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第一卷 (选择题)

第一部分 听力略(共25个小题,计25分)

第二部分 语言知识运用( 共二节,计30分)

第一节 单项选择(共20小题,满分20分)


()26. Shehatesto go shopping with her mother. She often buys the cheaper things for her.

A. wants B. dislikes

C. likes D. has

()27. You’dbetterlearn how to babysit yourself when we are away.

A. look afterB. have a look at

C. think about D. think of

()28. ―Could I use your car, please?

―Sorry, I have to go to a meeting.

A. makeB. borrow

C. buy D. get

()29. Attheageof4Mozartstarted writing music.

A. When he was very old

B. Before he grew up

C. After he grew up

D. When he was very young

()30. I never go to see the thriller movies because they are kind of scary.

A. soB. a little

C. too D. very much

B) 从A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

()31. ― ______ do you have P.E. lessons in your school?

―Two classes a week.

A. How longB. How soon

C. How many D. How often

()32. ―You’d better do more exercise, and eat ______ food, it’s good for your ______.

―I see. I like to eat junk food sometimes, though.

A. health, health

B. healthy, healthy C. healthy, health

D. health, healthy

()33. ―How long does it take you ______ to school every day?

―Ten minutes. But sometimes I ride my bike to school.

A. walk B. to walk C. walks D. walking

()34. ―If you’re tired and stressed out, you should ______.

―Yes. I think it’s relaxing for us.

A. study hard

B. go to the dentist

C. listen to light music D. stay out late

()35. ―Who is _______, Jack or Tom?

―Tom. But Jack is _______ than Tom.

A. outgoing, quieter

B. more outgoing, smarter

C. smart, more outgoing

D. quieter, outgoing

()36. ―______ you please put two slices of turkey on the bread?

―Sorry, I ambusy now. Canyouhelp me?

A. MayB. Could

C. Must D. Need

()37. ―How was your last day off?

―It was great! I went to the mall and ______ with my friends.

A. hang outB. go out

C. went outD. hung out

()38. ―What do you think of Michael Jordan ?

―I think he is ______ basketball player all over the world.

A. the popular B. very popular

C. more popularD. the most popular

()39. ―Arthur, will you please ______ the dishes? I’ m busy with the laundry.

―Sure, just a minute.

A. makeB. do

C. takeD. fold

()40. ―When was Michael Jackson born?

―HewasborninIndiana ______ August 29th, 1958.

A. at B. in C. on D. for

()41. ―I’m going to____ next year and save some money, because I want to buy a bike.

―Why not ask your parents for help?

A. get a part-time job

B. learn to play an instrument

C. get a lot of exercise D. get good grades

()42. ―How is your hometown, Lin Hua?

―Nowit’scleaner and busier, but _______ fewer supermarkets ago.

A. there are B. there is

C. there wasD. there were

()43. ―Could you please the blender? I want to make milk shake.

―Sure. I can’t wait.

A. look atB. turn on

C. turn off D. look after

()44. ―How was your last weekend?

―It was too _______. It rained a lot and I had to stay at home

A. exciting B. interesting

C. boringD. relaxing

()45. ―WhydoyouthinkTrendyTeens _____ the best clothing store?

―Becauseof the friendliest service.

A. hasB. are C. isD. have

第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Hi! I’m Ross and I live in Washington D.C. Did you know that Washington is the capital of theU.S.? 46New Yorkisbiggerandmore famous, Washington is still the capital.

I like Washington because there’s so much to see and47 . I think you 48find some of the most interesting places in America here. For example, the White House is here. That’s the most famous home in America! We also have the Library of Congress, the biggest library 49 .

Myfavoriteschool 50arecomputer scienceandhistory.Igetalotofhomework,51when I have free time, I enjoy reading thrills and 52 TV.

53weekends, I spend time 54 my family. We often go for walks in one of the large city parks. I also play football with my friends, or we just go to the mall and hang out. When I leave school, I55study history. One day, I want to become president and live in the White House!

()46. A. And B. Although

C. When D. But

()47. A. makeB. take

C. look D. do

()48. A. can B. may

C. can’tD. mustn’t

()49. A. in the world B. in Asia

C. in Japan D. in France

()50. A. food B. subjects

C. showsD. sports

()51. A. and B. so

C. or D. but

()52. A. watchB. watched

C. to watch D. watching

()53. A. In B. At

C. OnD. For

()54. A. with B. on

C. in D. at

()55. A. plan to B. am going

C. plan D. going to


第一节综合知识(共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)


()56. Maria Shrapova is only 21, but is a great ________ player.

A. tennisB. basketball

C. ping-pong D. soccer

()57. Chinese doctors believe people who are too______ should eat more yin foods.

A. weak and tired

B. stressed out and tired

C. stressed out and angry

D. angry and excited

()58. ________ made a great (贡献) to Beijing Opera.

()59. Below are some ideas about American culture(文化) which of the statements is not true?

A. IntheUS, most people dotheir own housework.

B. In the US, people who walk their dogs(公众场合) should clean up after them.

C. IntheUS, sayingthankyouisa commonwayof (赞扬) toacompliment(本能反映).

D. In the US, the bill(帐单) in most restaurants (包括) a service (费用)

()60. Which of the following is green and healthy food?

