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(2012年北海卷)he bridge is over meters long.

A. eight hundred and sixtythree

B. eight hundreds and sixtythree

C. eight hundred, sixtythree

D. eight hundred, sixty and three

【简析】百位数hundred与十位数(或个位数)之间要用and连接,十位数与个位数之间要用连字符号“”,且hundred用单数形式。如,368读作three hundred and sixtyeight。本题句意为:这座桥长八百六十三米多。故答案选A。


(2012年六盘水卷)here are days in a week and uesday is day of the week.

A. seven;third

B. seven; the third

C. seventh; three

D. the seventh; three



(2011年乌鲁木齐卷)he teacher said that of the boys would take part in the talent show.

A. three five[WB]B. three fives

C. thirds fifthsD. three fifths


四、[WZ]hundred, thousand, million[WBZ]等词的用法

(2012年连云港卷)he volunteers sent books to a mountain village school on Childrens Day.

A. two hundreds of

B. two hundred of

C. two hundreds

D. two hundred

【简析】当hundred, thousand, million和billion 表示具体的数目时,用单数形式。本题句意为:在儿童节,志愿者送了二百本书给一所山村学校。故答案选D。


(2012年临沂卷)Did you know that the earth is home to animals?

A. millionB. millions

C. million ofD. millions of



(2012年安溪卷)―When did he become a famous writer?

―When he was .

A. in his fifty

B. in his fifties

C. in fifty years old

【简析】表示“几十”的基数词的复数形式,可用来表示某人的大概岁数或年代。如:hese eggs were found in the Gobi Desert by a group of scientists in the 1920s. 这些恐龙蛋是二十世纪二十年代由一群科学家在戈壁沙漠发现的。本题句意为“他什么时候成为了著名的作者?”“当他五十多岁的时候。”故答案选B。


(2010年聊城卷)―Which class won the match in the end?

―[CM(17]Im not quite sure. Perhaps did.

A. Class hirdB. hird Class

C. Class hreeD. hree Class

【简析】编号既可以用序数词表示,也可以用基数词表示。用序数词表示时,序数词应放在编号名词之前。如:the first lesson 第一课;用基数词表示时,基数词放在编号名词之后。如:Room 321,321号房间。本题句意为“最后哪个班赢了这场比赛?”“我不确定,也许三班赢了。”故答案选C。


(2012年自贡卷)―I hear your friend is visiting Sanya again. Is it the second time for him?

―Yes, and he will come for time next spring.

A. a thirdB. a second

C. the third

【简析】序数词前加不定冠词a/ an, 表示“又一、再一”的意思。如:Please try it a second time. 请再试一试。本题句意为“我听说你的朋友再次参观三亚。他是第二次来吗?”“是的,明年春天他将再来。”故答案选A。


(2010年贵阳卷)“When is your mothers birthday, ina?” “Its on July the .”

A. twentyB. ninthC. five

【简析】日期的表达法:年份用基数词,日期用序数词。如,1988年月1日可以写作:May 1st, 1988 (读作May the first, nineteen eightyeight)。本题句意为“蒂娜,你母亲的生日是什么时候?”“七月九号。”故答案选B。

英语时刻表达法有两种:一种是直接读数字,先说钟点数,后说分钟数;另一种是先说分钟数,后说钟点数,中间要用past或to连接。即:1~30分钟(含30分钟)用“分钟数+past+钟点数”;31~9分钟用“(60分钟数)+to +下一个钟点数”。如:4:20 four twenty或 twenty past four;:4 fifteen to six或 a quarter to six


(2012年北海卷)―What would you like?

―Id like a glass of milk and .

A. two slice of bread

B. two slice of breads

C. two slices of bread

D. two slices of breads

【简析】基数词表计量大于1时,它所修饰的名词要用复数形式。如: two bottles of water (两瓶水); three boxes of apples(三箱苹果)。本题句意为“你想要点什么?”“我想要一杯牛奶和两块面包。”故答案选C。


(2012年无锡卷)he action film has attracted millions of young people to the cinema.

A. 130minuteB. 130minutes

C. 130 minuteD. 130 minutes

【简析】“基数词+名词(+形容词)”构成的复合形容词作定语时,其中的名词用单数形式。如:twoweek holiday 两周的假;an eighteenmeterwide street 一条18米宽的街道。本题句意为:130分钟的动作片吸引了数百万年轻人去电影院。故答案选A。


(2012年黔东南卷)here twelve months in a year. September is the month.

A. are; ninthB. is; ninth

C. are; ninethD. is; nineth

【简析】几个特殊变化的基数词和序数词,拼写时须特别注意。如:four(4)forty(40);five()fifth(第五);nine(九)ninth(第九);twelve (12)twelfth (第十二)等。本题句意为:一年有十二个月,September是第九个月。故答案选A。


1.―Our school is going to hold the Culture Festival.

―I see. And we can take part in activities.

A. tenth; tenthB. ten; tenth

C. tenth; tenD. ten; ten

2.―ow was your weekend?

―Great! It was my grandfathers birthday. We enjoyed ourselves.

A. seventyB. seventieth

C. the seventiethD. seventeenth

3.Our school is so famous that people come and visit it every term.

A. hundredB. hundreds

C. hundred ofD. hundreds of

4.Now, everyone, please turn to Page and look at the picture.

A. welve; fifthB. welfth; fifth

C. welve; fiveD. welfth; five

.About of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the .

A. three five; 1996

B. three fifths; 1990s

C. third fifth; 1997

D. third fifths; 1990s

6. visitors come to Xingyi during May Day holidays every year.

A. housands of

B. wo thousands

C. housand of

D. housand

7.―Well be back for our schools anniversary ceremony.

―I see. hat means youll have a gettogether with your classmates in years.

A. fifteen; seenB. fifteenth; seven

C. fifteen; seventhD. fifteenth; seventh

8.It is five years since we began to enjoy a spring holiday each year.

A. tendayB. ten day

C. ten daysD. tendays

9.―Excuse me, how does this number 18,261 read?

―It reads .

A. [CM(16*2]eighteen thousands, two hundred andsixtyone

B. eighteen thousand, two hundred sixtyone

C. [CM(16*2]eighteen thousand, two hundred andsixtyone

D. eighteen thousands, two hundred and sixty one

10.―Which room do you live in?


A. 201 RoomB. Room 201

C. he Room 201D. he 201 Room

11.―Its 11: 4.

―Yes, its .

A. a fifteen to twelve

B. fifteen past twelve

C. a quarter to twelve

D. a quarter past twelve

12.I am thirsty. I want to buy .

A. two bottles of oranges

B. two bottles of orange

C. two bottle of oranges

D. two bottle of orange

13.Mr. Green worked in a middle school in his .

A. twentyB. twenty years old

C. twentiesD. twentieth

14.In order to find a better job, she planned to learn foreign language.

A. secondB. a second

C. the secondD. two



11~14 CBCB