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[热点一] 对连系动词的考查


1. The food on the plate smells __________. You can’t eat it.

A. delicious B. badly C. well D. bad(南通市)

2. How time flies! Three years__________really a short time.

A. is B. are C. was D. were(滨州市)

3. The neighbours often visit the old man, so he doesn’t feel__________at all.

A. friendly B. lovely C. lonely D. lively(温州市)

4. Don’t eat the food. It__________ .

A. smells badly B. smells bad

C. smells good D. smells well(漳州市)

5. These apples__________well because they__________nice.

A. are sold; look B. sell; look

C. sell; are looked D. are sold; are looked(孝感市)

6. ―Jane, it’s time to go to school. Get up and have breakfast.

―But I am not feeling__________ . I don’t like eating anything.

A. bad B. good C. well D. nice(长沙市)

Key: 1. D2. A3. C4. B5. B6. C

[考点探秘] 英语中的连系动词除了 be(am, is, are, was, were)以外,常见的还有 sound, look, smell, taste, feel, seem 等表示感觉的连系动词; become, get, turn, grow, go, fall 等表示变化的连系动词。值得注意的是,连系动词没有被动语态。

[热点二] 对使役动词和感官动词的考查


1. Don’t make me__________this or that. I’m too busy!

A. to do B. do C. doing D. done(徐州市)

2. Internet bars shouldn’t let people under 18 in or let anybody__________bad things.

A. watch B. to watch C. watches D. watched(甘肃省)

3. ―How do you know that she likes singing?

―I often hear her__________after class.

A. to sing B. sang C. sing D. sings(南通市)

4. I’m sure Tom is at home because I’ve seen him__________upstairs.

A. run B. running C. to walk D. walked(青岛市)

5. He__________in the classroom just now. He__________be there now.

A. heard to sing; may B. was heard sing; must

C. heard sing; must D. was heard to sing; may(孝感市)

Key: 1. B2. A3. C4. A5. D

[考点探秘] 在 let, make, have 等使役动词后面作宾语补足语的动词不定式(短语)一般不带 to。而在 see, look at, watch, notice, hear, listen to, feel 等感官动词后面作宾语补足语的动词不定式(短语)也不带 to,它表示动作的全过程,其后也可以接现在分词(短语)作宾语补足语,它表示动作正在进行。注意:在被动语态中,在这些动词后面作主语补足语的动词不定式(短语)必须带 to。

[热点三] 对指令类动词的考查


1. There are some dangerous fishes in this river, and I’ve warned Jack

__________ here.

A. not to swim B. to not swim

C. swim not to D. to swim not(杭州市)

2. You are so busy. What do you want me__________for you?

A. do B. done C. to do D. doing(陕西省)

3. Please be quiet. We are not allowed__________much noise in the reading room.

A. to make B. make C. making D. to making(泰州市)

Key: 1. A2. C3. A

[考点探秘] 在 tell, ask, want, warn, allow 等指令类动词后面作宾语补足语或主语补足语的动词不定式(短语)都必须带 to, 其否定形式为 not to do sth。

[热点四] 对后接动词不定式或动名词(短语)动词的考查


1. Sam enjoys__________stamps. And now he has 226 of them.

A. to collect B. collected

C. collects D. colletcting(北京市)

2. Would you mind__________more slowly? I can’t follow you.

A. speak B. spoke C. spoken D. speaking(吉林省)

3. Let’s stop__________ . I know a good restaurant near here.

A. to have a meal B. to have a rest

C. having a rest D. having a meal(泰州市)

4. We have worked for three hours.Now let’s stop__________a rest.

A. had B. have C. to have D. having(河北省)

5. ―You forgot__________the door.

―Oh,__________ . I’ll go and close it.

A. closing; so did I B. to close; so I did

C. closing; nor did I D. to close; neither did I(烟台市)

6. ―Do you still remember__________me somewhere in Shanghai?

―Yes, of course. Two years ago.

A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw(重庆市)

Key: 1. D2. D3. A4. C5. B6. C

[考点探秘] enjoy, mind, finish, consider, suggest, practise 等动词后面常跟动名词作宾语。 forget, remember, try, stop 等动词后既可以跟动词不定式(短语),又可以跟动名词(短语),但两者表示的含义不同:① forget to do sth 意为“忘记去做某事”,指应该做某事却忘了去做, forget doing sth 意为“忘记做过某事”,指已做过某事但却把它忘了; ② remember to do sth 意为“记住要去做某事”, remember doing sth 意为“记得曾经做过某事”; ③ try to do sth 意为“尽力去做某事”, try doing sth 意为“试着做某事”; ④ stop to do sth 意为“停下正做的事,去做另外一件事”,此时, stop 为不及物动词, to do sth 作目的状语;而 stop doing sth 意为“停止正在做的事”,此时, stop 为及物动词, doing sth 作 stop 的宾语。

[热点五] 对瞬间动词和延续性动词的考查


1. ―How long has he__________the dictionary?

―For two years.

A. borrowed B. lent C. had D. bought(宜昌市)

2. The students are so sorry to hear that the famous singer__________ for half an hour.

A. has left B. has gone

C. has been away D. has gone away(福建省)

3. He has__________ for two years. Two years__________ a long time.

A. left home; are B. been away from home; is

C. been away from home; are D. left home; is(安徽省)

Key: 1. C2. C3. B

[考点探秘] 英语中的瞬间动词有 come, buy, join, become, begin/start, die, leave, open, stop, borrow/lend 等,这类动词若须和表示一段时间的状语连用时,应将它们转换为相应的延续性动词。具体转换方法如下: comebe here; buyhave; joinbe in; becomebe; begin/startbe on; diebe dead; leavebe away/be not here; stopbe over; borrow/lend keep/have 等。

[热点六] 对易混动词的考查


1. He__________less time reading stories about film stars than before.

A. takes B. spends C. costs D. pays(南通市)

2. ―How much did you__________on the dictionary?


