会销售经理、高级销售经理再到市场销售总监,一步一个脚印在工作中积累并成长为一个成熟的酒店职业经理人。谈及此处,方文光说,当时作为一个激情四溢的青年,激励他奋斗的就是马来西亚华人首富,香格里拉酒店老板郭鹤年(Robert Kuok)的传奇故事。“Robert Kuok真的很了不起,我很喜欢看他的传记。”方文光说,“作为那些现在还在奋斗的年轻人,我认为,他们需要一个成功人士的激励,也需要给自己设立一个长期奋斗的目标,这很重要。”





2009年上海浦东喜来登由由酒店荣获了TTG旅游大奖――上海最佳会议接待酒店奖。酒店为世博做准备,提供专业完善的工作,特别在方文光的带领下成立了“世博事务小组”。2008年11月13日至14日,中国2010年上海世博会第三次参展方会议在上海浦东喜来登由由酒店的1019平方米的大宴会厅举办,来自不同国家的700多名代表参加了此次会议, 而酒店为了照顾到不同国籍不同信仰的来宾,精心做了各项准备,从客人进入房间的小礼物到当天晚宴的摆台,食物的准备无一不让上海签世博参展协议的各国代表印象深刻、称赞不已。“我们就是要做名副其实的‘世博酒店’,让各国来宾通过在喜来登的入住体验,更加感受到世博会的专业和热情”,方文光说着露出了他一贯的温暖但自信的笑容。问及这近十年在中国的感受与感悟。方文光说,中国文化中的“家和万事兴”的观念是引导他在中国发展顺利的法宝。“与西方文化相比,中国人对‘家’的感情十分依恋与重视。忠诚与爱心、团结与合作,小处讲是家人的和睦与幸福,大处讲是企业的和睦与繁荣。和中国人更在意家人的感受相比可能西方人会更注重自己的感受。”为此,方文光无论到哪里,都灌输着这个“家”的概念,他对自己的“家长”不离不弃,为所属的喜达屋酒店及度假村集团工作近9年。他抱着“建家”的概念打造了自己的管理团队,激发他们的工作激情。一位体贴温柔的中国太太和一个可爱调皮的女儿,他也在中国建立了属于自己的一个小家。







Fang Wenguang “Step forward to China, as my root is there.”

Text/Li Xiao Dong

A person needs objectives and passion

Fang Wenguang was born into a Chinese-Malaysian family in 1969. In earlier days, His grandfather

traveled long way from Canton to Southeast Malaysia in order to make a better living, after spending enormous efforts, he established middle class status and lay the foundation for the family. Both Fang’s grandfather and father had held plum jobs from local banks. As third generation, Fang received prestigious education at St. Francis Xavier University .

Fang Wenguang was only a bit over 20 when he started working for the famous Shangri-la Hotel Group in 1990. He worked through many different positions, starting form Sales, gradually to banquet sales manager, senior sales manager, marketing director, and ultimately became a professional hotelier.

Following his adventurous spirits, Fang Wenguang moved from Penang Pulau to Kuala Lumpur and Thailand to work for hotels in different regions. In 1999, he was brought in front of an opportunity of traveling to China for further adventure and career development. At the time, Southeast Asian hotel industry was devastatingly affected by Asian financial crisis which burst out with significant currency devaluation. “During that period, hotel business heavily depended on European and American tourists, meanwhile they started thinking about exploiting China market.” Driven by his “root seeking’ passion, Fang Wenguang immediately decided to journey to China, despite mainland China was under economic development and high-end hotel industry were almost untapped during the phase.

“As Chinese descendant, I feel the strong passion for going there. Why not? my grandfather came from there, although I can’t speak very well Chinese.” Fang Wenguang smiled.

If there is peace at home, everything will prosper

Fang Wenguang began working in China in 1999, holding the position of Sales Director in Sheraton Suzhou. “Streets were packed with bicycles on those days, now you see cars everywhere, It’s amazing when you witness the rapid growing process of this country.” He also started getting better and deeper understanding of China in the course of working together with his Chinese colleagues. 2004, He relocated to Xiamen where a new Sheraton hotel opened up, he successfully led the marketing strategy and implementation of sales and marketing of the hotel. At work, he particularly enjoyed communication with colleagues and friends in Fukien dialect.