第二节 阅读理解(共8小题;每小题2分,满分16分)


To parents:

Li Lei is a good student in subjects he likes, but he doesn’t care the ones he dislikes. He should try harder if he wants to be successful.

()61. The school report is about what Li Lei did in _______.

A. spring 2005B. autumn 2006

C. spring 2006D. autumn 2005

() 62. Li Lei’s best subject is _______ and ______ is the worst.

A. Chinese, PE B. Art, PE

C. Art, math D. Chinese, math

()63. From the teacher’s conduct, we know ______.

A. Li Lei is not a good student

B. Li Lei is very outgoing

C. Li Lei does well in his all subjects

D. Li Lei enjoyscomputergames too much

()64. The teacher hopes ______.

A. Li Lei likes what he wants to do

B. Li Lei is not late for class again

C. LiLeishouldcarethesubjects he doesn’t like

D. Li Lei has to be successful


Linlin’s Letter and the Answers

LinlinworriedaboutherEnglish, soshe wrote a letter to a magazine:

Dear editors,

I’ve always been worried about my worst subject―English. Most of the students around me are much better than me. So I get a little discouraged. I know, I am kind of shy. When I took part in some English activities in class or after class, I was a little bit afraid. Although I tried to remember many words and expressions, that was even worse. Myteacheroftentells menot to worry about it. But what do you think I should do?


The editors(出版) Linlin’s letter in their magazine, and two readers answered it:

Dear Linlin,

It’s not difficult to learn English well if you often use it in class or after class. Remember it’s themostimportanttocommunicate with your people around you in English.

Li Ping

Dear Linlin,

We are both girls, but I am more outgoing than you. How can you learn English well if you often keep quiet in class or after class? Please take active part in your English activities. Try to show your English.Don’t be shy! Anybody makes mistakes. Believe in yourself. I hope you’ll do it better!

Wei Wei

()65. Linlin felt discouraged because ____.

A. her father was not happy

B. her English was very bad

C. her teacher was very angry

D. shecouldnot learnall subjects well

()66. How did Linlin study English?

A. Sheoften took partinEnglish activities.

B. She often used English anytime.

C. She often showed her English.

D. She only rememberedwords and expressions.

()67. Li Ping asked Linlin to ______.

A. do more reading after class

B. remember more and more words and expressions

C. communicatewithpeoplein Chinese

D. useEnglishanytime

()68. Wei Wei hopes Lilin should _____.

A. be more outgoing

B. take active part in English activities

C. try to show English

D. A、B and C


第三节 任务型阅读(共9小题:每小题2分,满分18分)


Mind your manners!

Around the world,people have different ideas about good table manners. In India, for example, people only eat with their right hands. Eating with your left hands is very rude!

In western countries, people don’t usually(分享)the same dishes. Everyone has his or her own plate of food. You eat with a knife and fork. You shouldn’t (摇动)them when you aren’t eating. And you should try not to be (嘈杂的)when eating. People think that’s bad table manners!

When you go to some different parts of the world, it’s very important to know what people think is rude. For example, in China it’s OK to benoisyinarestaurant. Ifarestaurant isn’t noisy, youmaythinkit’snotverygood. However, in many western countries, restaurants are quiet places. If a table is too noisy, others may be not happy.

Paying for the meal is also different from country to country. In China one person usually pays for everyone. In western countries, when friends get together, they usually share the cost. This is called “going Dutch”. And they also leave some money for the waiter. This is “leaving tip”. Not leaving a tip is very rude.

The way people eat food is different around the world, but it’s very important to mind your table manners.

A) 阅读上面短文,找出有关信息,完成表格。

B) 再读上面短文,回答问题或补全句子。每空一词。

73. What do you have to do when eating if you are in India?

We have to use our ______ ______.

74. It’s not polite ______ ______ your knife andfork whenyouareeatingwithpeoplein western countries.

75. What do people from western countries think of restaurants?

They think restaurants should be______ _______but not noisy places.

76. In China one person often _____ _____ the cost of everyone.

77. This article is mainly about how to ____ our table ____.










1. 词数80~100个左右。

2. 短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。

3. 短文须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐句翻译,可适当加入细节和适当发挥,使短文通顺、连贯。

4. 文中不得使用真实姓名、校名。

参考词汇:the launching ceremony


build up one’s body strength


more effective


“ Young students sports sunshine ” launched last Friday. The teachers and students in our schoolwereorganizedto


26―30 BABDB31―35 DCBCB36―40 BDDBC41―45 ADBCC46―50 BDAAB

51―55 DDCAA56―60 ADCDD61―64 DCDC65―68 BDDD

69. eat with a knife and fork 70. restaurants are very noisy71. share the cost72. don’t leave a tip73. right hand 74. to wave75. quite places76. pays for77. mind,manners. 78. I studied hard at all my subjects last year.79. We are going to have a party next week.80. We should exercise to keep healthy.

One possible version:

“Young students sports sunshine ” launched last Friday. The teachers and students in our school were organized to watch the launching ceremony together first, and then we went to the playgroundtohave one-hour sports activities, such as running, doingexercisesandplaying basketball . I felt very well after having some sports.

I think it is a good way to build up our body strength. Sports can also let brains have a rest so that our study will be more effective. Iwillkeep on doing it. Ihope more and moreyoung people will join us in sports activities.