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When coping with[应付] a death, you may go through all kinds of emotions. You may be sad,

worried, or scared. You might be shocked, unprepared, or confused. You might be feeling angry, cheated, relieved[使减轻(痛苦等)], exhausted[疲惫的], or just empty. Your emotions might be stronger or deeper than usual, or mixed together in ways you’ve never experienced before.

Sometimes, the grieving[使悲痛] process has no schedules[时间表] or time limits. Take Marissa, for instance, who lost her mother when she was very young. Now, Marissa is 17, and the road from there to here has been a long and winding[曲折的] one. She told us her story.

Marissa: I was almost five, and my sister was two. My mom was making dinner, and she lost feeling on one of the sides of her body, so she called the neighbor. They called my father, and then they called an ambulance. I really didn’t know what was going on. I was pretty scared. Then, there was an ambulance parked outside, and several strange men in our house. They were paramedics[护理人员]. They put a breathing tube[管子] up her nose, and that was the last time I ever saw her alive.

When Marissa’s dad returned from the hospital that night, he told his daughters what had happened. Their mother had suffered a brain hemorrhage[出血], and was going to die.

Marissa’s dad told the doctors to keep her mother on life

support (machines that were keeping her alive by helping her breathe) until the family could come back and say goodbye.

Marissa: I understood that she wasn’t coming back ever again. They took all the machines out and let us into the hospital room to say goodbye. I was very frightened, because at that point I knew she was dead. I didn’t have to go in if I didn’t want to, but I wanted to. My mother was in the bed, and she had a bandage[绷带] on her head from when they had done an operation to relieve the pressure in her brain. But she looked very normal to me, just like she was sleeping. It was something very comforting to me…And so, that’s when I got the chance to say goodbye. I told her I loved her, and I held her hand.

For Marissa and her family, the next step was going to the funeral.

Marissa: We were told what was going on, that it was a ceremony[仪式] for everybody to say goodbye. My mom had a rose garden at our house, and we brought roses to throw into the grave. It was explained that when you die, you return to the earth.

With her mother gone forever, Marissa was overwhelmed with all the emotions of grief [悲痛].

Marissa: I cried a lot. I was devastated[使破坏] and sad, and it created a lot of stress within our family. I had temper tantrums[发脾气] and I was really easily set off[使爆发]. I was very emotional and sensitive[敏感的]…I had a lot of anger. I felt that it wasn’t fair. I didn’t understand why it had happened to me. I didn’t understand why it happened at all, and why I deserved[应得] it. I also became very clingy[紧贴的] to my father. I didn’t like to be by myself. It inspired this fear…the fear of losing him too. My mom wasn’t sick beforehand, so it made me afraid that my dad was going to die, and that if I wasn’t with him, maybe something would happen.

Marissa was dealing with some difficult emotions, but just as hard was the day-to-day living without her mother.

Marissa: My mom’s death changed the way my life worked. It changed everything that was familiar to me, because every experience now was something without her…Nighttime was the hardest. My mom used to tuck me up[帮(孩子)盖好被子安睡]. It was very hard for me to fall asleep without that.

Back in school following her mom’s death, Marissa felt isolated[孤立的] and different from the other kids.

Marissa: No one else had experienced anything like that, and I didn’t really have anyone to talk to. I felt alone and very afraid. Once I told the other kids, it was always something that they walked on eggshells[如履薄冰,小心翼翼] about. They would make sure not to mention a parent, or they would look at you funny whenever you talked about moms or Mother’s Day.

Before Marissa started first grade, her family moved from Northern California to Los Angeles. At her new school, none of the students knew that Marissa had lost her mother, so she decided not to tell them. She even made up lies to cover the fact that her mom was dead.

Then, when Marissa was in second grade, she started going to group meetings at Our House, a Los Angeles grief support center. She met other kids who had a parent die, and it helped.

Marissa: You sit in a circle of chairs with a bunch[一群] of other kids your age who have experienced almost exactly what you’ve experienced, and they know the feeling. I felt good to go there every week and feel like I wasn’t alone. When I would go back to school, I knew that there were other people out there, at their schools, just like me. It was a great comfort. Group gave me a real sense of belonging, and it helped me work through a lot of the pain.

After Marissa’s mom died, it sometimes felt that life would never be normal again. But as she learned to work through her grief, she also learned that she could find new ways of living, and of being happy.

Marissa: My dad started reading stories to us and we had a new routine[惯例,常规]. It takes a while, but you start to find comfort in those new routines.

Many years have passed since Marissa lost her mom, and she’s past the pain and grief. Now that she’s a teenager, Marissa helps other kids who have had a parent die by volunteering as a Teen Group Leader at Our House, the same organization that helped her.

Marissa: All the kids know when I introduce myself to them that my mother died. They’re free to ask me any personal questions about how I felt, how I dealt with things, anything that they want to. It makes it so that they have an example of someone who’s come out of what they’re feeling and been through it. And it’s okay. I’m okay. I’m normal. I’m happy…and they can just kind of see that.



