In 2006, Sheraton You You Hotel and Apartment, located in 2010 Expo central exhibition are, come into operation, it was built by You You International Plaza as investor, and is currently managed by Starwood, the professional international hotel management group. The new hotel and apartments, together with existent Shanghai Grand You You Hotel constitutes the city’s largest hotel complex with supply of 992 rooms, it’s also the closest hotel to the World Expo center. In 2008, Starwood decided to transfer Fang Wenguang to take lead in managing the two hotels, intending to make best use of his thorough understanding of China marketing and experience in both local and

international client acquisition.

Shanghai Pudong Sheraton You You Hotel was awarded the best conference hotel by TTG in 2009. As practice for serving the 2010 World Expo, Fang Wenguang has initiated and set up a “World Expo Team” to offer professional services. On November 13 & 14, the third exhibitor conference of World Expo was held in the 1019 square meter large grand ball room of Sheraton You You Hotel. 700 delegates from different countries attended this conference and were left with great impression about the excellent services meticulously provided by the hotel, from welcome kit to banquet set up. “We aim at being the true ‘World Expo Hotel’, spreading the professional image and passion of the city to international guests through offering the best accommodation experience.” Fang Wenguang smiled with confidence. When asked about his open sesame to success career development, Fang Wenguang believed it is his strong family value highlighted in Chinese culture that has facilitated cooperation and solidarity in both work and life. Therefore, he always bears the concept of “family” wherever he goes. He worked for Starwood hotel and resort for near 9 years without leaving the “family”; when he were building his own management team and trying to stimulate passion out of his staff, he indeed considered the team as his “family”; and of course in his life, a true family has been established in China, with his gentle wife and their naughty daughter.

Combine Chinese and Western Cultures in hotel management

According to his staff, Fang Wenguang is open-minded, energetic and full of passion. “you always feel happy when having him around. He has got his own mind, yet amicable and creative.” Miss Tang, hotel’s PR director gave a portrait of him. He is good at cycling and bowling when it comes to sports. Often on weekends, his home becomes the KTV venue for the staff and he himself will function as DJ.

He considered his open-minded-ness as a direct result of western education. And Chinese culture threw equally significant influence on his work and life. He believes well combined western and Chinese traditional values will generate optimal outcomes.

Westerners like to express the-mselves straightforwardly, they are confident and full of energy. For example, his initiation of setting an open kitchen in Chinese restaurant to show western dinners the process of Chinese cooking was very successful, it helped the restaurant attract guests and build brand awareness. He also stressed importance of confidence in management and team work, He likes to encourage employees to seek for and be aware of the strong points on themselves, so that to simulate their work enthusiasm and build mutual trust.

Among Chinese cultural values, sense of morality, responsibility and philosophy of moderation are highly appreciated by Fang Wenguang. For instance, during the world financial crisis, he applied “multiple business approaches with core advantages” to cope with declined occupancy rate. As one of very few hotel complexes in Shanghai, the hotel not only offers superb executive rooms to state heads and medium high level rooms to international business travelers, it also provides ordinary rooms to meet the need of local travelers. Therefore, even in economic downturn, the hotel occupancy rate still kept at 60%, among which 60% to 70% are local Chinese guests.

Fang Wenguang spoke frankly that he is half Chinese and half Malaysia. With siblings in Malaysia, whereas wife and daughter in China, he always considered them as one family crossing two countries. Nearly 10 years working in China, he will continue his China journey. “I love China, so is Malaysia. Chinese Malaysians play the role of bridging the cultures and friendship between the two countries.”

He told us his 4 years old daughter could speak both languages well. “She is not like me, I always pronounce Ma Ma (horse) when I mean Mama (mom), she switches between English and Chinese very fast.” When saying so, he blinked with a sort of father’s softness.