A. buy B. spend C. cost D. pay(安徽省)

3. With the help of the Internet,news can__________every corner of the world.

A. arrive B. reach C. go D. get(天津市)

4. We’re looking forward to__________the World Cup 2006 in Germany.

A. visiting B. watching C. looking(汕头市)

5. Digital cameras are becoming very popular, though some still__________too much.

A. pay B. spend C. sell D. cost(徐州市)

6. ―I suppose we’ll go to plant trees next week.

―Terrific! Planting trees is a lot of fun. I’d like to__________you.

A. visit B. join C. follow D. meet(江西省)

7. ―I hear the weather will__________cold for another week.

―I hope not. I hate cold weather.

A. turn B. last C. get D. stay(武汉市)

8. Oh, Danny.It’s raining outside. You’d better__________your raincoat.

A. put on__________ B. put up C. dress__________D. to wear(河北省)

9. ―I tried to__________you at home several times, but no one answered the phone?

―I was traveling around last month.

A. touch B. reach C. receive D. meet(武汉市)

10. ―Do you think Brazil will beat Japan in World Cup 2006?

―Yes. They have better players, so I__________them to win.

A. hope B. prefer C. expect D. want(武汉市)

Key: 1-5 BBBBD6-10 BDABC

[考点探秘] 英语中,有些动词的词义相近,极易误用。对易混动词的考查在中考英语试卷中占有很大比例,考查的热点主要集中在下面这几组动词上: get to, arrive, reach, come; pay, spend, cost, take; lend, borrow,have, keep; say, speak, tell, talk; hope, want, wish, like, prefer, love, expect; take part in, join, attend; look, look for, find, find out; get, take, bring, fetch; win, beat, hit; forget, leave 等。

[热点七] 对短语动词的考查


1. She is planning on driving. Let’s help her__________some good ideas.

A. come out B. come up

C. catch up with D. come up with(资阳市)

2. ―Jimmy, your books are everywhere on your desk.

―Oh, sorry. I’ll__________right now.

A. put them away B. put them up

C. put them on D. put them down(南通市)

3. ―My parents are asleep.__________the TV, will you?

―Yes, I will.

A. Turn on B. Put on

C. Turn off D. Put off(孝感市)

4. Please__________the lights when you leave the classroom.

A. turn in B. turn up

C. turn off D. turn out(杭州市)

5. Studying abroad is quite different from life in China. It took me nearly half a year to__________the language problem and culture shock.

A. turn over B. look over

C. get over D. go over(江苏省启东中学)

6. ―May I__________this T-shirt?

―Sure, the dressing room is over there.

A. dress up B. find out

C. put off D. try on(浙江省)

7. ―Drugs() have done great harm to some people and their families.

―I quite agree with you, so we should__________them.

A. keep away from B. shut down

C. get on with D. put off(宜昌市)

8. The doctor__________the crying baby, but he couldn’t find out what was wrong with it.

A. looked over B. looked after

C. looked for D. looked out(安徽省)

9. ―Hi, Sam, we’re going for a walk. Would you like to__________ ?

―Great! Let’s go.

A. come along B. come on

C. come out D. come up(江西省)

10. ―The windows are broken and need to be repaired.

―I think so. They can hardly__________the cold now.

A. keep out B. give out

C. take out D. put out(武汉市)

Key: 1-5 DACCC6-10 DAAAA

[考点探秘] 短语动词是英语学习中的一大难点,要想做好这类试题,考生必须在平常的学习中注意掌握每个短语动词的准确意思和用法。其中由agree,come, get, give, keep, put, take, make, try, send, write, look, turn, point 等动词与介词或副词构成的短语动词是历年中考英语考查的热点。

[热点八] 对情态动词的考查


1. ―Must we collect the waste paper and bottles now?

―__________. You can do it after class.

A. Yes, you must B. No, you needn’t

C. Yes, you may D. No, you mustn’t(临沂市)

2. ―Must I park my car behind the building?

―No, you__________ . You__________park it here.

A. mustn’t; may B. may not; must

C. don’t have to; may D. shouldn’t; must(南通市)

3. ―Look! It__________be Jack on the playground.

―It__________be him. Because I saw him enter the school library just now.

A. must; mustn’t B. can; can’t

C. may; mustn’t D. must; can’t(孝感市)

4. ―Where is Mom now?

―I’m not sure. She__________be in the kitchen.

A. shall B. may C. need D. must(杭州市)

5. ―Can I tell my best friend about it?

―No, I don’t want anyone else to know it. You__________keep it to yourself.

A. must B. need C. can D. may(江苏省)

6. We__________talk loudly when we see the sign on the right.

A. must B. mustn’t C. need D. needn’t(浙江省)

7. The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly(开玩笑地) called the World Wide Wait because it__________be very slow.

A. should B. must C. will D. can(苏州市)

8. I__________in this small mountain village when I was a child.

A. use to live B. used to living

C. used to live D. used to life(资阳市)

9. You have already tried your best, so you__________worry about the matter.

A. can’t B. needn’t

C. mustn’t D. couldn’t(陕西省)

10. ―Shall I tell Sally about it?

―No, you__________ . I’ve told her already.

A. shouldn’t B. mustn’t

C. needn’t D. can’t(安徽省)

Key: 1-5 BCDBA6-10 BDCBC

[考点探秘] 中考英语主要考查 may, must, can, need 等情态动词的含义和基本用法,以及如何对以这些情态动词开头的疑问句作出肯定回答和否定回答。