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When I was a pre-teen1), I read Seventeen and CosmoGirl! religiously, dressed up2) at any chance I got, and went to the mall every week. I was very focused on looks and clothes, and, as most pre-teen and teenage females are, trying to be "pretty". Now, I look back at my former concerns and laugh at how materialistic3) I was. But it also gets me thinking about how the importance of looks is drilled into4) us from early on. In movies and shows, the actresses are not only just made to look gorgeous, but their characters are usually complimented5) on their looks by others frequently. In magazines, there are articles about "50 Ways to Get Pretty" and "Makeover Your Image". Even in literature, the female characters usually are attractive, with multiple guys vying6) for their affection7). It seems as though it is a societal belief that life is better or love is easier to find just because you are pretty.

Back to my personal story, I got diagnosed8) with a skin condition9) called vitiligo in the middle of junior high. Vitiligo caused large white splotches10) on my legs, elbows and neck. There is no treatment for it that is 100 percent efficient, and the medication never fully worked on my condition. I started to wear long jeans as often as possible to cover my legs. I tried makeup to cover the white spots. I tried everything I could to hide my vitiligo because I knew that spotted legs and arms weren't "pretty". Two years ago, I finally decided to stop hiding my skin disease with jeans and just wear shorts, skirts and dresses. I stopped using makeup to disguise my vitiligo and just accepted my body the way that it was.

At the time, I thought I made this decision because I had a great summer experience with a college program that made me more confident in myself. While this definitely is not untrue, it is not the sole reason why I decided to be at peace with how I looked. That summer program that I attended in 2010 did not only boost my self-esteem but also made me more ambitious. I became concerned with taking on a rigorous11) course load, getting a job and doing more community service. Looks just stopped mattering so much to me when I realized how many more things I could be doing instead of fretting12)over something that I couldn't fix. And I stopped being so caught up in trying to make my legs, elbows and neck "pretty". "Pretty" became just another word, not some goal that I was expected to meet.

As teenagers, we often stress over13) our looks. We feel that we have to be "pretty". But while it can be fun to get all dressed up, it's important to remember that there truly are more important things in life than looks. Simply remember that "pretty" is just one, single word out of the entire English language.






Tips for Learning

1. drill:该词原本是“钻头,电钻”的意思,作动词可指“钻(孔);打(眼)”,还可以指“钻探(石油或水源)”。而对我们来说,该词更接近我们生活的含义是“(学生的)反复练习”,如grammar drills (反复的语法练习);作动词意为“反复训练”,如:He drilled the children in what they should say. (他反复教给孩子们该说些什么。)此外,该词作名词还有“(士兵的)训练;(军事)演习”的含义。上文第一段中出现的drill sth. into sb.是一个固定短语,意为“将某事反复灌输给某人”。

2. at peace with sth.:这个短语出现在文章倒数第二段。当你对什么东西可以at peace的时候,就说明你可以平静地接受它,心平气和地面对它,不再有生气、不开心等情绪,如at peace with the world (与世无争)、at peace with oneself (心平气和)。